Unparalleled in the world

Volume Two: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 102: Ten Times Brutal

Chapter 102: Ten times more brutal

Although the Yuanyang Dragon Phoenix Cauldron has been damaged and cannot be used to make elixirs, Ye Xu also decided to buy it. Even if the cauldron used by the sorcerers in the Dan Cauldron period is beaten back to its original shape and its level is reduced to a wizard soldier, it is no small matter and its value is far away. It is more than an ordinary alchemy furnace. If it can be restored to its original appearance, it will be an extremely powerful witchcraft treasure.

Ye Xu thanked Ouyang Jing, but the old man did not return the courtesy and walked directly to another room, shaking his head and saying: "Vulgar people also want to make elixirs? What a nonsense!"

"This old guy has his head below his eyes and his eyes are above his head. He talks so rudely!"

Zhou Shiwen snorted angrily, looked at the young girl, and said, "Sister Xiaoyu, why don't you throw him out too?"

The girl smiled and said: "Mr. Ouyang is a guest of Prince Liang's house after all, so he must give Prince Liang some face. But if you insist, it's not impossible to throw him out."

When Ouyang Jing heard this, he stumbled and almost fell down. He hurriedly went downstairs and thought to himself: "What are the backgrounds of these rookies and their reputations are so great? Even the Prince of Liang dares to cut his face..."

Ye Xu randomly selected another pill cauldron and browsed several rooms on the second floor of the Jubaozhai but found nothing that moved him. The third floor was where the witchcraft treasures were stored. He didn't have much interest in the witchcraft treasures. Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen both had witch treasures with them, but they also lacked interest.

When the young girl saw that they only bought two alchemy cauldrons, she was secretly anxious: "The value of these two cauldrons is not as good as the East China Sea Mermaid Pearl. I am afraid that the mission assigned by Aunt Miao will not be completed."

The reason why Jubaozhai has gained such a big reputation in Qingzhou and has not been overtaken by other stores is because of its innocence, so she has never thought about falsely reporting the price to defraud the East China Sea Mermaid Pearl.

Ye Xu walked downstairs, and the young girl quickly walked up to the middle-aged woman and whispered a few words.

The woman looked embarrassed and scolded her a few words. The girl lowered her head and shed tears, choked with sobs.

Ye Xu smiled and said: "Shopkeeper, do you have the Star Magnetic Crystal Stone here? If so, our business can still continue."

The woman's eyes lit up, and she turned back to look at the girl. The girl looked confused, shook her head, and said, "I've never heard of it..."

Ye Xu was a little disappointed in his heart. The Star Magnetic Crystal was a must-have for practicing the Star Dust Formation in the Little Zhou Tian Xing Dust Forbidden Technique. Only by obtaining this mineral could the Star Dust Formation be laid out.

He discussed with Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen for a while, and then said with a smile: "If your Jubaozhai can get a large amount of star magnet crystals, I can do a big business with you. The three of us senior brothers have a complete set. Twenty-three East China Sea shark beads!”

They obtained a total of twenty-four shark beads in Wudu Cave, but one of them was given to Su Qiaoqiao, so Ye Xu concealed one.

"A whole set, twenty-three..."

The woman was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: "If we can get these pearls, our Baihua Palace will be able to shine in the next Ten Thousand Demon King Conference, making those little bitches in Luojia Mountain jealous. Come out!"

The young girl burst into tears and laughed, saying: "After showing off, we can put it on Mount Laoshan and make our Baihua Palace look like a dragon palace, making those little bitches jealous to death!"

"I can't make the final decision on this big business. I will go back to the palace immediately and ask for instructions from the palace master. Are you junior fellow apprentices going to leave Qingzhou in the next few days?"

Ye Xu smiled and said: "We, the senior brothers, are here to pay homage to the King of Liang, and we will stay in Qingzhou for the next few days. If things are settled, just let us know." After that, he and Fang Chen and others walked out of Jubaozhai. .

As soon as Ye Xu walked out of the Jubaozhai, he saw a guard saying hurriedly: "Are you the wise men of the Five Poison Sect? My eldest son has already prepared a banquet in Jingjiang Tower to cleanse the dust of the three of them. Please give them a favor." "

Ye Xu, Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen looked at each other and said with a smile: "Brother, please lead the way."

The guard quickly said: "I don't dare." After that, he walked towards Jingjiang Tower.

Ye Xu immediately gathered with Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen and discussed in a low voice. Zhou Shiwen said: "Shaobao, this prince of Liang has invited us to a banquet. I don't know what he means. I'm afraid he really thinks of us as disciples of the Five Poisons Sect. Something is wrong this time." Big deal.”

Fang Chen gritted his teeth and said: "Now that things have happened, we have to use the name of the Five Poison Sect to cheat everywhere, otherwise if we get involved, we will definitely die miserably!"

Ye Xu thought for a moment and told the two of them: "In order to avoid being exposed, we must be ten times more evil and ten times more brutal!"

The two nodded solemnly.

"Two brothers, after we complete the business with Jubaozhai, what do you plan to exchange for?" Ye Xu asked. He planned to exchange for the Star Magnetic Crystal Stone, but he didn't know what Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen had in mind.

"I don't want anything, I just ask the palace master to let me join their Hundred Flowers Palace!"

Zhou Shiwen had a sly eyebrow and said with a smile: "I heard that all the women in the Baihua Palace are lonely in spring. As the saying goes, only the yin cannot give birth and the yang cannot grow. Only when the yin and yang are harmonious can we have children. My Zhou family has always been thin. Before I came out, , my old man said to me, Shi Wen, I can’t do it anymore, I will leave the task of spreading the branches and prosperity of my old Zhou family to you. Remember to harm a few more girls outside..."

"The Zhou family are all old hooligans!"

Ye Xu cursed secretly in his heart and looked at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen smiled faintly, his original elegance and elegance disappeared, and he said solemnly: "I plan to exchange for a hundred masters of the Yuan Yuan stage, three meals a day, one for each meal, to cultivate my Blood Demon Yuan. Soul Dafa! After eating these hundred masters of the Fusion Stage, I can become a strong person in the Three Realms Realm!"

Zhou Shiwen couldn't help but shudder. He was somewhat joking about joining Baihua Palace, but Fang Chen's words were completely sincere!

"Shaobao, are you sure we really want to be ten times more evil and ten times more brutal?"

When they arrived at Jingjiang Tower, Prince Liang Liang Xuansong personally greeted him downstairs and said with a smile: "All the wise men of the Five Poison Sect have come from afar, but Xuansong was unable to greet you from afar. I have specially prepared a small amount of wine to wash away the dust for you. Please!"

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. Please!" Ye Xu, Liang Xuansong and others went upstairs with smiles and took their seats.

Liang Xuansong didn't mention the killing in the street at all, and repeatedly persuaded him to drink. Ye Xu, who never drank alcohol, declined politely: "When I came down from the mountain, the master didn't let me drink, saying that I like to kill people when I'm drunk. The scene was too horrible to watch. Even the old man can’t stand it.”

Liang Xuansong was sweating coldly on his forehead. Even the elders of the cruel Five Poison Sect couldn't stand it. How bloody should this scene be?

Ye Xu smiled and said: "These two senior brothers around me are not taboos about alcohol. Why don't you, Your Majesty, have a few more drinks with them?"

Liang Xuansong secretly broke into a cold sweat. How could he dare to persuade him to drink? He laughed loudly and waved: "Drinking is a waste of time! Withdraw, everyone has withdrawn!"

Several guards hurriedly removed the wine.

Liang Xuansong calmed down, stood up, bowed to the ground, and said with a smile: "Xuansong has a cruel request. It is my father's birthday in the past few days. I would like to ask some wise brothers to be more considerate and not kill anyone." Then don’t kill anyone!”

Ye Xu quickly returned the gift and said seriously: "Your Majesty, this is serious! We senior fellow apprentices are all honest people and never dare to cause trouble. We convince others with virtue and reason. If someone provokes us, we will tolerate it as long as we can. I only give them a little warning if I have to."

Liang Xuansong stood up and laughed, asked him to sit down, and slandered in his heart: "You Five Poison Sect has a bad reputation. You are lucky if you don't provoke others. Who dares to provoke you? Besides, there are some people who have been warned by you. How many are still alive?"

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