Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Magnolia girl

   Chapter 879 Magnolia Girl

   Lin Hu went on and off, and told Li Xin about the matter.

  Yulan, the woman who was tied opposite him, was also the court lady of the brothel who brought Lin Hu into the game and got Lin Hu arrested for more than a month.

  According to what Lin Hu said, this Magnolia was not a member of Meihuawei, but was coerced by Meihuawei with her family to lead Lin Hu into the urn.

  After Lin Hu was arrested, Meihuawei's people first used high officials and generous salaries to lure him. Lin Hu knew that he was in the game, and he didn't say a word for more than ten days.

After more than ten days, Mei Huawei finally lost patience and began to torture Lin Hu. In the next five or six days, all kinds of torture were used on Lin Hu. , not as much as these days.

   But he gritted his teeth and held on.

   He knew very well that he was able to do this in the southwest because of Li Xin's trust in him, not to mention his relationship with Li Xin from childhood to adulthood. Based on this trust alone, he could not betray Li Xin.

   So, a more cruel punishment came.

   Mei Huawei saw that beating him was ineffective, so he arrested the Yulan girl and tied it across from Lin Hu, threatening Lin Hu to insult the Yulan girl in front of him if he didn't tell Tianlei's recipe!

   You must know that Lin Hu had a very good relationship with the Magnolia girl earlier, and Lin Hu had already made plans to let Muying help him redeem the Magnolia girl from the brothel.

  This process is very painful.

  The people of Meihuawei, in order to achieve their goals, did everything possible, and actually tore the clothes of this Magnolia girl in front of Lin Hu.

In the next few days, they no longer punished Lin Hu, but beat the Yulan girl every day in front of Lin Hu, forcing him to hand over Tianlei's prescription, telling Lin Hu while beating, It was because of him that the Yulan girl suffered such torture.

  For a person of Lin Hu's character, this is even more uncomfortable than hitting him.

   Therefore, when Li Xin broke into this Plum Blossom Guard stronghold, the wounds on the Yulan girl were still fresh, while Lin Hu had no more new wounds.

   After hearing Lin Hu finish this story off and on, Li Xin let out a long breath.

   "Huzi, I have written down this matter, you have a good rest."

  Lin Hu lost a lot of blood, and because the wounds all over his body were not treated in time, many places have become inflamed. At this moment, he still has a low-grade fever and is quite weak.

   He stretched out his hand reluctantly and pulled Li Xin's sleeve, his eyes were red.

   "Brother Xin, I'm not sorry for you..."

   Hearing this sentence, Li Xinxin also felt a little uncomfortable. His nose was sore, and he lightly patted Lin Hu's arm.

   "I know you won't say it. If you don't say it, it means you can survive."

  The Marquis of Jing'an sighed slightly: "Otherwise I wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles from the capital to Jincheng to rescue you."

   "You can rest in peace, I will take care of the rest."

   Lin Hu gritted his teeth and said, "I killed Miss Yulan."

  Li Xin hesitated, but in the end he didn't speak.

   He said something in his heart.

   "It's also she who killed you."

After coming out of Lin Hu's room, Mu Ying and Zhao Jia were both waiting outside. After seeing Li Xin coming out, Mu Ying was the first to step forward and asked in a low voice, "Master Hou, how is Brother Lin? ?"

   "Still having a fever."

  Li Xin's face was expressionless: "The doctor said that if you can survive these few days, you'll be fine."

Meihuawei had set up a private dungeon, and it was naturally impossible to disinfect all kinds of torture tools. When Lin Hu was rescued, many wounds on his body had become inflamed and festered, and he was still having a fever. If the fever persisted, it would still be very dangerous. of.

   You have to rely on your own body to carry it.

   He glanced at Mu Ying and frowned: "I asked you to check the plum blossom guards in Jincheng, how's it going?"

Mu Ying smiled wryly and lowered her head: "This Plum Blossom Guard is extremely alert. After we started to rescue people, they probably hid them all. Yesterday, the subordinates brought people to Suojin City, but they did not find a few Plum Blossom Guard marks, but only arrested five or six people. ."

   "What a powerful plum guard."

   Li Xin groaned, a little dissatisfied.

"With their single-line connection, it is difficult to coordinate the overall situation, that is to say, even if they are unlikely to change the imprint for a while, they will send someone to keep an eye on them, and one will be caught. It's gone!"

  Because of Lin Hu's affairs, Li Xin at this time was a little more hostile.

   Mu Ying bowed her head respectfully.

   "Subordinates obey."

  After he paused, he lowered his head and said, "Master Hou, what should I do with the girl who was rescued with Brother Lin?"

   Li Xin turned his head, repeated what Lin Hu said, then turned to look at Zhao Jia, who had not spoken, and asked, "Brother You An, what do you think?"

   Zhao Jia frowned and said, "Something's not right."

   His mind is the most delicate, and he is much stronger than Li Xin in some subtleties, so he immediately sensed something was wrong.

   "How did Brother Lin know that this Magnolia girl is not Mei Huawei?"

  Li Xin's face was calm.

   "Xu was told by this Magnolia girl before he was arrested."

Zhao Jia continued: "Brother Lin said that it was Mei Huawei who coerced Miss Yulan's family as a threat, but after Brother Lin disappeared, General Mu searched the brothel, and the girl Yulan seemed to appear out of thin air. , I can't find out at all, how did the family appear out of thin air?"

   said, Zhao Jia frowned slightly: "Besides, Brother Lin suffered this great disaster because of this woman. It is impossible for her to pick everything up with just a few words from her."

   Mu Ying frowned and said, "I have seen the wounds on this girl's body. They are all serious wounds, and they don't seem to be faked."

   Zhao Jia looked calm.

   "It is said that the people of Meihuawei are not afraid of death, so what are they afraid of when they get hurt?"

He bowed his head to Li Xin and said, "Master Hou, people's hearts are separated from each other. This woman has already done bad things once. We can't pretend that nothing has happened. Killed to avoid future troubles."

Li Xin frowned and thought for a while, then sighed helplessly: "It's useless for us to think, Huzi believes in this girl Yulan, if we kill this girl, even if Huzi doesn't say it outright, It will also be remembered in my heart, and I will be distracted in the future.”

   "This is easy."

   Zhao Jia's face was calm: "Miss Yulan was seriously injured and died."

   "Is this all right?"

   Li Xin frowned slightly, finally shook his head, and smelled Mu Ying: "This girl Yulan, where is she now, is she awake?"

   "After treating her wound yesterday, she has been falling asleep. It seems that she woke up for a while this morning, and then resumed sleeping. She should still be asleep now."

   "Just wake up."

  Li Xin put his hands behind his back and said, "I'm going to see this Magnolia girl and have a look in person."

   "If I think she's a good person, we'll do our best to cure her, and then we'll do whatever we want."

   Having said this, the Marquis of Jingan stood up, expressionless: "If I think she is a villain, then she will be seriously injured and die tonight, and no one can save her."

   After saying this, Li Xin left with his hands behind.

   Mu Ying sighed, ran two steps to catch up with Li Xin, lowered her head and said, "Master Hou come with me, I will lead Master Hou to see this girl."

  The Marquis of Jing An was expressionless, followed behind Mu Ying and walked towards the yard of this Magnolia girl.

   (end of this chapter)

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