Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 852: What does the Governor want to do?

   Chapter 852 What does the Governor want to do?

   After briefly explaining to He Song about the Youying, Li Xin mounted his horse at the gate of the Imperial Army Youying, ready to return to Beijing.

   Zhou Qingyang, who was forcibly fired by him, also mounted his horse at the gate of the camp, preparing to go to the Grand Governor's Mansion with Li Xin to judge.

   Before he left, Li Xin turned his head and said to He Song in a deep voice: "From today onwards, no matter what the imperial court has moved to the right battalion of the Imperial Army, I haven't seen it, and I will never recognize it!"

   He Song sighed, bowed his head and said, "Last general, obey..."

  Li Xin smiled when he saw his embarrassed look.

   "Don't worry, what responsibility is there, I, Li Xin, take it!"

   He Song said with a wry smile: "General, the last commander didn't mean that, but the last commander thought that it would be fine if the general fired Zhou Qingyang, so don't go to the Grand Governor's Mansion, lest things get worse..."

  The military power of the Great Jin has shifted from Emperor Wu to military generals on a large scale, so that the military department that originally controlled the military only controlled the personnel transfer of military generals, and the actual power was far inferior to the Grand Governor's Office, which had the power to transfer troops.

   After joining the Emperor Wu, for more than 40 years, no military attache dared to provoke the Grand Governor's Mansion. After all, even the original Ye Shuai was only a Right Governor in the Grand Governor's Mansion.

  He Song means, let Li Xin make big things small.

   Lord Jingan sat on the horse and smiled.

   "No matter where it is, it cannot be unreasonable, and neither does the Grand Governor's Office."

   After he finished speaking, he shook the reins, and Mo Qi's horse rode away in the direction of the imperial city.

   Zhou Qingyang looked at Li Xin, who was riding atop a horse, gritted his teeth, and followed on horseback.

  He Song is now at the entrance of the Imperial Guard Right Camp, looking at Li Xin's back and sighing slightly.

   "At the beginning, Shuai Ye endured it..."

After Ye Sheng triumphed from the north, the old troops of the Northern Expedition were suppressed by the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Grand Governor's Office. Not to scale.

   Looking at Li Xin today, his situation is actually very similar to Ye Sheng back then.

   However, Ye Sheng chose to enter the Grand Governor's Mansion and took the position of a Right Governor, trying his best to protect himself, while Li Xin rode a horse and rushed to the Grand Governor's Mansion in the capital.

  He Song was born in the family of Chen Guogong's mansion. He naturally knew about Ye Shuai's old affairs. Looking at Li Xin now, he couldn't help feeling emotional.


  Li Xin was from the right camp of the forbidden army early in the morning. He probably spent most of the day in the main camp of the right camp, and it was only in the afternoon when he returned to the capital.

He is a military attache. Although he hasn't been to the Grand Governor's Mansion in recent years, he still knows where the Grand Governor's Mansion is. In the early years, the Grand Governor's Mansion was outside the imperial city, and was moved into the outer city outside the imperial city when Emperor Wu. It is not far from Shangshutai and the Ministry of War.

Since Emperor Wu, the Grand Governor's Mansion has become more and more powerful and can almost control the troops and horses in the world. Therefore, the chief official of this yamen, that is, the position of the Left Governor of the Grand Governor's Mansion, has been firmly in the hands of the clan for 40 years. No foreigner has ever held this position.

   Not even Ye Sheng.

   It is also for this reason that the Grand Governor's Mansion is considered to be an extension of the power of the imperial family. Few people in the entire capital, including officials in the imperial court, are willing to offend the powerful Grand Governor's Mansion.

   But this afternoon, there were some exceptions.

  Because of a young man dressed in black, he entered the imperial city from Yonganmen, and walked to the gate of the Grand Governor's Mansion.

   Li Xin's Ma Yuan was faster than Zhou Qingyang's. He arrived at the Grand Governor's Mansion now, and Zhou Qingyang was still on his way.

   It was already afternoon and evening, and the people in the Grand Governor's Mansion were about to "get off work".

   The guards in front of the Grand Governor's Mansion also recognized Li Xin, and immediately greeted him, bowed his head and clasped his fists: "I have seen the Grand Master, the Grand Master is here at the Grand Governor's Mansion, I don't know... why is it so expensive?"

   "Excuse me."

  The Marquis of Jing'an was expressionless: "Li Xin, Minister of War, please see the Great Governor."

  The two highest positions in the Grand Governor's Office are the Left Governor and the Right Governor. The Left Governor is in charge of the Grand Governor's Office, which is commonly known as the Grand Governor.

   Today's Great Governor is the Great Jin clan, Duke Jilin of Wei State.

   Ji Lin is a branch of the royal family. He was only forty-seven years old this year. He took over the position of the former Grand Governor and became the gatekeeper of the Ji family.

   The position of the Great Governor was also called the Great Sima by the people of the capital.

   After the two guards looked at each other, they slowly lowered their heads: "Teacher will be later, the little one will report it."

  Li Xin nodded and waited quietly at the door.

   One of the guards hurriedly entered the Grand Governor's Mansion and informed him.

Not long after, Ji Lin, the Duke of Wei, dressed in purple, was surrounded by a group of subordinates and came to the gate of the Grand Governor's Mansion. , are you here at the Grand Governor's Mansion?"

  Li Xin took out a document from his sleeve and opened his mouth slowly.

   "Today, Li Xin is the representative of the Ministry of War, and he has business affairs to discuss with the governor."

  Although the Grand Governor's Office controls the military and horses in the world, the personnel power of the military generals is in the hands of the Ministry of War, and the two yamen restrain each other to achieve the purpose of mutual check and balance.

   Ji Lin heard the words, his face was solemn, and he said solemnly: "Master, please come in, let's talk inside."

  Li Xin tucked his hands into his front sleeves and walked into the Grand Governor's Mansion.

   This was the first time he had entered the Grand Governor's Mansion. Under the leadership of Ji Lin, he looked left and right, and it didn't take long for him to sit in the room of the Left Governor.

   After the servants served tea, Ji Lin smiled and said to Li Xin, "Taifu has some business, just ask the servants to send a copy of the documents. Where can I use the Taifu to go there in person."

  Li Xin took out a document from his sleeve and placed it in front of Ji Lin.

   "Look at the Metropolitan Governor's Office, this is the transfer order from the Metropolitan Governor's Office when I went to handle the official business of the Imperial Army's Right Battalion today."

  Jing'an Houye's face was calm.

   He pointed to the seal of the Grand Governor's Office on the transfer order, and asked lightly, "I want to ask the Grand Governor, when did the Grand Governor's Office have the power to transfer generals?"

In theory, the Grand Governor's Mansion controls all the troops and horses in the world. In theory, it can constrain all the armies of the Jin Dynasty, including the forbidden army. However, according to the system set up by Emperor Wu, the Grand Governor's Mansion is only responsible for the deployment of troops, and the Ministry of War is responsible for the personnel of military attachés. Excessive weight, resulting in power imbalance.

   In other words, the Grand Governor's Office has no right to transfer Zhou Qingyang to the right camp of the Imperial Army.

Ji Lin was stunned for a while, then glanced at the document, with a smile on his face: "Teacher misunderstood, I have also read this order, although it has the seal of my Grand Governor's Office, but my Grand Governor's Office is just this People recommend it to the Ministry of War, and it is finally checked and verified by the Ministry of War, otherwise this document will not work."

   Li Houye was expressionless.

   "But it clearly states that Zhou Qingyang will be transferred to Zhechong House in Fangshan, and he will be the commander of Zhechong."

   "Does the Grand Governor's Office ever have the authority to be transferred to a military attache?"

   Li Xin stood up from his chair and glanced at Ji Lin.

   "The Grand Governor's Office controls the military power in the world. The hundreds of thousands of troops in our Great Jin Dynasty are all under the control of the Grand Governor's Office. With such authority, the Grand Governor also needs to intervene in the errand of the Ministry of Military Affairs."

   Having said this, Li Xin smiled coldly.

   "It's just a coincidence that the Grand Governor is still a clan. Li Xin wants to ask the Grand Governor."

   "What exactly does the Governor want to do?"

   (end of this chapter)

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