Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 803: Not Knowing the Highness of Heaven and

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Piaotian Literature\u003c/a\u003e Wen Xiuzhu is also an old trader. Zhong Fengmian, the second leader of the Jidao League, suddenly appeared in the haven of Chaos Konghai. Her first reaction was not to greet him in surprise, but to immediately retreat. , shrewd and capable, which Ye Xu admired very much.

"Wen Xiuzhu can lead a caravan, so he is not a flower vase. His future achievements should not be inferior to his father's."

The laughter of Zhong Fengmian, the second leader of the Jidao Alliance, could be heard in the shelter, and he quickly approached several high-rise ships: "My eldest niece, you immediately retreated when you saw your uncle. What is the reason? Second uncle, I always treat you well. Watching you grow up with my own eyes, it’s so strange for you to do this.”

Ye Xu looked up and saw an old man with flying white hair coming roaring through the gate. He was followed by six black-clothed strong men with fierce aura. He could tell at a glance that he was a master who had experienced battles for a long time!

"The second leader of the Jidao Alliance is definitely a Holy Emperor who is even more powerful than Prince Lingxiao. His Taoist gate has been completely opened, and the Taoist charm is faintly heard!"

Feng Suiyun's eyes flashed, he glanced at the other six people, and whispered: "The other six people have such murderous intent, they must be killing without any intention. They are not ordinary Holy Emperors, their strength may be much more powerful than Zhong Fengmian! Xiuzhu Senior sister, our situation is not good..."

Wen Xiuzhu drove the boat back and chuckled: "Second Uncle Zhong, why are you here? My father will be very happy to know this. Second Uncle, please wait for a moment, and I will ask my father to come out!"

Zhong Fengmian laughed loudly: "My eldest niece is joking. The leader is currently in the Jidao King's City, studying his secret knowledge and trying to refine a divine pattern I dedicated to him. How can he have the free time to come here now?"


The building where Ye Xu and the others were on suddenly shook and stopped. But it collided with the building boat behind. Zhong Liangyu stood on the bow of another building boat, forced it to stop, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Wen, since my father is here, why should we leave in a hurry?"

Wen Xiuzhu turned pale, took a long breath, and glanced at Zhong Liangyu coldly. Then he turned to look at Zhong Fengmian and said calmly: "Second uncle, what do you mean?"

Zhong Fengmian approached, waved his hand slightly, and saw six strong men around him raising chains one after another. The five buildings were locked and towed to the safe harbor with a crash.

The quality of these chains is extremely high, and the Tao Yun formed by passing through the abacus of the leader of the Extreme Dao Alliance has not been shattered by the Dao Yun. The materials used should be top-notch divine materials. Although they are not ancestral weapons, they are not far away.

The strong man in black who lifted up these chains has a strong cultivation base. Each one is no weaker than Zhong Fengmian, and even a little stronger!

Zhong Fengmian laughed loudly: "What else can I mean? I just came to take what should belong to me! I have worked hard for the Jida League for so many years, and now the Jida League is getting stronger day by day, and in my hands My wealth has not increased much. It is really hard for me to support a large group of people, so I came here to ask for some hard-earned money from my eldest niece."

"Dad, we are going to be prosperous this time. Not only will we win the divine gold that can be used to refine imperial weapons, but we will also get another big harvest!"

Zhong Liangyu was high-spirited, pointed at Ye Xu, and said with a smile: "The number one person on the wanted list, Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao is also on board. The reward from heaven alone is enough to make us as rich as the enemy!"

"Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao?"

Zhong Fengmian swept towards Ye Xu and was slightly startled. Then he was overjoyed, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Good fortune, great good fortune! Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao, slaughtered fifty-three sons of gods, although he was the first person on the wanted list. But his cultivation level was not high, he was just a Witch King. You For me, this kind of person is at my fingertips! With the Ancestral Armament, Divine King skills, Yuqing Spiritual Veins, and countless wealth, where can I go with this kind of good thing? Maybe even I can become a Witch Ancestor, or even a Divine King! Niece, now that things have happened, there is no need for you to leave!”

"Zhong Laoer, if you kill Ye Xu and Ye Shaobao, you must be one of our Six Evils of Yinshan!" Behind Zhong Fengmian, a man in black said sadly.

"This is natural."

Zhong Fengmian said decisively: "I asked the six of you to take action in order to deal with the Ji Dao alliance leader's plan. How can I not prepare some benefits for the six of you? Kill Ye Shaobao, and as a reward from the king of gods, I only want the ancestor soldiers, the gods Wang Gongfa, Yuqing Spiritual Vein, and other treasures are all yours! However, don’t be too greedy, six of you. You have a bad reputation and are also on the wanted list. If you want to turn against me and kill me to collect the reward, I’m afraid you still have to do it! He will be killed before he reaches the palace of Juntian God!"

The six men and women in black looked at each other and nodded silently, only to hear the leader in black say in a hoarse voice: "Deal!"

"The Six Evils of Yinshan? The six of them are all Holy Emperors who have opened the Taoist Gate and have not yet escaped. No wonder they join forces and can restrain my father's plan!"

Wen Xiuzhu's face turned pale and he smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Ye, Brother Feng, Brother Fu, it is Xiuzhu who has caused trouble for you. Xiuzhu is in danger of escaping this time. I will try my best to stop them later. You take the opportunity to return the way you came and exit the Chaos Konghai!" "

"Six Evils of Yinshan Mountain?"

Ye Xu suddenly remembered that there were indeed these six people on the wanted list of evildoers in the heaven. They were ranked above Demon Lord Black Sky and others. They were notoriously vicious and never left any survivors alive!

These six people do not have a fixed home base, they come and go like the wind, and they are still at large.

"Dad, you are too careful. To deal with a mere Wen Xiuzhu, you actually contacted the Six Evils of Yinshan and gave away a lot of wealth for nothing!"

Zhong Liangyu suddenly jumped into the air and led many masters to attack the building where Ye Xu and others were. His momentum suddenly exploded. He pressed down on Ye Xu and others and sneered: "These people are just chickens and dogs. A child can do it alone." Take them all down!"

Zhong Fengmian's face changed slightly and he shouted hurriedly: "Yu'er, don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Dad, don't worry. The child has been fighting for a long time. He is not a softie like those sons of gods who can be slaughtered by others. Not to mention Ye Shaobao, even if Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai are included, they will not be my opponents!"

Zhong Liangyu laughed heartily, and with great momentum, he descended on the ship, looked down at everyone, and sneered: "Now, I want to kill the Son of God too!"

His eyes were extremely sharp, he glanced at Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai, and said solemnly: "Are you going to join forces together, or shall I execute you one by one?"

Wen Xiuzhu took a step forward, stood in front of Ye Xu and the others, activated the abacus with all his strength, and said sternly: "I'm here to kill this person, you guys leave quickly!"

No one among Ye Xu, Feng Suiyun and Fu Xilai moved.

"Want to leave? None of you can leave."

Liusha sneered, and suddenly the door appeared behind the leader of the strong man in black. The air shook, and a loud bang came from the door. On top of the five buildings, the disciples of the Jidao Alliance exploded one by one. , blood and flesh splattered, and in an instant, thousands of people on the five ships were all dead!

"Brother, don't waste this blood food!"

Another person laughed loudly and offered sacrifices to the Taoist gate. He saw broken limbs and broken flesh and blood pouring in from the five buildings and ships, roaring into his Taoist gate, turning into pus and blood flowing on the Taoist gate.

The other six evil spirits of Yinshan shook the Taoist gate and pressed on the chain, immediately completely suppressing the power of the Jidao Abacus. Wen Xiuzhu was forced to kneel on the ground, vomiting blood in his mouth, and was wilted, but he still managed to hold himself up.

Feng Suiyun looked nervous and whispered: "Brother Ye, how sure are you?"

"Seventy percent." Ye Xu smiled.

Fu Xilai breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Seventy percent is not low. If it were us, we wouldn't be even 10% sure."

Zhong Liangyu's face was stern and angry. He strode forward, suddenly stretched out his big hand, grabbed Ye Xu fiercely, and sneered: "Ye Shaobao, you are too arrogant. You dare to say that there are seven people before you have fought with me." You have no chance of dealing with me!”

Ye Xu stood still and let his big hands grab him, and said with a smile: "When I said 70%, I didn't mean Mr. Zhong."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Zhong Liangyu's big hand landed on Ye Xu, it suddenly exploded and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Although his cultivation strength is not weak, Ye Xu's body is covered with a force field formed by six reincarnations, which the Holy Emperor cannot easily break through. If the strength is slightly weaker, even if you get close to him, you will be crushed by the six paths of reincarnation!

"What I'm saying is, we will kill you, father and son, as well as the Six Evils of Yinshan Mountain. No one will be spared. There is only a 70% certainty."

Ye Xu flicked his fingers and heard a soft pop. A blood hole as thick as a finger was pierced between Zhong Liangyu's eyebrows. The pride on his face solidified and he fell straight back.

Ye Xu's finger shattered all the Dao marks on his body, shattered his Purple Mansion, killed his soul, and destroyed his true spirit.

"As for Mr. Zhong, you are not included in Ye's calculation at all."

Ye Xu blew a breath, blew away a drop of blood from his fingertips, and said calmly: "Although there are not as many as fifty-three sons of gods who died in Ye's hands, each of them is not a coward, but a hero. A hero. How can you underestimate the son of the God King?"


Zhong Fengmian's eyes were about to burst, he yelled angrily, raised his arms, and the Taoist gate fell from the sky, and strands of Taoist rhyme spurted out from the door, roaring at Ye Xu, and shouted sternly: "If you dare to kill my son, I want you to die! "

"Your Majesty has not left yet, I will reunite your father and son!"

Ye Xu flipped his hand, and three thousand worlds surged out of his hand and turned into the Wuhuang Seal. As soon as the seal was sealed, Zhong Fengmian suddenly felt that Ye Xu's hand was getting bigger and bigger, covering the world, as if countless worlds were crushing it!


His Dao Sect was torn apart, and the strands of Dao Yun were shattered by Ye Xu's palm. Countless Dao marks on the Dao Sect were flying in all directions, beeping, popping, and shattering!

Zhong Fengmian vomited blood in his mouth and was shocked in his heart. He turned around and shouted: "Yin Sha Six Sha, let's take action together and kill this person together!"

The Six Evils of Yinshan stood there indifferently, motionless.

Ye Xu took one step forward and came to Zhong Fengmian in the next moment. He continued to slap him with his palm and said with a smile: "Old man Zhong, don't you understand the principle of more monks and less rice?"

Zhong Fengmian felt a chill in his heart, and urged the Taoists to resist, saying sternly: "If I die, even if you can kill this kid, you will never come to Juntian God Palace alive to receive the reward!"

"After we Six Evils monopolize the wealth dedicated to the Eternal Emperor by the Jidao Alliance, then we kill this kid, find a random person to receive the reward, and then kill that person, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

The strong man in black, the head of the Six Evils, smiled and said: "Brother Zhong, don't worry about us, you should still think about how to escape!"

————Three chapters have been updated today, and the chapters that were owed yesterday have been made up. Please support me with monthly tickets, and please subscribe to VIP for the first chapter~~ (To be continued)

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