Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 889: The determination of the little emperor

   Chapter 889 The decisiveness of the little emperor

Grand Governor Ji Lin, in terms of seniority, is the same generation as the emperor of Chengde, Ji Man, that is, the grandfather of emperor Yuanzhao, but the blood is far apart. Ji Lin is very sensible and never talks about his seniority. He only recognizes himself as a minister of Dajin. .

Not long after he returned to the Grand Governor's Mansion, he received a summons from the palace. The Grand Governor did not hesitate to change into his court clothes before rushing to the study room of Weiyang Palace and kneeling in front of Emperor Yuanzhao respectfully. .

It stands to reason that he is an assistant minister, the elder of the emperor, and the grand governor of the Grand Governor's Office. His authority in the court can be said to be unparalleled. The emperor's attitude is much more respectful than other ministers, because in front of him is not only the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, but also the head of the Ji family.

   As for the bloodline between the two people, it has been separated by four or five generations, and it is much thinner.

   "My minister Jilin, I meet your majesty."

   Emperor Yuan Zhao was originally sitting on a chair, when he heard this, he got up and looked at Ji Lin, and sighed slightly: "Just get up, the family, you don't have to be so polite."

  Jilin stood up and lowered his hand: "Your Majesty called a minister into the palace, I don't know if it is..."

  The emperor said slowly: "Today Zuo Pushe and Yan Sikong entered the palace together, should the governor know?"

   "Go back to Your Majesty, I know."

   Ji Lin bowed his head and said, "Shen Xiang still wanted to take the minister to the palace to make a presentation, but the minister is in charge of the Grand Governor's Mansion and it is not convenient for him to interfere in political affairs, so he did not get involved."

   The young emperor frowned.

   "Shen Xiang and Yan Sikong want to send troops to the southwest."

   He looked at Ji Lin and said solemnly, "I don't agree with this matter. At the very least, I can't be so impatient. Without any preparation, I will launch an army against the southwest."

   Ji Lin bowed his head respectfully: "Your Majesty Shengming."

   "My saint is useless."

  The Son of Heaven said slowly: "I haven't taken charge of the government now, and the power of the government is not in my hands. If Shen Xiang and Yan Sikong insist on sending troops to the southwest, I'm afraid I won't have much to say."

  The Great Governor looked up at the Son of Heaven and said, "If Your Majesty doesn't agree, the other two ministers will not insist on doing it, and it will save His Majesty's face."

   "Who knows if those big-headed scholars will be stubborn?"

   The term "big-headed scholar" was learned from Li Xin's mouth. The older he grew up, the more appropriate the term became.

Emperor Yuan Zhao sneered: "Those scholars, who think they have the ability to pacify the world, have always looked at people with their nostrils, and regarded themselves as lofty, but now the political power is in their hands, and the relatively stable old sheep in the Shangshutai are also returning to their hometowns. Now, if he Shen Kuan makes a donkey, who can stop him?"

   Ji Lin lowered his head and did not speak.

   When the emperor scolded the prime minister a few words, there was no problem, but as a courtier, it was not convenient for him to scold him.

   Emperor Yuanzhao looked at Ji Lin, frowned and said, "Captain, what do you think if the imperial court wants to conquer the west again?"

   The Grand Governor is in charge of the power of deploying troops in the Great Jin Dynasty, and his position is even known as the Great Sima. He naturally has the most say in the war.

Ji Lin frowned and pondered for a while, and then said, "In terms of military strength, my Grand Jin court is naturally far superior to the southwest. Back then, when Li Houye only brought a right battalion of the forbidden army, he could wipe out the hundreds of thousands of troops in the southwest. The bravery of the Gyeonggi Imperial Army, but today's Southwest is not much better than the Southwest ten years ago."

"It is impossible for the two battalions of the forbidden army near the capital to have a single battalion as they did ten years ago. In addition, there is that mysterious and unpredictable thunder in the southwest, and the court is still unable to do anything about it. All in all, I think the southwest is a A tough bone to chew on."

   "If you bite hard, the imperial court will probably have to do its best."

The so-called do your best, that is to say, the Gyeonggi Prohibited Army has used 80% of its force, leaving only 20% to defend the capital, and the rest to go to the battlefield. When Emperor Wu ruled the world, the Gyeonggi Prohibited Army was almost completely out, and it was only under the leadership of Ye Sheng. In one fell swoop, he broke the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

   But right now, the court cannot and will not do so.

  Emperor Yuanzhao is young, but since he can remember, he is the Prince of the Great Jin. He has been educated for more than ten years to train him as a future emperor, so he still sees the situation of the Great Jin very clearly.

   The little emperor glanced at Ji Lin and sighed slightly.

   "I'm Dajin, and I don't have the sharp sword like Mr. Ye."

   "This matter can be taken lightly and slowly, but not heavy and urgent."

  The emperor sat back in his seat and looked at Ji Lin.

   "What does the governor mean?"

   Ji Lin did not hesitate and fell to his knees on the ground.

   "My lord, obey Your Majesty's orders."

  The Emperor waved his hand.

   "You don't have to do this. I called you into the palace to discuss things with you, not to see you kowtow."

As an assistant minister, Ji Lin didn't need to take such a low profile, but it is already the autumn of the first year of Yuanzhao. Seeing that in more than a year, the emperor will be in charge, so this assistant minister has the most positions. That is more than a year.

Ji Lin has only been in the position of the Grand Governor for two or three years. At this time, he is showing his loyalty to the Son of Heaven. After thinking about the Emperor's pro-government, it is natural that the assistant ministers will not be able to do it, but the Grand Governor of the Grand Governor's Office can still be sat down.

   You must know that Ji Ping, the predecessor of the Grand Governor's House, has been in this position for over twenty years!

   Ji Lin got up immediately and stood respectfully.

  The young emperor sat on the chair, frowned and thought for a while, and then pondered: "The Governor, Shen Xiang and Yan Sikong, most of the time there will be a court meeting, and I will also be there. You will be on my side at that time."

   "This is natural."

   Ji Lin lowered his head and said, "This minister and His Majesty are one family, so naturally they won't stand with outsiders."

   The young emperor looked serious.

"My bottom line is that we can increase troops in Hanzhong, but we must not easily deploy troops to the southwest. The situation in the southwest cannot be solved in a day or two. It will take more than ten or twenty years to take it slow and act rashly. It will shake the country."

   Having said this, after a pause, he continued: "On the side of Mrs. Li, the court cannot send someone to take him back to the capital, everything is as gentle as possible..."

   He has a deep relationship with Li Xin, and the Emperor Taikang has told him more than once that he does not want to be an enemy of Li Xin until he is absolutely sure about the terrible thing about him.

   Ji Lin was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said, "I understand what Your Majesty means."

   "I must do my best to stand on His Majesty's side."

   "But you're just a minister."

  The emperor frowned and said: "The four ministers could control each other. The old sheep is a veteran who seeks the country, but now that the old sheep is gone, there are only three assistant ministers left in the court, and the two big-headed scholars can enforce governance."

   Having said that, the emperor looked at Ji Lin.

   "Captain, listen carefully."

   Ji Lin's expression froze, and he lowered his head and said, "I respectfully listen to the decree."

   "If Shen Kuan and Yan Shouzhuo insisted on marching to the west when the court was discussing, and when I couldn't stop them, I would prepare to abolish the prime minister..."

   "Become pro-government ahead of time."

   Ji Lin heard the words, only felt a little numb in his scalp, he knelt down on the ground again, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty... This is too risky, Your Majesty think twice."

  Abolishing the prime minister is a very risky move. It must be done by an authoritarian emperor. An emperor who is not in power can't do it, and he has no right to do it.

   On the contrary, if several ministers all felt that the little emperor was not enough, they could abolish the emperor and establish another emperor.

   The young emperor looked solemn.

   "I've thought about it many times."

   (end of this chapter)

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