Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Enter Witchcraft Chapter 108: A Clear Conscience (please subscribe f

Chapter 108

Have a clear conscience

Ye Xu and Taboo are so similar. Ye Xu is also very proficient in Taboo's mentality, and even their appearance is very similar. That's why Tianyao Ji asked the Queen of Heaven about the inside story of the battle. (氵kun.


Tian Yaoji uncovered the fact that the Queen of Heaven teamed up with Cangtian Emperor to murder the taboo. This matter was not trivial. When Cangtian Emperor was still alive, he even used his magnificent magic power to erase the memory of taboos from most people in the world. Today, there are very few people in the world. There are only a few people who know what happened in that battle. As for the people who know the inside story of that battle.

The Queen of Heaven is one of them.

Di Hui's face changed slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Military advisor, you have gone too far. Emperor Yuxu and I just have different ideas, not a blood feud. To defeat him, why use conspiracy and tricks? If you can't defeat him, let him do it. What's the matter with the Supreme Lord of the Nine Heavens? If you use conspiracy and tricks to kill him, even if you win, I won't win!"

Tianyao Ji's eyes flickered and she said with a smile: "Your Majesty, aren't you tempted to know the secret of Emperor Yuxu? Know his flaws? There are many connections between Taboo and Yuxu, and they are also very similar. Since the Queen of Heaven Knowing the flaws of the taboo is equivalent to knowing the flaws of Yuxu. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle!"

Di Hui hesitated for a moment and was about to categorically reject it when the Queen of Heaven suddenly chuckled and said: "The Moral Heavenly Lord is a gentleman, unlike me. I do everything and use everything. The reason why I was able to hunt taboos in the first place is I unintentionally learned the root of the taboo."

She smiled slightly and said softly: "It is precisely for this reason that the Cangtian Emperor is moved to join forces with me to deal with the taboo. Otherwise, we don't have much chance of winning in that battle."

"Your Majesty, do you know what the root of the taboo is?" Tianyaoji's eyes lit up, she highlighted the key points, and said with a smile.

The Queen smiled and said: "The root of the taboo is the World Tree. Once the World Tree dies, it becomes a rootless tree, which is equivalent to losing its true body and being chopped off. And..."

She pursed her lips and smiled: "Although the Hongmeng Green Lotus Sutra is wonderful, no matter how powerful the three flowers on the top are, they cannot regenerate the World Tree. Coincidentally, the Qing Emperor planted the World Tree in the Cangtian God Realm, and the Cangtian Emperor's eyelids Underneath, only the forbidden disciple Nanhua Emperor protects him. Therefore, if you want to murder the taboo, you must first kill Nanhua, smash the World Tree, break the foundation of the taboo, and destroy the three flowers on his head. , this is the first step!”

Di Hui and Tianyao Ji were shocked, and they looked up at the sky at the same time. They saw that the World Tree above their heads was vast and infinite. The tree crown covered the nine days. It was so lush and green that it even had the tendency to replace the Nine Heavens Avenue!

"Killing Nan Hua and shattering the World Tree will not save Taboo's life, because he has already proved the Heavenly Lord and is still extremely powerful and cannot be killed easily. This requires the second step, gathering all the God Kings and Emperors in the Nine Heavens God Realm, The soul is entrusted in the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferred God, holding the Three Treasures of the Emperor of Heaven, to fight to the death with the taboo that has no body! "

The Empress of Heaven smiled and said: "In that battle, there were nine emperors in total. Including me, there were ten emperors. The Cangtian Emperor was sitting on the three treasures of the Heavenly Emperor. His strength was that of the Heavenly Emperor, and there were thousands of god kings, but he was surrounded and killed. A disembodied Heavenly King was still mostly damaged, and even the Six Paths Monument of Baolian Conferring Gods was damaged, so that among the surviving Emperors and this palace, there were only three remaining, and more than a thousand God-Kings died. There were only less than a hundred people left.


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Di Hui and Tian Yaoji seemed to see the tragic scene in front of their eyes. An extremely huge six-path stele of Baolian Conferring Gods stood tall. The Cangtian Emperor held the Three Treasures of the Heavenly Emperor, driving the general trend of the Nine Heavens, and challenging the taboo of not having a physical body.

A supreme god king and emperor were not afraid of death, and rushed towards the taboo existence one after another, killing until the sky was dark. A supreme god king, and a supreme emperor were killed on the spot, and their corpses fell like rain. Then these dead emperors and gods, One after another, they resurrected from the Six Paths of Conferred God Monument and continued the fierce battle!

Finally, a jade tower flew in and collided with the Six Paths Monument of the Gods, severely damaging the power of this treasure of enlightenment.

This is the most brutal battle in more than a million years, comparable to the battle in which Emperor Qing killed Haotian. The difference is that Emperor Qing killed Haotian and seized the throne. His name will last forever and he will be praised by the world. The battle between Cangtian and Taboo was filled with all sorts of disgrace, and even Cangtian Emperor himself did not want to be mentioned about it!

"If you want Emperor Yuxu to die, you can indeed use the same method."

The Empress of Heaven glanced at the crown of the World Tree above the nine heavens, drifted away, and said with a smile: "Moral Lord, if the World Tree falls, can the Samsara Heaven Gate be able to resurrect a World Tree? You might as well consider it."

"Your Majesty, this plan is feasible!"

Tianyao Ji was full of energy and said with a smile: "The world tree left by Emperor Yuxu must be his true body. In my opinion, as long as this tree is cut off, we can win without fighting!"

"I'm thinking, what is Yuxu's intention of releasing this world tree at this critical moment when I'm fighting with the Queen of Heaven?"

Di Hui fell into deep thought and murmured: "He planted the World Tree in the Zhutian Divine Realm to cover the nine heavens. Billions of living beings in the Nine Heavens can get the shelter of the World Tree and understand the great avenue contained in the World Tree. Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, then If someone can achieve great achievements through this, the heaven will definitely usher in a prosperous era. What I think is that he will have to bless Jiutian and cultivate countless masters, so that all living beings can resist when the Yuanshi Demon invades... …”

"His Majesty?"

Tianyaoji heard this and knew in her heart that Emperor Hui admired Ye Xu very much. She couldn't help but said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the position of Emperor of Heaven is important..."

Di Hui said decisively: "The position of the Emperor of Heaven is of course important, but facing such a respectable opponent, how can I use conspiracy and tricks to harm him? Military advisor, please don't mention this matter again in the future. I respect what he has done. , Although we have different ideas and different positions, I cannot use conspiracy and tricks to harm such an opponent who seeks the welfare of all living beings. "

"Your Majesty, if you can't take action, the Queen of Heaven will definitely take action!" Tianyao Ji couldn't help but persuade her.

"I can't care about others, I only want myself and have a clear conscience!"

Di Hui suddenly smiled, stretched out his fingers, gently pulled out a memory between his eyebrows, opened his mouth and blew, the memory disappeared, but it was he who erased all his memories about Ye Xu's flaws!

"Military advisor, prepare to proclaim yourself emperor."

Nine days away, Ye Xu suddenly felt two unusual fluctuations coming from the nine days. He couldn't help but stop and looked back. He saw the nine days' avenue surging, and the general trend was converging in two directions. One direction It was the central Juntian Divine Realm where Di Hui was, and one direction was the northern Xuantian Divine Realm where the Queen of Heaven was. I couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

"How can the Moral Heavenly Lord and the Heavenly Empress both proclaim themselves emperors and divide the power of the Nine Heavens?"

Ye Xu couldn't help but be dumbfounded. There are no two masters in the sky. It is almost impossible to divide the nine heavens. However, Di Hui and Tianhou did it. This shows that these two people have reached some kind of agreement to share the world!

His thoughts moved slightly, and the incarnation of Dao in Yuxu Palace immediately collected all kinds of information, and immediately knew the whole story.

"One male emperor and one female emperor rule the world without fighting or interfering with each other. The situation of Jiutian has been established. No one can compete with them for the legitimacy of Jiutian except me."

Ye Xu smiled and said softly: "And I will not fight with them, as long as they regard me as the supreme. Di Hui and Tianhou join forces to take advantage of the general trend of the world to fight against me. It is indeed very powerful and makes people uncomfortable. No need to worry. But if I can achieve enlightenment within three months, it won’t be a problem to fight against them.”

In Yuxu Palace, Ye Xu's Dao incarnation immediately summoned Emperor Taixu and others, and ordered people to go to the two divine realms to congratulate him, but his own body went straight into the Thirty-Three Heavenly Ruins of the Buddhist Realm.

Compared with the Jiutian Divine Realm, it has not formed a major trend for a long time, but the Buddhist Realm has already become a major trend because of the rule of the Great World Honored One. The Thirty-Three Heavens Ruins are protected like an iron barrel. There are Buddhas in every Buddha Realm. , the Buddha is seated, and the luck is connected, turning into countless Buddha lights, one after another, converging to the highest level of tranquil heaven!

This scene is vaster and more spectacular than the Jiutian Divine Realm. It is enough for a powerful person like the God King to see it and cannot help but worship and convert to Buddhism!

Ye Xu crossed the Buddhist realms one by one and headed straight for the quiet heaven. When passing through the 19th level of Ruyi Heaven, he suddenly heard a call from the Buddha: "Why did Emperor Yuxu come to my Buddhist realm?"

Ye Xu followed the sound and saw the Buddha Ruyi Tian, ​​who looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. He immediately laughed and said: "Ruyi Tian, ​​I came here to borrow a few things from the Buddhist world. I have no ill intentions, so you don't have to be afraid. "

"What a joke! How can I, the great Buddha of the Buddhist sect, be afraid of an old devil like you?"

Ruyitian Buddha was furious, turned around and rushed away, roaring towards the quiet heaven, shouting: "Yuxu, don't be so arrogant, just wait, I will go and invite all the senior brothers and the Great World Honored One!"

Ye Xu shook his head and laughed. He took a step forward and followed Ruyitian Buddha firmly to the next level of Buddha realm. Ruyitian Buddha was so frightened that his soul emerged and fled in a hurry. The Buddha who was in charge of this level of Buddha realm was called Wei Xingtian Buddha. Before he could recover, he saw Ye Xu and Ruyitian Buddha "coming hand in hand". He was wondering in his heart when he heard Ruyitian Buddha shouting: "Brother, leave quickly. The old devil Yuxu is coming to kill me. He wants to wash my Buddha with blood." In the thirty-three days of the world, kill all our families!"

The Buddha of the Tiny Thing Heaven shuddered, hurriedly picked up the Bodhisattva Buddha of the Heavens, turned around and walked away, rushing towards the next heaven.

As Ye Xu walked all the way, he saw all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the world rushing towards the quiet heaven. Ye Xu followed the Buddhas in a leisurely manner and thought to himself: "The thirty-three days of the Buddha world are really full of talents. , is much more powerful than my heavenly realm, no wonder the Great World Honored One has the grand ambition to unify the nine heavens and the heavenly tomb..."

But at this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of a bell, and saw the golden bell of the World Buddha buzzing in the quiet heaven, and the sound of the Buddha filled the sky, shocking the world, and it lasted for a long time, but the Great World Honored One knew that Ye Xu was coming. , shaking the golden bell of the Buddha as a warning.

Ye Xu chuckled lightly and ascended to the quiet heaven. He saw the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas descending one after another, golden lotuses emerging from the void, and each sitting next to a golden ancient Buddha of Jambudan Buddha.

"Yuxu, why do you and I want to enter my Buddha Realm for thirty-three days and disturb the purity of Buddhism?" The Great World Honored One raised his hand to stop the noise of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the sky and asked with a smile.

"World Honored One, I am here to borrow a few things from the Great World Honored One." Ye Xu smiled slightly, sat down alone, faced the Buddhas, and said with a smile.

————First update, please subscribe for a monthly ticket!

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