Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 862: mother and son

   Chapter 862 Mother and Son

Since he is here to file a complaint, he must throw the feces in other people's faces. At this time, Shen Kuan, of course, will not mention the fault between Shang Shutai and the Governor's Mansion after Mrs. Xie, but will directly throw all the problems. Li Xin's head.

   Although Empress Dowager Xie hadn't had much contact with the government before this, she still presided over the harem. She had been in the world for more than ten years, and she was quite calm. She smiled at Shen Kuan.

   "The Aijia heard that it was Shangshutai and the Governor's Office that made a mistake in the transfer order to the Imperial Army, and Mrs. Li was furious and reported both Shangshutai and the Governor's Office to the Weiyang Palace."

After a pause, she continued: "Aijia doesn't understand what's going on in the court, but according to Aijia's meaning, if something goes wrong, they will slowly discuss and solve it, and you can't let Aijia be a woman People, are you going to take charge of the government on behalf of the princes?"

Shen Kuan lowered his head and said, "My lady has misunderstood the matter. The size of this matter is up to Your Majesty, but Your Majesty is young and is a student of the Marquis of Jing'an, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a decision. Your Majesty is His Majesty's biological mother. I want to explain the benefits and benefits to the empress, and after everything is clear, no matter how you decide, it is the will of the Son of Heaven, and the ministers and others have nothing to say."

   The Empress Dowager frowned slightly.

   "Then Xiang Shen might as well speak and listen."

   Shen Kuan breathed a long sigh of relief and bowed deeply to the Queen Mother.

"As Niangniang said, this matter is due to the negligence of my Shangshutai and the Grand Governor's Office, but the Ministry of War is also guilty. The Marquis of Jing'an indiscriminately found a scapegoat in the Ministry of War, and then put all the guilt on Shangshu. Taiwan and the Grand Governor's Office."

  Shen Kuan can achieve the position of Left Prime Minister, naturally he has his ability, only a few words, although the matter is still the same, but the secret meaning has been completely biased towards him.

"According to the statement of the Marquis of Jing'an, the dereliction of duty of the Ministry of War is the fault of the right servant of the Ministry of War, then the dereliction of duty of my Shangshutai and the Governor's Office can also be blamed on the person who stamped it, and the Marquis of Jing'an directly blamed the entire Shangshu. Taiwan and the entire Grand Governor's Mansion, but he, the Minister of War, has taken it out of it, which is inappropriate."

That transfer order was a mistake made by the three yamen together. The Ministry of War’s sin was shouldered by the right servant Qian Sheng, so Shang Shutai and the Grand Governor’s Mansion could actually withdraw as a scapegoat. After all, the Grand Governor’s Mansion has many officers , Shangshutai also has Shangshutai walking, you can find a scapegoat and take this black cauldron.

   Generally speaking, this is a common way to deal with most things, push a person to take responsibility, and then stop there, no longer hold the superior.

   It was Li Xinman's unreasonableness that forced Shang Shutai and the "responsible person" of the Grand Governor's Mansion onto the flames.

  Shen Xiang's voice was low.

"The Marquis of Jing'an has ulterior motives for this move. He wants to take this opportunity to target me and other auxiliary ministers ordered by the late emperor. Your Majesty is a student of the Marquis of Jing'an. Please wait and ask the Empress Dowager to explain the situation to Your Majesty!"

   "In this matter, the Ministry of War, the Grand Governor's Office, and my Shangshutai are all at fault. Since there is a mistake, the punishment will be whatever the punishment should be. But Mrs. Li is making a big fuss, and I'm afraid he has ulterior motives."

   "Please the Empress Dowager and Her Majesty to investigate."

As soon as Shen Kuan finished speaking, Gong Yang Shu, the oldest, also stepped forward and said to the Empress Dowager, "Niang Niang, the late emperor left four auxiliary ministers to assist His Majesty in managing the state affairs, and His Majesty will not be able to take the throne. For a few months, if you are promoted to pro-government, I am afraid that I will not be able to take charge of the court, and at that time, the power of the court will probably fall to the side."

   This white-bearded grandfather, after saying this, backed away and didn't speak any more.

   Queen Mother Xie frowned deeply.

   After all, she is not good at government affairs. Faced with this dark place, I don't know how many twists and turns, and for a while I don't know how to deal with it.

   In other words, she didn't know who to believe.

   However, Gong Yangshu's sentence "power falls by the side" made her feel a little jealous of Li Xin in her heart.

Empress Dowager Xie lowered her head and thought for a while, and then said: "Prime Ministers, Aijia is just a woman, and doesn't know much about the government, but if a few ministers can find Aijia here, the situation must be serious. The family must bring the words to His Majesty and leave it to His Majesty to decide."

   After she finished speaking, she turned to look at Ji Lin, the left governor of the Grand Governor's Mansion.

   "Does the Governor also think this way?"

   According to the seniority, Ji Lin is the uncle of the Emperor Taikang. The Queen Mother Xie should call him clan uncle, but the bloodlines of the two families are very far apart, so it is only the ruler and the minister, regardless of the bloodline.

  Compared to several Zaifu, Ji Lin was still reluctant to get involved. He sighed deeply and bowed deeply to Empress Dowager Xie.

   "The Empress Dowager, there are indeed mistakes and omissions in this matter. The minister should not listen to the words of others and recommend Zhou Qingyang to enter the right camp of the forbidden army. The matter has come to this point. No matter how the court punishes, the minister is willing to accept it."

   "As for other things, I...don't know."

  Although he was a warrior, he also knew in his heart that a "military institution" like the Grand Governor's Office could not interfere in the complicated court struggle.

   Therefore, even if he was guilty, he didn't want to continue to be involved in this matter.

   Queen Mother Xie took a deep breath.

   "If that's the case, Aijia already knows about it."

   She looked at the last assistant minister again.

   "Yan Sikong also thinks the same way?"

  The unspeakable Yan Shouzhu bowed his head respectfully: "Back to the Queen Mother, this minister and Shen Xiang agree."

   Queen Mother Xie nodded.

   "The meaning of the princes, Aijia has already made it clear, the princes go back for the time being, what to do and what to do, and later the Aijia will pass the meaning of the princes to your majesty."

  Shen Kuan and the others looked at each other, then bowed to the Queen Mother and saluted.

   "The minister and others retire."

   Before leaving, Shen Kuan bowed his head deeply to the Queen Mother Xie and repeated what Gong Yangshu said in front of Yonganmen Gate.

   "The Empress Dowager, one assistant minister is always inferior to four assistant ministers."

   After finishing speaking, Shen Kuan led the group of Zaifu and respectfully exited the Kunde Palace.

  The Empress Dowager sent two eunuchs to see them off.

   After they all left the Kunde Palace, the Empress Dowager, who was sitting on the main seat, was silent for a long time before slowly opening her mouth: "Have you heard what they said?"

  A young man walked out slowly from behind the screen of Kunde Palace, with a complicated complexion, he sat next to the Empress Dowager.

   "After returning to mother, the children heard it."

   Queen Mother Xie glanced at her son and asked softly, "What do you think?"

   Emperor Yuanzhao did not answer, but instead asked: "What did the mother think?"

Empress Dowager Xie frowned, and finally said in a hoarse voice: "Mother is not in the courtroom, so it is inconvenient to talk about many things, but although these people have their own thoughts, they may indeed have made mistakes, but before Zuo Xianglin leaves The last sentence is always right."

   "Four assistant ministers are better than one assistant minister."

   She looked up at her son and sighed slightly.

   "Your father left them in order to contain some of your teachers."

   The little emperor lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked up at his mother.

   "But the mother, the teacher said that if there is no result, he will resign and not do it."

  The Emperor blinked.

   "There is no teacher, my mother and I are in the capital..."

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult too."

   (end of this chapter)

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