Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Entering Witchcraft with Martial Arts Chapter 105: Rampage

Chapter 105 Rampage

In Wudu Cave, he received a total of three beast transformation pills. At that time, Yan Ming, Zhou Shiwen, and Fang Chen each received one pill. However, Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen did not pay attention to these pills, so Ye Xu received his Jade Tower. middle.

The three of them knew nothing about the medicinal properties of the Beast Transformation Pill. They only knew that the Beast Transformation Pill was a pill that could transform a sorcerer's body into a monster, making his body extremely powerful.

Yao Chengxian strode towards Ye Xu and said with a chuckle: "Brother from the Five Poison Sect, I heard that the more you drink, the worse you become. Do you need to drink now?"

Mao Kaifu stood not far behind him, making him feel confident. His energy condensed and quickly formed a green-skinned ghost king, holding the souls of the five sorcerers, filled with a strong ghost energy.

What Ye Xu took was the blue animal transformation pill, in which a golden-haired violent ape was playing in the water. He stuffed the pill into his mouth, swallowed it whole, and whispered: "Brother Zhou, you go to Jubaozhai first. , the Master of Baihua Palace is in charge there, and the people of Ghost King Sect don’t dare to do anything.”

"Master, where are you?" Su Qiaoqiao said with fear in her heart.

Zhou Shiwen dragged her away and said, "Don't ask him, this kid probably has his own plans!"

Seeing them leaving, Ye Xu felt relieved.

The fact that Su Qiaoqiao and others stayed here really hindered him, but after they left, they allowed him to fully display his abilities.

"The power of the elixir that can be treasured by the owner of the Five Poison Cave must be extraordinary!"

He looked calm and slowly activated the medicine. The owner of the Five Poison Cave Mansion has a cultivation level that almost condenses the Yuan Fei. Among the masters he has seen, his cultivation level is second only to that of the master who extracted the golden energy from dozens of mountains. The power of the elixir he left behind is beyond doubt.

Yao Chengxian smiled evilly and said: "Boy, you really don't want to drink, are you going crazy because of drinking?"

Mao Kaifu frowned slightly and said: "Chengxian, stop talking so much nonsense and kill him quickly. Uncle, I have to go to Prince Liang's Mansion!"

Ye Xu strode towards Yao Chengxian and said, "I don't need to drink to kill you!"

The ghost king behind Yao Chengxian became more and more solid, and his ghostly aura became more and more serious. He faced Ye Xu and said with a smile: "I will make you first, and then I will seek out the bad luck of those little guys!"

When Ye Xu took the first step, he didn't feel anything strange at all. When he took the second step, he felt a violent energy surge out of his dantian!

When he took the third step, this vitality had spread to all his limbs, and his bones were crackling and vibrating!

After the fourth step, the muscles all over his body were bulging and swollen, and veins and blood vessels sprouted on the surface of his skin, densely packed and woven into a network, which was extremely terrifying!

He walked forward on the fifth step, and his body suddenly grew three inches taller. On the sixth step, he grew one foot taller. On the seventh step, Ye Xu was already taller and stronger than the black tower-like man who fell from the sky just now!

By the eighth step, he was already like a giant, with muscles bulging out like an old tree's roots, muscles tangled, powerful, and majestic!


His clothes were torn to pieces, his straw sandals were torn apart by the wide and thick insteps, his forehead was protruding and his eyes were like fire, like an angry ape!

This violent ape is nearly four meters tall, and its majestic body is jaw-dropping!

Ye Xu took the ninth step, and his vitality expanded sharply, filling his body, making his cultivation level soar all the way, reaching the sixth, seventh, and eighth levels...


His vitality turned into a scorching sun, burning fiercely. He rushed into the Guyuan stage in the blink of an eye, climbing up from the first level of Guyuan. When he took the tenth step, he rushed to the ninth level of Guyuan. There was another drastic change, and the sun was like The wheel shines all over the body!

Looking from a distance, one feels as if his whole body is covered with a scorching sun that is as high as four meters, burning!

The collision of Yuan Qi Bo caused his cultivation level to instantly reach the ninth level of Fusion Yuan. There were signs of refining the false into the real and transforming into the real Yuan!

A huge wave of water suddenly surged under his feet, holding his body firmly. The water was surging, but it was Ye Xu who transformed into a demon ape, thus gaining the talent of the demon ape and being able to control the water!

The medicinal power contained in this beast-transformation pill was terrifying. He only took a few steps and his cultivation soared all the way to the Three True Realm!

This kind of cultivation is not the vitality of the sorcerer, but the demonic essence of the monster. It is the energy provided in the beast transformation pill. Ye Xu is now a big monster!

The demonic energy in his body was still surging and boiling. The water waves were getting bigger and higher, lifting him to a height of more than ten meters. He felt an incomparable power gushing out of his body, which seemed to be able to move mountains and seas!

Every time he took a step forward, a huge wave automatically formed under his feet, supporting his body.

Mao Kaifu's eyes suddenly straightened, his previous careless look disappeared, his face became extremely ugly, and he murmured: "The earth-level elixir of the Five Poison Sect, the violent ape made from the soul of the golden-haired water ape." Dan, could it be that this kid is a core disciple of the Five Poison Sect, and he even has this kind of elixir..."

Yao Chengxian's eyes widened when he saw it, and he chuckled: "Boy, what kind of witchcraft are you doing? Let me tell you, it's useless no matter how big you become, you will still die in the hands of my Ghost King's Ghost Control Technique!"

Ye Xu turned a deaf ear. He only felt a violent and murderous aura pouring into his mind. He couldn't help but have an extremely strong desire for destruction in his heart, and he wanted to raze everything in front of him to the ground!

When Yao Cheng first saw that he was ignoring him, he was furious and immediately controlled the ghost king to attack Ye Xu. His ghost king was also extremely large, but in front of Ye Xu, he was just a tiny person. Before he could reach Ye Xu, he was surging with anger. The waves shattered!

Mao Kaifu's expression changed drastically and he shouted hurriedly: "Chengxian, hide quickly!"

Ye Xu was attacked by him, and the last trace of reason in his eyes completely disappeared. He was completely controlled by the bloodthirsty spirit. His eyes were blood red. He punched down with a fist. When his fist fell, he encountered Yao Chengxian's Jade Tower first, this place of heaven. The jade tower given by him was crushed directly by his fist!

"Uncle Master, save me!"

Yao Chengxian's face turned pale, and he shouted quickly, and his fist fell directly, smashing him into a meat pie!

This punch landed on the ground, gravel flew out in all directions, and a huge crater with a radius of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the ground!

The surrounding houses collapsed, like an earthquake, and the whole Qingzhou could feel the strong earthquake!

Before Mao Kaifu had time to take action, Yao Chengxian was brutally attacked. He laughed angrily and said, "Kill my nephew. Even if you are a core disciple of the Five Poison Sect, you will definitely die today!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the skull hammer above his head. This skull hammer was made from the skulls of an unknown number of people. When it shook in the wind, the skull hammer suddenly became extremely huge and disintegrated into hundreds of pieces. A skeleton, until it screamed strangely, and rushed towards Ye Xu!

Each of these skeletons is several feet in size. They pounce on Ye Xu and bite hard. The teeth of these skeletons are sharp and have been refined by him for a long time. They can easily tear apart sorcerers of the same level. But when they pounce on Ye Xu, But he only bit out bloody marks and failed to tear off the flesh!

These hundreds of skeletons were flying up and down around Ye Xu, gnawing hard. From a distance, it looked like a big ball of black energy surrounding a violent ape!

Ye Xu had lost all his mind at this moment and was controlled by the vicious aura of the golden-haired water ape. He roared angrily and shook the water around him, knocking these skeletons away!

He exerted force on his feet, bounced up, and rushed towards Mao Kaifu. He opened his mouth and roared, revealing a mouth full of extremely sharp teeth!

"court death!"

Mao Kaifu was furious, and extremely pure essence suddenly rose above his head, as bright as the bright moon, and suddenly turned into a ghost king, roared and rushed towards Ye Xu.

His ghost king is different from Yao Chengxian's ghost king. He holds a mace and whizzes down on Ye Xu's head!


The mace fell directly on Ye Xu's head, and there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and then bounced high, without causing any damage to him!

Mao Kaifu shouted angrily, swung the skull hammer in his hand, and hit Ye Xu again!

Ye Xu roared angrily, raised his fist like a mountain, and smashed it hard. Mao Kaifu screamed and was shot out by the punch, knocking down countless houses along the way!

"Bastard! Master, this is the first time I have suffered such a big loss!"

He vomited blood from his mouth, turned over and jumped up, looked fiercely, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Mao Kaifu was really angry. This was the first time he was in such a mess, not to mention that the other party was just a little sorcerer in the training stage, and he was actually injured.

As soon as he stood up, he saw a huge shadow with a torrent of water pressing down from high in the sky!

Mao Kaifu hurriedly sacrificed the jade tower, and the boundless water crashed down, causing blood to spurt out from all his orifices. Then a huge fist hit his jade tower, and with a bang, the jade tower given to him by heaven was smashed into pieces!

Mao Kaifu was horrified and was punched in the head by Ye Xu. He vomited blood and flew out again!

"Who? Dare to take action in Qingzhou?"

Several majestic voices came from Prince Liang's Mansion, and then several people rose into the sky. It was the heads of several aristocratic families around Qingzhou. They looked around and saw a golden-haired ape rolling up the water and heading towards the Ghost King Sect's thatch. Kaifu gives chase!

The golden-haired violent ape took a step forward, and a huge wave followed at his feet, submerging the houses one after another. The violent ape suddenly jumped up, held his hands together, and hammered Mao Kaifu's body hard!

"I'll beat you to death!" the Golden-haired Water Ape roared.

The faces of the heads of those major families changed drastically, and one of them quickly shouted: "Stop him quickly! If he continues to destroy like this, the entire Qingzhou will be destroyed by him!"

Zhou Shiwen and others had just hid in the Jubaozhai. Seeing this situation, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Zhou Shiwen murmured: "Shaobao has caused a huge disaster this time..."

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