Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 119: Blue Blood Golden Lotus

Chapter 119 Blue Blood Golden Lotus

Among the twelve beast-transformation pills that Ye Xu refined, many of them have repeated functions. Shi Changqing and others have not been to many places. They have only obtained a few types of spirit-level monster spirits, and there is no golden hair water. Rare alien species such as apes are mostly relatively common monsters.

These elixirs are not of much use to him. For him, only the animal transformation elixirs refined from the souls of monsters in the Three Realms Realm are of some use. However, the spirits in the Three Realms Realm are all of Xiong Zhi's level. The great demon, even the sorcerers of the same level, would not be their opponent if they did not have the sorcerer treasure in hand.

Besides, the great demons of the Three Realms Realm can also refine witch treasures, so it is not that easy to deal with monsters of this level.

"Refining alchemy consumes too much energy. The sorcerer's cultivation is the foundation for survival."

Ye Xu put away these beast transformation pills, then walked into the training room, once again concentrated on training, and sprinted to the Solid Yuan Realm.

At this moment, he has reached the peak of the ninth level of Peiyuan. What he lacks is the cultivation of vitality. He calmed down and practiced hard for several days. Finally, his Dantian expanded more than ten times again, and he successfully entered the first level of Guiyuan!

In his Dantian, the vitality filled the Dantian to the point where it was filled to the brim, and the heat all over his body was overwhelming!

This is a sign of entering the Guyuan stage. For wizards in the Guyuan stage, vitality fills the Dantian, just like a sun hidden under the navel!

The sorcerers of this period are more than ten times more powerful than the sorcerers of the Peiyuan period. Their vitality is so strong that they can control objects, control sorcerers, and kill people a hundred steps away!

Most of the wizard soldiers are extremely heavy, ranging from hundreds of kilograms to a thousand kilograms in weight. The vitality of the sorcerers in the Guyuan period can lift such heavy objects and lift them hundreds of meters, which shows how profound the cultivation of the Guyuan period is!

With a thought in Ye Xu's mind, blue evil dragons swam out from the dantian, rushed out of the training room, and circled and danced in the purple bamboo forest!

Each of these dragons is four to five meters long, and there are a total of thirty-six of them, swimming back and forth between the purple bamboos!

Xiao Yue and others did not have their own cave, so they built a house on Zizhu Peak, which was connected with Gong Yangji's house. Several people were also practicing quietly. Seeing this situation, they couldn't help but widen their eyes. They saw these blue evil dragons. The scales and whiskers are clearly visible, just like a real dragon, spiraling and flying for more than 200 meters, exuding a heavy violent aura, making people fight without fear!

Xiao Yue looked up and saw an evil dragon slowly swimming over their heads. The murderous aura that filled his head made his hair stand on end and made his skin covered with goosebumps!

This was pure murderous intent, stimulating his body to react involuntarily!

"Master Uncle Ye's witchcraft is so murderous, I'm afraid not a few people will die in his hands! Otherwise, it would never be possible to have such ferocious power!"

"Uncle Master has actually practiced such powerful witchcraft. No wonder he doesn't use wizard soldiers. With such witchcraft, any wizard soldier will be shattered with one blow!"

"His witchcraft can actually extend to a distance of more than 200 meters. Could it be that my uncle has already reached the sixth level of Guyuan?"

Several people looked at each other in shock. The first level of Guyuan can push the witch soldiers at most a hundred steps, and the witchcraft can only move a hundred steps away. But if you want to extend the distance of witchcraft to 200 meters, you must have the strength of the sixth level of Guyuan!

However, Ye Xu practices the Zhoutian Xingdou Qi Refining Technique. His vitality and the vastness of his Dantian are far superior to those of ordinary sorcerers. Moreover, he also practices the Nine-turn Yuan Gong, and the quality of his vitality is far superior to others. , so that the effective distance of the power of witchcraft can be extended to 200 meters away!

Ye Xu just tested his own cultivation. He felt that the distance of the nine strikes of the green dragon had reached the limit, and then he took back his energy. He was quite happy in his heart: "After practicing hard, I finally reached the Gu Yuan stage! Mr. Eagle said, I have arrived. Only after the Gu Yuan period can you practice the Nine Transformation Yuan Gong. In this way, the two techniques can go hand in hand without any delay!"

His Nine-turn Yuan Gong has been cultivated to the fifth level, and his energy has turned blue. However, in recent times, Ye Xu has not continued to practice this mental technique. Even so, his body is extremely powerful, and ordinary wizard soldiers cannot hurt him!

At the fifth level of the Nine-turn Yuan Gong, the demand for vitality is simply terrifying. The ancestor who founded the Ye family also practiced this skill to the fifth level. At that time, the ancestor's cultivation level had already reached the ninth level of Fusion Yuan. He was practicing the superior mental skills such as the Manggu Zhuhuha's powerful magical power. His cultivation level was extremely fast, but his cultivation level was still swallowed up by the Nine Transformation Yuan Gong. The realm dropped sharply, falling to the realm of the first level of Fusion Yuan.

Even so, the ancestor still did not fully master the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Yuan Gong. He was so frightened that he had to stop practicing and never touched this mental method again in his life!

Although the speed at which the fifth level of the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong devours vitality is terrifying, Ye Xu has the Star Magnetic Crystal in his hand, and his cultivation has reached the first level of Gu Yuan. The speed at which he can refine Zhoutian star power into vitality is still at the ninth level. It is above the devouring speed of Yuan Gong, so instead of falling, his realm is still slowly increasing.

Although the speed of his cultivation growth is many times slower than before, to outsiders, this speed is not considered slow and is equivalent to the speed of ordinary sorcerers' cultivation.

He has been in seclusion for a month and still hasn't mastered the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Yuan Gong. However, at this moment, his physical strength has reached an incredible level!

Every move he makes and every gesture he makes carries an extremely heavy momentum. When he is quiet, he is as steady as a mountain, and when he moves, he is like thunder. Between movement and stillness, the momentum transforms so violently that it gives people the illusion that the world is falling apart!

"It is a pity that the ancestor who founded the Ye family did not continue to practice the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong. However, he did not have the magical mental method of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Qi Refining Technique. It was indeed difficult for him to practice the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong to the Three True Realms simply by relying on the great power of Mang Gu Zhu He..."

He felt extremely lucky. If he had not practiced Zhou Tian Xing Dou Qi Refining Technique, he would have had to abandon the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong.

These two mental methods were tailor-made for him, and neither of them could be missing!

Ye Xu was very quiet and thought about something. He walked out of the practice room and looked around. He saw that Yunmen Mountain was no longer as deserted as before. There were many more miners mining in the mountains. They should be workers hired by Shi Changqing and others to explore the ore veins and then go to Qingzhou.

"I'm ashamed. As the leader, I didn't fulfill my duties. Thanks to the Five Poison Sect for sending people here. Otherwise, if I were to manage Yunmen Mountain alone, I would definitely be too busy."

Explore the mineral veins, hire miners, pay salaries, sell ordinary minerals, check whether the miners have hidden anything, and take care of the miners' food and daily life. There are so many things to do. If Ye Xu is entangled with these things, then he will have no time to practice!

Ye Xu stood on the top of Zizhu Peak, but saw Xiongbi carrying a wildebeest up the mountain again, and he couldn't help but be curious. Wildebeest is a strange beast living in the mountains and forests. It has sharp horns on its forehead and is extremely difficult to catch. He has seen people taming this kind of monster in Qingzhou as a mount.

Xiongbi carried the wildebeest into the Zizhu courtyard and went into the Jade Tower. Ye Xu separated a wisp of consciousness and followed him into the Jade Tower. He saw that several spiritual fields had been opened up in the Jade Tower. This black bear has a talent for managing a medicinal garden and planted various medicinal materials in different categories.

Among them, the most eye-catching is the medicinal field where the Jade Blood Golden Lotus is planted. Originally, there were only more than 40 Jade Blood Golden Lotuses, but now the black bear has cultivated nearly 100 seedlings.

The bear stretched out his paw to twist the head of the unicorn, and a cavity of hot blood suddenly gushed out. He quickly sprinkled the horse blood into the medicinal garden. The Jade Blood Golden Lotuses moved without wind, dancing their golden leaves like human arms, catching the horse blood and receiving it in the lotus leaves.

Ye Xu was slightly startled, and saw that the horse blood in the golden lotus leaves suddenly boiled up, bubbling with hot steam, and a trace of blood and energy gushed out of the horse blood, like earthworms drilling into the stems and leaves of the Jade Blood Golden Lotuses!

The Jade Blood Golden Lotuses in the medicinal garden were nourished by blood and energy, and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. The nearly 100 seedlings grew five or six inches taller in the blink of an eye, and emerald green flower buds formed on the top. Other Jade Blood Golden Lotuses also became more and more colorful, and some even formed lotus pods!

"This black bear actually knows that the Jade Blood Golden Lotus must be nourished with blood to grow rapidly. This method is not even recorded in the Five Poisons Sutra. It is worthy of being a spiritual beast that is proficient in all kinds of herbs..." The black bear watered the Jade Blood Golden Lotus and walked out of the Jade Building again. Seeing Ye Xu standing outside the door, he squeezed his bear paws and said with a grim smile: "Boy, the master has been bored to death these days. Come, come! Help the master bear to loosen up his muscles!" "Are you sure?" Ye Xu's cultivation has increased greatly recently, and he also wants to find someone to compete with. He is eager to try and said with a smile: "Brother Batian, this is where I practice. Why don't we go down the mountain!"

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