Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Old servant and new master

   Chapter 844 Old Servant and New Master

  The **** of the inner court is the head of the eight prisons in the inner court. He is not only in charge of the inner court, but also in charge of the other seven prisons and even the plum blossom inner guard responsible for the assassination. It can be said that he is a high authority.

Although the inner court of the Jin Dynasty did not participate in politics very much, in addition to participating in government affairs, the **** of the inner **** can be said to be the pinnacle of the inner court. You must know that even the chief minister of Shangshutai or the general who was fighting abroad saw the inner eunuch. The big **** must be polite.

   After all, there is a Tianmu prison in the eight prisons of the inner court, and there is also a Meihuawei who sees the head but not the tail of the dragon.

Because he has participated in too many secrets of the imperial court, once you retire from this position, there are generally only two options. The first is to go with the emperor who is serving, and the other is to go to the suburbs to guard the imperial tomb, just like Chen Ju. In the event of an accident, he will not be able to enter Beijing for the rest of his life.

The reason why Chen Ju was able to leave the position of the great **** so freely is because the Emperor Taikang was already an adult when he ascended the throne, and there was no place for him in the inner court, and secondly, it was also because he had been with the emperor of Chengde for decades, and the Lord was the master. The servant's love is deep, and he is in his fifties, and his desire for power is far less strong than when he was young, so he can let go of the position of the **** of the inner court so freely and go to Zhaoling to guard the mausoleum.

   But for Xiao Zheng, it is not so easy.

When he was in Chengde Dynasty, he was rewarded by the palace to the **** of Prince Wei's Mansion. He worked in Prince Wei's Mansion when he was young. After His Royal Highness King Wei ascended the throne, he rose to the sky in one step. In charge of the inner guard for ten years.

   Even now, Emperor Taikang passed away, and he was only thirty-five years old.

   This age is the time when a person's career is the most important, even if he is just a eunuch.

At this time, Xiao Zheng, in addition to the master of the Tian family in the palace, can be said to be the same. The eunuchs in the eight prisons in the inner court are his godsons, even some minor princesses and princes, more or less. Look at his face!

   Let him go from a high-ranking **** in the capital to suddenly become an **** who guards the imperial mausoleum for a lifetime. Not many people can accept this gap, and Xiao Zheng naturally can't accept it.

   At this time, there are not many people who can help him.

According to the ancient rules of the Great Jin Dynasty, after the emperor's funeral, the **** around him should step down from the position of inner eunuch. There are only two people who can help him.

   The first one is naturally the Empress Dowager Xie, the biological mother of Emperor Yuan Zhao. As long as the Empress Dowager says a word in front of the Majesty, he can continue to sit in this position and sit down safely.

   The second person is Li Houye in front of him.

Li Houye is the teacher of Emperor Yuanzhao, and he has brought Emperor Yuanzhao to his childhood. Even if foreign officials are not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the inner court, as long as Lord Lihou speaks a few words for him, he will have a great chance. Keep the position of the big eunuch.

   Even if it is bad, you can continue to stay in the inner court.

In fact, he seemed to be going to Jing'an Hou's mansion to find Li Xin early in the morning, but because the internal officials wanted to avoid foreign ministers, he never found a suitable opportunity. This opportunity is.

Hearing this, Li Xin glanced at the big **** in surprise, and then slowly said: "Your Majesty is still young, and he is not familiar with the affairs of the inner court. No matter what, Eunuch Xiao can continue to stay in the palace for a few years, why are you so anxious? …”

   "Always find a way out for yourself..."

  Xiao Zheng looked at Li Xin and lowered his head slightly: "Your Majesty will be in charge of the government in another two years, and most of the servants will be replaced by then. The slaves must... think of something..."

  The Marquis of Jingan was silent for a while, and finally gave Xiao Zheng a deep look.

   "Eunuch Xiao knows that I am a foreign minister, and a foreign minister cannot interfere in the affairs of the inner court."

   Xiao Zheng bowed his head deeply.

   "You are still His Majesty's teacher..."

Li Xin frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "This matter is not urgent, Eunuch Xiao still has at least two years, but Eunuch Xiao has been in charge of the inner court for many years, His Majesty is still young, many things in the palace still need Eunuch Xiao to help , I think at that time, Eunuch Xiao has a good chance to stay in the palace."

   At this time, not long after the new emperor passed away, Li Xin could not have so dryly interfered with the "personnel affairs" in the palace, and it was also a big sin for foreign ministers to collude with internal officials.

   More importantly, Li Xin couldn't be sure that Xiao was not the mother and son who sent him to test him, so at this time, he couldn't agree.

   But after staying in the court for so many years, he also learned the way of speaking of officials and gentlemen, that is, no matter what it is, don't say anything.

   He said this, not only rejecting Xiao Zheng's request, but also giving him a little hope.

   Xiao Zheng got up from his chair and gave Li Xin a deep bow.

   "When that time comes, the future of the slaves will be entrusted to Lord Li Hou."

   Lord Jingan smiled.

   "This matter is not really useful for Eunuch Xiao to find me. There are still two years left. Eunuch Xiao may wish to please the Empress Dowager more. Your Majesty is young, as long as the Empress Dowager speaks, the inner court will still be Eunuch Xiao's inner court."

   Xiao Zheng bowed his head deeply.

   "Slave...I have been taught."

  Li Xin stood up from the chamberlain's chair and bowed his hand to Xiao Zheng. Before leaving, he asked, "Where is Your Majesty now?"

   At this time, Xiao Zheng was solely responsible for the affairs in the palace. He said without hesitation: "I was at Shangshutai in the morning. I should be studying in Weiyang Palace at this time. Lord Hou is going to see His Majesty?"

  Li Xin nodded and sighed slightly.

   "Some clues have been found in the matter of Longhu Mountain. Although Your Majesty is still young, this matter involves the late emperor and should be decided by His Majesty."

   Xiao Zheng lowered his head and said, "Then the servant girl will report to Lord Li Hou."

   "There is Mr. Xiao Lao."


   After a while, Li Xin was already in the emperor's study in Weiyang Palace.

At this time, in the emperor's study, a pile of thick documents were piled up, all of which were written by a few walking from the Shangshutai, and the documents were copied from the Shangshutai. In the past two months, the emperor, in addition to listening to the Confucian Confucianism and giving lectures, In the morning, I usually consult with several prime ministers on state affairs in the Shangshutai, and in the afternoon, I will have someone copy the documents of the Shangshutai to the Weiyang Palace, and I will think about it slowly and work very hard.

   When Li Xin walked in, the young emperor was still looking at the manuscripts that had been approved by the Shangshutai.

  The Marquis of Jing'an walked in with his hands down, bending over to salute.

   "Li Xin of the Ministry of War, I have seen His Majesty."

  The etiquette of the Great Jin Dynasty was not very strict. Except for kneeling when meeting the emperor in public, ministers did not need to kneel when they saw the emperor in private. What’s more, Li Xin was now the emperor’s teacher, so he didn’t have to kneel before the emperor.

   Emperor Yuanzhao heard Li Xin's voice, and immediately ran out from behind the desk, and personally helped Li Xin up.

  The young emperor was very happy to see Li Xin.

   "Teacher, you finally came to see me in the palace."

   He ascended the throne not long ago, and he did not even ascend the throne, so he had not yet developed the habit of calling himself "I".

  Li Xin raised his head and glanced at the child he had brought up from childhood, and smiled slightly.

   "Your Majesty, I may have found out the cause of the late emperor's death."

   Originally, in two months, the pain of Yuan Zhao Tianzi's loss of his father had subsided a lot. At this time, when Li Xin mentioned his father, the smile on the young man's face immediately subsided.

   He stretched out his hand, trembling slightly.

"let me see…"

   (end of this chapter)

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