Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Xie Dai

   Chapter 809 Xie Dai

  Different from the slow speed when he arrived, Li Xin asked Chen Shiliu to drive at almost full speed on the way back to Beijing. Although the speed of the carriage was still not very fast, he still arrived at Jiange on the third day.

   At the gate of Jiange County, Xie Dai and others have been released, waiting for Li Xin at the gate of the city.

   What surprised Li Xin was that Mu Ying, who was supposed to be in Jincheng, was now at the gate of Jiange County. Li Xin jumped off the carriage and walked to Mu Ying with a smile on his face.

   "Why did Brother Mu come here?"

   Mu Ying didn't have much smile on his face, he sighed slightly, and said slowly: "Come and send a gift to Lord Hou."

  Jing'an Marquis glanced at the black-faced general angrily.

   "Listen to the tone of your words, it's like I'm going to die."

Mu Ying is usually a person who likes to make jokes, but at this time he has no intention of joking. He lowered his head and said solemnly: "According to the Lord Hou, I have brought out all these Yulin guards, but they After all, they are people of the imperial court, and they are no longer the Yulin guards we used to have. Lord Hou, do you want to bring some Hanzhou troops on the road."

  Li Xin shook his head.

   "If I really want to die, I don't die on the road, but in the capital. People like Xie Dai won't attack me. When I get to the capital, no amount of Hanzhou troops will help."

   "There is no need to do this."

   Muying nodded.

   "Then I'll send the Lord Hou."

   Li Xin smiled and said, "Why is it necessary to be so serious, I originally wanted to go back to the capital, but I just came back early and late."

  Mu Ying finally couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and said, "Master Hou, according to me, if you really want to go back to Beijing, it's better to wait until there is definite news from the capital before returning to Beijing."

   The "exact news" he said was the news of the emperor's death.

   Lord Jingan shook his head slightly.

   "It's too late to wait until then."

   He reached out and patted Mu Ying on the shoulder, still with a smile on his face.

   "I'm going to the capital here. When I can grasp the situation, Brother Mu will stay in the southwest for a few years. After a few years, everything is settled. I'll invite Brother Mu to drink at the Deyi Building."

When talking about the Deyi Building, Mu Ying remembered the old things of being Yu Linwei in the capital. At that time, Li Xin often ran to the Deyi Building, and he followed him. The black-faced general, who had always been dark-faced, finally showed a smile on his face. .

   "Okay, when you enter the capital again, you must be in the proud building if you don't get drunk or go home!"

   After saying this, Mu Ying hesitated for a while, and reached out and patted Li Xin on the shoulder.

   He was supposed to be taller than Li Xin, and in such a shot, there was a sense of elder brother talking to his younger brother.

   "Changan, you... must take care."

   Li Xin smiled and nodded.

   "Brother Mu, don't worry, there have been so many strong winds and waves in these years, we have all come here, and this time we will be able to pass."

   Having said that, Li Xin turned around and walked towards his carriage, and Mu Ying followed behind him until he was near the carriage.

   Li Xin got on the carriage and looked back at Mu Ying.

   "Once upon a time when I was in the obedient script in Yongzhou, there was a general in the script, also named Mu Ying, with the same name and surname as Brother Mu."

   Mu Ying was a little surprised.

   "Is there really such a thing?"

  Li Xin smiled and said: "That General Mu is a powerful person, he has done a great job as an official. If there is a chance in the future, I will also give Brother Mu an official in the storybook."

   Li Xin's words, although Mu Ying was a little confused, she still nodded.

   "Everything is subject to the Lord Hou's arrangement."

  The Marquis of Jing An smiled and closed the curtain of the car.

   The words he said were actually his world, and Mu Ying in that world was Zhu Yuanzhang's adopted son, and he was named the Marquis of Xiping, and was later named King of Qianning.

  The descendants are hereditary Duke of Qian.

   is also commonly known as Mu Wangfu.


  The carriage started from Jiange, went east along the official road, and walked towards the capital.

   Xie Dai and other more than 100 Yulin guards, just like when they came, surrounded Li Xin's carriage, protecting Li Xin with him.

  The difference from when they came is that this time they traveled much faster. When they came, they had traveled this road for a month. If they went back at this speed, they would be able to reach the capital in about twenty days.

   In the evening, the group entered a county town and found an inn to rest.

A group of Yulin guards have been "locked up" for several months. At this time, they are suddenly free, and they are not used to it. Moreover, Yulin guards are strictly disciplined. on duty nearby.

   There were only Li Xin and Chen Shiliu, sitting on the first floor of the inn, drinking and eating.

Yulin Zhonglang, Xie Dai, hesitated for a while, also brought a jar of wine, and stood beside Li Xin's table, but he didn't dare to sit down, just put the jug lightly on Li Xin's table, facing the Li Xin bowed his head slightly, his tone respectful.

   "Thank you for your grace of not killing the Marquis."

  Li Xin was eating, when he heard this, he looked up at Xie Dai and put down the chopsticks in his hand.

   "Where did this come from?"

  Xie Dai took a deep breath and said, "I'll follow Lord Hou to the southwest. After arriving at the Jiange, life and death are in the mind of Lord Hou. If Lord Hou can kill but not kill us, it is the grace of not killing us."

   Li Xin smiled and pointed to the opposite side of him.

   "You're welcome, sit down and talk."

   One thing to say, he still admires this young man from the Xie family. Compared with Xie Jing, Xie Dai has a moderate advance and retreat, and he can understand a lot of things with his eyes. He is a very smart young man.

   Next, if the capital really changes, Li Xin will inevitably have to contact Xie's family. At that time, he would rather contact this Xie Dai than talk to that uncle.

  Xie Dai took a deep breath and carefully sat opposite Li Xin.

  Li Xin asked Chen Shiliu to get an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks and put them in front of Xie Dai.

   While eating, he talked to Xie Dai.

   "Actually, there is no such thing as a grace not to kill. I was born in Yulinwei, and everyone in the capital knows that, just because of the black skin on your body, I wouldn't kill you if you just say kill."

  Xie Dai said this sentence just now, half of it was out of temptation. Hearing that Li Xin might really kill them, the general Yulin Zhonglang shivered all over.

   He whispered: "Master Hou, do you want to go back to the capital?"

   Li Xin said what he said just now, which means that he has already admitted that he has colluded with the southwest, or at least has a relationship. Since he has left the capital at this time, it stands to reason that he should not go back.

   "It's natural to return to Beijing to restore the purpose."

Li Xin raised his head and glanced at Xie Dai, and said calmly, "I followed His Majesty's order a few months ago to appease the southwest. Now all the prefectures in the southwest have settled down, and the Mu family and the Li family in the southwest have surrendered to Dajin. There is no more turmoil in the southwest, since the errand is over, it is natural to return to Beijing to restore the order.”

   Having said this, he glanced at Xie Dai with a half-smile.

   "Does Xie Lang think that I have to stay in the southwest all the time?"

   "Don't dare."

   Even if the bowls and chopsticks were placed in front of him, Xie Dai never dared to move the chopsticks. He lowered his head and frowned slightly, wondering what Li Xin was going to do.

   This is information asymmetry.

  Xie Dai is a smart man. If he also knew that Emperor Taikang was dying soon, he could probably guess what Li Xin was going to do when he returned to Beijing, but now, no matter who it is, he is at a loss.

  Different from Xie Dai's restraint, Li Xin ate his own food. Soon he was full and put down his chopsticks.

   Then he looked at Xie Dai.

   "After Xie Lang will return to Beijing, you might as well go see the Empress first."

   "Xie family... there may be a lot of things to do."

   (end of this chapter)

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