Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 840: Yuan Zhao first year

   Chapter 840 The first year of Yuanzhao

   Originally, on the first day of the new year’s change to the Yuan Dynasty, the imperial court should announce the new era name, but because the Emperor Taikang died in the twelfth lunar month, many things were suddenly overwhelmed, and the yamen of the Ministry of Rites was too busy, so there was no time.

It was not until the 16th day of the twelfth lunar month, after the end of the New Year's holiday, that several servants of the Ministry of Rites gathered together, turned through many ancient books, and gave a year title of "Yuanzhao", which means the return of one yuan, the beginning of heaven and earth. Zhao Zhao.

When the Emperor Taikang changed his Yuan, the Ministry of Rites gave him many years of goodwill, but he was not satisfied. The word Taikang was given to him by Li Xin, but now the new Emperor is still a young man, and he doesn't look like him. His father seized the throne in a coup d'etat, so he didn't have much right to speak at the moment, so he recognized the era title of Yuan Zhao.

The reign title of the emperor of the Jin Dynasty is generally only used for one emperor. Unless there is a particularly big change, the Yuan can be changed in the middle. For example, because Emperor Wu ruled the world, there were two era titles: vertical arch and Shengong, and the emperor of Chengde was in charge of the dynasty. In the past 20 years, only Chengde has an era name.

  If there is no accident, the two words Yuanzhao will accompany the new emperor all his life, until he sleeps in the emperor's mausoleum.

   This year is the first year of Yuanzhao.

  The Taikang Dynasty, which lasted for ten years, finally came to an end.

  The time is very fast. In February of the first year of Yuanzhao, the wildflowers on the roadside began to sprout, and everything sprouted.

At this time, two or three months have passed since the new emperor ascended the throne, because Li Xin and the Ye family are on the side of the emperor. During these two or three months, the capital can be said to be calm. If you have to say that there is any change , that is the four major auxiliary ministers set in the will, and now everyone's home is overcrowded, and there are people visiting almost all the time.

   The time for the imperial enthronement ceremony was also determined, and it was set on February 27th.

  Shangshutai, the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, and Xiao Zheng in the palace were all busy preparing for the ceremony.

The main purpose of the    enthronement ceremony is to make sacrifices to heaven and earth, to establish the identity of the "Son of Heaven", and to establish orthodoxy.

  The upper and lower part of the imperial court is busy, some people are busy with the succession of the new king, and some people are busy running up and down, running everywhere, wanting to occupy a place in the new dynasty.

   Some of them followed the path of the Xie family, the mother of the emperor, some followed the path of the four auxiliary ministers, and some followed the path of the Marquis of Jing'an.

  The Marquis of Jing'an has been deserted for a while, and during this time there is also a scene of a crowded city.

   But at this time, the Marquis of Jing'an didn't pay attention to the affairs in the court, and he didn't have the mind to pay attention to these speculators who came to the door.

  Because, Xie Dai, who was sent to Longhu Mountain, brought the people from Longhu Mountain back to Beijing!

  The lineage of Longhu Mountain began to flourish from Zhang Tianshi. After Zhang Tianshi, the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain was named Tianshi for generations. The imperial court was easier and the Tianshi was not easy. It was almost on the same level as a certain sage family, and its status was extremely noble!

During the ten years of the Taikang Dynasty, there were always people in Longhu Mountain in the capital, but every year around the New Year's Day, people from Zhang's family would return to Longhu Mountain to worship their ancestors. Not a single Shanzhang family is in the capital!

Later, it was mentioned by Li Xin and Empress Dowager Xie that Empress Dowager Xie sent Yu Linwei to Longhu Mountain to pick up people. It took almost two months for Xie Dai to bring people into Longhu Mountain and finally take Zhang's family. brought back to the capital!

   Speaking of which, Li Xin's "job" is actually the Minister of the Ministry of War. He should not have been in charge of this matter, but since the new emperor ascended the throne, he has not been to the Ministry of War once in two months.

   Xie Jun, the former old servant of the Ministry of War, has already retired and returned to his hometown. The two servants of the current Ministry of War are Ye Lin, Marquis of Ningling, and Qian Sheng, the servant.

Although Qian Sheng also came from a noble family and a scholarly family, he was naturally inferior to Ye Lin in terms of power, so Li Xin did not go to the Ministry of War, but in fact handed over the Ministry of War to the fourth master of the Ye family. After all, Ye Lin In the future, he will not have the opportunity to take charge of the army. He has been in the Ministry of War for a few years, and he has a good chance to become the minister of the Ministry of War in the future. Li Xin can also be regarded as letting him experience it in advance.

   And he, the minister of the Ministry of War, who has nothing to do, signed a memorial with the court, and was specially responsible for investigating the matter of Longhu Mountain.

Today's Li Xin has removed the word "Prince" in front of the Prince Taibao. He is a genuine first-class Taibao, a serious imperial teacher, and he has a forbidden army in his hand. Empress Dowager Xie has to be polite to him. Of course, the old men in Shangshutai would not offend Li Xin on matters that did not involve their own core interests, so the document was quickly issued, and Li Xin was responsible for investigating the matter of Longhu Mountain.

  So, when Xie Dai and others were about to return to Beijing, the Marquis of Jing'an was already waiting at Yulinwei Camp.

   At noon that day, Xie Dai and his party of nearly a thousand Yu Lin Wei finally entered the city through the West Gate, and they drove about seven or eight carriages to the gate of Yu Lin Wei's camp.

  The expressionless Marquis of Jing An, wearing a black robe, sat at the gate of Yulinwei Camp and waited.

  Xie Dai's eyes were sharp, and before he got close, he saw Li Xin's figure. He hurriedly dismounted and walked quickly to Li Xin, bowing his head deeply and clenching his fists.

   "Xiaguan, I have seen Taibao."

  Li Xincong stood up from the chair, then took out a document from his wide sleeve and handed it to Xie Dai.

   "This is the document of the Shangshutai, and several Zaifu have stamped it. The matter of Longhu Mountain will be taken over by the Marquis."

  Xie Dai naturally knew what the current Shangshutai meant. After he took over the document and looked at it, he returned it with both hands.

   "Go back to Taibao, this time I went to Longhu Mountain, and brought all the fifty-three people of the Zhang family from Longhushan back to the capital. They were all in the carriage behind. If the Taibao wants to mention them, they can take them away at any time."

  Li Xin nodded and said, "Send them to my house."

  Xie Dai was a little stunned.

He raised his head and glanced at Li Xin, and said in a low voice, "Master Hou, according to the rules, you should be sent to the Department of Punishment, or the Dali Temple Prison. No matter how bad it is, you will be sent to Jingzhao Mansion... Your Hou Mansion doesn't seem to be suitable... "

   What he meant by this was that the Marquis of Jing'an had no judicial power.

  The judicial power of Dajin is generally only possessed by the three judicial divisions and the local yamen. The three judicial divisions are the Censor Terrace, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Punishment, and the local yamen in the capital is Jingzhaofu.

  Apart from these places, no other yamen can interrogate prisoners, not even the emperor’s son of the emperor like the Three Imperial Guards, let alone the private mansion of the Marquis of Jing’an that is not organized by the imperial court.

  Li Xin's face was calm.

   "These people can't be tried by the three courts. You can just send them to my house. I'll take care of anything."

   "There are documents from the Shangshu Desk, what are you afraid of?"

  Xie Dai gritted his teeth, bowed his head and said, "Then I'll be an official... I'll do it now."

   As he said, he was about to **** the seven or eight carriages to the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion. Li Xin said to his back, "Remember to leave a hundred feathers to me, I will be useful."

  Xie Dai stopped.

   "The officer knows."

  So, under the leadership of Xie Dai, hundreds of Yulin Lang in black took the seven or eight carriages from the entrance of Yulinwei Camp to the Marquis of Jing'an Mansion in Yonglefang.

  The backyard of the Marquis of Jing'an can accommodate hundreds of people, and it is easy to detain dozens of people.

   Seven or eight carriages were driven again.

   The curtain of one of the carriages slowly opened, and an old man with white hair and beard stuck his head out of the curtain and gave Li Xin a deep look.

   (end of this chapter)

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