Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 801: cheap brother

   Chapter 801 Cheap Brother

   After Li Xin entered Jincheng, he lived in a garden in Jincheng. Usually, he would occasionally go to Zhao Jia for a drink, and he would also walk around in Jincheng and look everywhere.

   He is not going to stay in the southwest all his life, but at this time, he will definitely live in the southwest for a while. After all, returning to the capital at this time is unpredictable, and he needs to watch the capital for a while.

   When Li Xin arrived in the southwest, the envoys originally sent by the imperial court to the southwest could go back, but before these people left, they still came to Li Xin to say goodbye.

   There were about a hundred people in this group, headed by Xie Jing, the former Qianniu Weizhong Lang.

Speaking of Xie Jing's experience along the way, it is very embarrassing. You must know that he is the younger brother of the empress of the dynasty, and he is also the only younger brother. Li Xin called Xie Dai "National Uncle", which was a bit of ridicule. , But this Qianniuwei middle-ranking general is a serious national uncle, but after he brought more than 100 Qianniuwei to the southwest, he only saw Mu Ying before and after, and was placed in a courtyard" Waiting for the news", the wait is several months!

   Until a few days ago, Xie Jing and the others received news from Mu Ying, saying that the Southwest had already negotiated with the imperial court and they could go back.

   At this time, Xie Jing knew that Li Xin had arrived in the southwest.

At this time, a group of Hanzhou troops were guarding the entrance of Li Xin's garden. They said that they were Hanzhou troops. In fact, they were Yulin guards sent by Li Xin to Hanzhou. Most of them are now middle-level or even high-level in the Hanzhou army. This time, Li Xin was living in Hanzhou. These were old generals of the Hanzhou army, so they took the initiative to come to watch the door for Li Xin.

  Li Xin lived here, and he had nothing to do, so he let them in.

Under the leadership of two Hanzhou troops, Xie Jing and several Qianniu guards walked into the garden. Finally, under a pavilion, they saw Li Xin who was drinking tea. Xie Jing's face was ugly, and he took a few deep breaths. , walked in front of Li Xin, bowed his head and clasped his fist: "Xie Jing, Xie Jing, I have seen Li Hou Ye."

  Li Xin was drinking tea leisurely under the pavilion by himself. Hearing this, he looked back at Xie Jing and didn't get up. He just smiled and said, "Uncle Guo is here, please take a seat."

   said, he pointed to the vacant spot on the opposite side.

  Xie Jing didn't dare to sit on an equal footing with Li Xin, but now he was angry and sat down with gritted teeth.

Li Xin stretched out his hand and poured him a cup of hot tea, smiled and said, "Speaking of which, my younger brother Xie Dai has also arrived in the southwest, and is now renovating the sword pavilion. There are two heroes in the Xie family, and there is a phoenix master in the court. It is destined to be very happy. "

Compared with Li Xin's indifference, Xie Jing, who is about the same age as Li Xin, can't hold his breath. He doesn't drink tea, but just looks up at Li Xin and muttered: "Li Houye, I have something to do with you as an official. puzzled."

  Li Xin's face was calm.

"You ask."

   Uncle Guo's face was gloomy, and he said, "He also came to the southwest to negotiate. After he was assigned to the southwest, he was placed under house arrest for several months, and he couldn't move. Why did you go to the southwest, the Hanzhou army immediately surrendered to Dajin?"

   "Xiaguan asked, the conditions brought by Houye are no different from the conditions brought by Xiaguan."

  Li Xin put down the teacup in his hand.

   "Uncle Guo means that I have a relationship with Southwest?"

   The reason why Xie Jing asked a question was largely because he had to express the tightness in his chest for several months, but when he heard Li Xin speak so directly, he was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

  Jing An Hou Ye smiled lightly.

"What Xie Lang should do at this moment is to say hello to me, and then go back to Beijing obediently. If you can keep your mouth shut about things in the southwest, you will keep your mouth shut, so you, me, and even the court, right It's a good thing for the Xie family, you are now running over to me like a stunned young man and questioning me, if I accidentally die in the southwest, how will I explain to the Queen in the future?"

   Actually, Li Xin could make up a lot of reasons to answer Xie Jing's question, but he didn't bother to entangle with this hairy boy, so he said it straight to the point.

  Li Houye looked at the tea in front of Xie Jing.

"After drinking this cup of tea, Uncle Guo obediently turned around and left, and then immediately set off for the capital. With the Queen's concubine in the court, your trip to the southwest has achieved no faults. After you go back, you can be promoted and made a fortune with peace of mind. , isn't it happy?"

  Xie Jing's face turned red, and he was so angry that he almost slapped the table with Li Xin.

Although he and Li Xin are the same age, the two are far apart in terms of experience, knowledge and vision. Xie Jing still has a long way to go compared to his cousin Xie Dai. In front of Li Xin, He was as simple as a doll who didn't know much about the world.

   He couldn't even say a word.

   Just like when Li Xin came from the capital more than ten years ago and faced Li Shen when he first entered the southwest.

   After a long time, the uncle of the country shook his hands, picked up the tea in front of him, raised his head and drank it.

  Because he drank too fiercely, a lot of tea was splashed on his body.

After    finished drinking, he stood up and bowed his head and clasped his fists at Li Xin.

   The voice gritted his teeth.

   "Since that's the case, the lower official will not disturb the Hou Ye, so I will leave."

  Li Xin still didn't stand up, just said with a smile: "Uncle Guo, walk slowly."

  Xie Jing took a few steps back, stopped, and looked back at Li Xin.

   "Don't forget, Lord Hou, Yin Jian is not far from Pingnan Hou's Mansion."

  He is reminding Li Xin not to be the second Li Shen.

   Li Xin, who was sitting under the gazebo, smiled slightly.

   "Thank you, Uncle Guo for reminding me that the Marquis of Pingnan's mansion was destroyed in my hands. I know the lesson better than Uncle Guo."

  Xie Jing turned and left.

  Looking at Xie Jing's farther and farther back, Li Xin shook his head slightly.

   "If the Xie family is in charge of that Xie Dai in the future, it may have some meaning, but if Xie Jing is in charge, even if there is a nephew emperor, that's probably the case."

  Comparing these two brothers, Xie Dai, who was born in the branch, is undoubtedly much better than Xie Jing. At least if Xie Dai was here, he would not dare to talk to Li Xin like that.

Li Xin was thinking about the Xie family under the pavilion, when Chen Shiliu, who only had one arm, walked over and whispered to Li Xin, "Master Hou, Young Master Li Shuo has arrived in Jincheng, and now I want to see you outside. "

   Li Xin threw the cup that Xie Jing had drank across from him in the pond next to him, and replaced it with a new cup, his face was calm.

   "Let him in."


Chen Shiliu has now taken over the official work in this garden, and soon Li Shuo, who was wearing a single shirt, was led by him to the pavilion. Compared with Xie Jing, who was stunned, Li Shuo had to be more disciplined. He respectfully bowed his hands to Li Xin.

   "I have seen my brother."

   Li Xin pointed to the seat opposite and motioned him to sit down. Li Shuo did not hesitate and sat opposite Li Xin.

   "Go back and discuss the result?"

  Li Shuo nodded: "The discussion has come out. The former Pingnan Army has agreed to merge into the Hanzhou Army. As long as the elder brother gives the regulations, the younger brother will do it immediately."

  Li Xin also poured him a cup of tea, then stared at his hand and asked indifferently, "Murdered?"

   No matter what team it is, as long as it is faced with such a major decision, there will inevitably be people who oppose it.

   Li Shuo first shook his head, then after seeing Li Xin's calm eyes, he nodded silently.

   "Kill a few."

   "That would be good."

  Li Xin raised his teacup, respected his cheap brother, and took a sip first.

   He put down the teacup and looked at Li Shuo.

   "I thought you had to kill a lot of people to do it."

   (end of this chapter)

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