Unparalleled in the world

Volume Two: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 109: Prodigal Women

Chapter 109: Prodigal Women

This is the primordial fetus of the sorcerer. It uses the primordial pill to make the fetus and give birth to the primordial spirit.

The Lord of Baihua Palace uses a pearl as her womb and an orchid as her god. This deep valley orchid is her soul, visible to others.

When Gu Yanzhi, Prince Liang and others saw this situation, they were all slightly startled. They looked at each other and said, "I dare not disobey the palace master's orders."

Niu Jie was also shocked when he saw the orchid in the deep valley in the pearl, and murmured: "The little girl with the surname Su is even more powerful than the last time at the Luofu Island Conference. Last time she was only in the membrane stage of the third child stage. , using Yuan Dan as the embryo, her cultivation level has just reached the sixth stage of the membrane embryo. At this moment, this little Niangpi has actually carried the soul out of the Zi Mansion, fallen into the membrane embryo, and trained into the phantom embryo in more than a year! The sixth level has been promoted to four minor realms, and she has entered the first level of phantom fetus. This kind of qualification is rare in the world. No wonder even the Demon King of Ten Thousand Magics respects her!"

Gu Yan's eyes flashed, and he was extremely surprised: "The strength of the Qingzhou sorcerer cannot be underestimated. The master of Baihua Palace has refined the phantom fetus. I am afraid that in our sect, only the leader and those old monsters in seclusion can rival her... …”

The heads of various aristocratic families in Qingzhou landed one after another, silently.

The Master of Baihua Palace didn't take any action at all. He just sacrificed the phantom fetus that he had cultivated and made the heroes restrain their hands.

Ye Xu also lowered his head and slowly landed on the ground, admiring the master of Baihua Palace in his heart.

"The strength of the Master of the Baihua Palace is almost the same as that of the Master of the Five Poison Cave Palace. He is incomparable in strength. No wonder he can lead a sect by himself and be called the Palace Master."

The more masters he meets, the more he understands the hardships on the path of cultivation. There are many sorcerers who have cultivated to the bright moon stage of the Three Realms, but there are very few people who can reach the level of the Master of Baihua Palace. These people All of them are talented, practice hard, and have their own fate. Only then can they reach the pinnacle of cultivation and stand out from the crowd.

Suddenly, Ye Xu felt weak, and his body was slowly recovering. However, the power of the Beast Transformation Pill finally dissipated, allowing him to return to his original appearance from the golden-haired water ape form.

That extremely domineering power was withdrawn from his body, making him slightly uncomfortable.

His clothes were torn and torn, and he was half-clothed.

Ye Xu immediately offered sacrifices to the jade tower and took out a blue shirt and wrapped it around him.

"The one who beat us into this miserable state is actually a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy..."

"His cultivation level is only at the Peiyuan stage. I can crush him to death with just one finger!"

The heads of the eight major Wuhuang families in Qingzhou looked at him blankly, with disbelief in their eyes. They had a bloody battle with Ye Xu this time. It was so embarrassing, but they didn't expect that Qingzhou was almost flooded and almost all of them were killed. He is actually just a young man of a weak age!

This result was difficult for them to accept.

If Ye Xu was a strong man with a full beard and a sinewy face, they could still think that they and others would be honored even though they were defeated.

But when Ye Xu returned to the human body from the violent ape, he turned out to be a weak-headed young man, and he was gentle and a little thin, which almost made them collapse!

What made them even more devastated was that this young man's cultivation was only at the Peiyuan stage, and he was the lowest level among sorcerers!

In the past, they didn't even bother to take a look at a sorcerer with such a low level of cultivation. But now, it was this little sorcerer who almost killed them!

Ye Xu shocked them no less than the Master of Baihua Palace!

Niu Hao's eyes widened even more, he looked him up and down, and thought to himself: "Is this the boy who tore open the small armor given to me by the Demon King of All Laws? This boy is not big, but he is bigger than me, Old Niu." Vigorous..."

Several family heads were filled with murderous intent, staring at Ye Xu with evil eyes: "The face of my Qingzhou Wuhuang family has been completely lost! This young man is really damned, damned!"

However, Gu Yanzhi was elated and elated. The more he looked at Ye Xu, the more he found it pleasing to his eyes: "What about the heads of the eight great families in Qingzhou? What about the birthday of King Liang? In Qingzhou, you all can't stand out! The one who stands out the most needs to be Count me as a disciple of the Five Poison Sect! I can beat you all to the ground and ask for help everywhere!"

He became more and more proud in his heart and thought to himself: "This disciple of my Five Poison Sect looks thin and refined, but is ruthless in his attacks. He has a bit of the demeanor of my Five Poisons Scholar. No wonder others say that the style of my Five Poison Sect is all inherited from the same origin. …”

At this time, the young girl who had entertained Ye Xu and others in Jubaozhai walked up to Ye Xu and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Ye, my palace master invites you."

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Girl, please lead the way."

He had offended so many masters at the master level this time, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart in front of everyone.

After all, he beat all these family heads violently, and even several of them were almost beaten to death by him. If these family heads turned against each other at this moment, he would only have to use another animal transformation pill.

Everyone watched helplessly as he walked into the Jubaozhai, but no one dared to stop him.

Jubaozhai is the property of Baihua Palace. At this time, the owner of Baihua Palace is in charge, and no one dares to make any changes.

Niu Hao's eyes were shining, and he looked at Ye Xu with envy as he walked into the treasure house, and murmured: "This boy is so lucky that he is valued by the Master of Baihua Palace. Is it because his face is paler than mine? He may not be as good as me. Such thick chest hair..."

Ye Xu walked into Jubaozhai and was led up to the fourth floor by the girl.

Jubaozhai is divided into four floors. The third floor sells witchcraft treasures, but the fourth floor is used to entertain distinguished guests. Even the heads of the aristocratic families are not qualified to enter here.

In the reception room, Ye Xu looked up and saw Su Qiaoqiao, Zhou Shiwen and others sitting in the guest seats, with female disciples from Baihua Palace serving beside them.

Su Qiaoqiao seemed a little embarrassed, holding the flower fox and marten in her arms and not daring to speak.

Fang Chen looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and sat there motionless. Gong Yangji, on the other hand, was restless. He used to have a low status, but this was the first time he saw such a big shot.

But Zhou Shiwen was having a long talk with a plump woman in palace clothes: "Palace Master, please accept me. There is an extra male disciple in the Baihua Palace, and he can look a little more masculine! If nothing else, there can be another one in the world. An outstanding young man like me..."

Ye Xu took a look and saw that the woman was about thirty years old, with a smile on her lips but a faint green air on her face. She was obviously tortured by Zhou Shiwen and was on the verge of going berserk.

The woman in palace clothes said softly: "I really can't accept them. Our Baihua Palace only accepts female disciples..."

"You think of me as a woman, don't you think?" Zhou Shiwen said with a cheeky smile.

The other disciples of Baihua Palace looked at Zhou Dabeard with an angry look on their faces, and said in their hearts: "This man is really shameless. He is so old and has half of his legs in the coffin, yet he has not changed his lust and wants to sneak into the coffin." If I, the Baihua Palace, were not willing to bite the young grass because you had the East China Sea Mermaid Pearl, the Palace Master would have slapped you to death..."

Seeing this, the young girl hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Palace Master, Master Ye is here." After that, she stepped aside.

"Shaobao has met the palace master." Ye Xu stepped forward and saluted, saying.

The woman in palace clothes breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I heard that you have a complete set of East China Sea shark beads. Can you let me see them?"

Ye Xu took out those night-light pearls, and Fang Chen and Zhou Shiwen each took out their own share, a total of twenty-three.

In the reception room, the eyes of the girls from Baihua Palace suddenly straightened, staring closely at these pearls with confused expressions.

The Master of Baihua Palace's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "I hate those little bitches in Luojia Mountain. Last time they got an East China Sea Mermaid Pearl and showed it off to me. This time I brought a whole set to go to them in Luojia Mountain." Destroy the place and make them angry to death!"

Ye Xu was stunned. He saw the Master of Baihua Palace take action twice, without a trace of anger, and with the demeanor of a master. When he heard her words at this moment, Ye Xu was a little suspicious: "This Master of Baihua Palace, why are you listening? They all look like a wasted bitch..."

A girl next to him smiled and said: "Yes! Yes! We will go to their mountain to cause trouble and make them unable to hold their heads up in front of our Baihua Palace for the rest of their lives!"

"Palace Master, let's form a group to ridicule them!"

"After ridiculing them, let's make our Baihua Palace look like the Dragon Palace under the sea!"

The girls were all talking, the discussion was lively, and everyone was extremely excited.

Ye Xu couldn't help being stunned and murmured in his heart: "This Baihua Palace seems to be filled with prodigal women..."

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