Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 870: Bribery and Bribery

   Chapter 870 Bribery and Bribery

   It is not difficult to see Xiao Zheng. Li Xin can even go directly to the inner courtier in the palace to find Xiao Zheng. The difficulty is how to meet Xiao Zheng in secret.

  Li Xin was the emperor of the dynasty, the general of the Imperial Guard, and could be said to be the pinnacle of foreign ministers, with a high position and authority.

   And Xiao Zheng has been a **** since the Taikang Dynasty. He has been in charge of the inner court for nearly ten years.

   But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

   When Li Xin went to the **** to ask about the medicine that Zhang Daozheng in Longhushan gave to Emperor Taikang, the **** of the inner court once mentioned to Li Xin that he wanted Li Xin to help him.

   At that time, Li Xin did not agree immediately, because there are still things to consider, but now, Li Xin needs Xiao Zheng's help, so this matter can be discussed.

   Therefore, as long as Li Xin can quietly notify Xiao Zheng, there will be no problem in the private meeting between the two.

   Not long after Chen Shiliu left, a little **** in the palace received a note from outside the palace.

   The note asked him to send a message to Xiao Zheng.

Originally, he was only a little **** at the bottom of the inner eunuch, and he would never dare to do such a thing on weekdays, but thinking of the gambling debts accumulated in the past year or two, the little **** gritted his teeth and found that he was going to the Grand Duke today. The **** who cleaned the public house got this job at the cost of five taels of money.

This is not surprising in the palace. After all, this is an errand that may be in close contact with the Grand Duke. If he is appreciated by the Grand Duke and worships the Grand Duke as his godfather, he will be able to ascend to the sky in one step like Xiao Huai, the inner servant and young supervisor. .

  So, that night, when the **** Xiao was serving the emperor in Weiyang Palace and returned to his room, he saw a note on the bed of his room.

   Xiao Zheng took a deep breath and hid this note in his sleeve.


   The next day, in a private house in Liushufang, Li Xin, who was drinking tea, waited for Xiao Zheng, the Grand Duke in plain clothes.

This is one of Xiao Zheng's properties. He has served in the palace for many years, and naturally he will also buy some family businesses outside the palace. However, he does not dare to buy properties in Yonglefang, only Mingdefang and Liushufang near Yonglefang. , each with a number of properties.

   After seeing Li Xin, Xiao Zheng quickly saluted respectfully.

   "I have seen Lord Hou."

  Li Xin got up, pointed to the opposite side of the table, and said with a smile, "Ed-Eunuch, please take a seat."

   Xiao Zheng nodded and sat carefully opposite Li Xin.

   "Didn't you cause trouble for the Grand Duke?"

   Xiao Zheng shook his head and said, "I used to go out of the palace for a day or two every month, and the people in the palace are used to it, so there won't be any trouble."

   said, he looked at Li Xin cautiously.

   "I don't know that Lord Hou called me here..."

  The Marquis of Jing'an took out a few bank drafts from his sleeves, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "Of course there are some things, I need to ask the Grand Duke for help."

  Xiao Zheng's face changed slightly, and he waved his hands again and again.

   "If you have something to do with the Lord, you can just give it to the Lord. It's natural for you to do it for the Lord, but you must never accept anything from the Lord."

  Li Xin pushed the bill of exchange in front of Xiao, and said with a smile, "It's not much. It's just tea money. The Grand Duke receives it, and both of us can rest assured."

   Xiao Zheng lowered his head slightly.

   "Master Hou should talk about things first."

   Li Xin's face was calm, and he said lightly, "I want to know something about Meihuawei."

  Plum Blossom Guard is in charge of the inner guard. Xiao is the **** of the inner guard. He has actually been in charge of the inner guard for more than ten years, so he has actually mastered the plum blossom guard for almost ten years.

   As long as he is willing to say it, Meihuawei is no longer a secret.

  Xiao Zheng's expression changed, then lowered his head and said, "Master Hou is joking, the inner court has not heard of any plum blossom guards..."

  Li Xin looked at Xiao Zheng lightly: "I haven't mentioned the inner court yet, why didn't the Grand Duke call himself?"

   Xiao Zheng looked embarrassed.

Li Xin said with a smile: "Grand Eunuch, I have often been in and out of the palace over the years, and the late emperor also mentioned the matter of Meihuawei to me. Grandduke doesn't need to be so embarrassed. Meihuawei belongs to the inner servant, which is something I already knew. Otherwise, I would not have found the Grand Duke."

   Xiao Zheng took a deep breath and glanced carefully at Li Xin.

   "Master Hou...what do you want to know?"

   "How many people does Meihuawei have?"

   Xiao Zheng frowned and said solemnly, "Not as good as Yu Linwei."

  Li Xin nodded and continued to ask: "At the end of the eighth year of Taikang, after I returned to Beijing from the southwest, did Meihuawei go to the southwest?"

Xiao looked embarrassed, he looked up at Li Xin and said with a wry smile: "Master Hou, it's not that I concealed Master Hou, Mei Huawei has always been directly under the emperor, and it has always been a secret in the inner court, if the whereabouts of Mei Huawei are leaked to outsiders, they will be discovered. It's going to break the car..."

  Jing'an Houye's face was calm.

   "It hasn't been a day or two that the Grand Duke has known me. I have never been a drag on others. The Grand Duke just said that it can get out of your mouth and into my ears."

  Xiao looked hesitant.

   He picked up the tea on the table, took a trembling sip, and said, "Master Hou, after those two years..."

   This time, Li Xin answered without hesitation.

He said solemnly: "Two years later, the new emperor will be in charge of the government. At that time, I dare not say that Eunuch Xiao is still the great **** of the inner court, but I can assure Eunuch Xiao that Eunuch Xiao will not fall to the point of guarding the imperial mausoleum, at least for the rest of his life. That rich."

   "If there is a chance, Eunuch Xiao will still be the **** of the inner court."

At this time, if he directly promised Xiao Zheng that he would still be in charge of the inner court two years later, it would be a bit fake. After all, Li Xin could not decide who the **** of the inner **** was. He lowered the price a little bit, but was more sincere. .

   Xiao Zheng heard the words and was a little moved, but he was still hesitant.

  The Marquis of Jing'an said solemnly, "Grand Duke, no matter what the outcome of this matter is, it has nothing to do with you from beginning to end."

   "Even if I knew it, I found it out myself."

   Xiao Zheng's face turned pale, and he took another sip of tea.

  He looked up at Li Xin, gritted his teeth and said, "Master Hou, then I said..."

   "At the end of the eighth year of Taikang, the late emperor did indeed send a plum blossom guard to the southwest..."

   "But where they went and what they were doing, I don't really know..."

   Lord Jing'an's face sank.

   He took a deep breath: "Does the Grand Duke know, does Meihuawei have anything, the symbols or marks used to connect..."

   Xiao Zheng's face turned pale.

   "Master Hou, this..."

  Some things, once you take the first step, there is no turning back.

   After a while, Xiao Zheng has almost said everything he knows.

  Li Xin slowly got up and said to Xiao Zhengzuo: "Thank you, Grand Duke, Li Xin will remember today's events in his heart."

   He took two steps out and suddenly looked back at Xiao Zheng.

   "Grand Duke, do you know about this today?"

   Xiao Zheng swallowed.

   "No...don't know."

  The Marquis of Jing An nodded and turned to leave. Before leaving, he also gave Xiao Zheng a new glass telescope.

   During the Chengde years, Li Xin made this thing out of crystal. Ten years later, his craftsmen have figured out how to make glass, but even so, this thing is still rare and valuable.

   Grand Duke hesitated for a while, and finally put the money order and binoculars on the table into his sleeves.


   The next day, the marquis of Jing'an, Li Xin, wrote to the imperial court, saying that his mother's tomb had been repaired for ten years, and he wanted to return to his hometown to bury his mother's grave.

   Recommend a friend's novel "This Daming Is Too Fierce", a very good novel, indeed quite ferocious!



   (end of this chapter)

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