Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 792: good news

   Chapter 792 Good News

  The two old friends from the past have turned against each other at this time, and even reached the point of enmity.

  Li Xin raised his head, glanced at the pale emperor, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, there is no better choice."

   "I will go to the southwest, the southwest may be calmed down. If I don't go to the southwest, the situation in the southwest will only worsen. At that time, the imperial court will not be able to consider both the north and the south, and will only be able to support the left and the right, draining the country's strength."

  The Emperor finally stood up from the throne. He walked over to Li Xin, his voice was gloomy: "How can you know that I can't be like Emperor Wu, looking both north and south."

"As long as you hand over that Tianlei to me, I will be able to look both north and south. The Yuwen clan in the north can't move, and the Hanzhou Mu family, a mere 50,000 soldiers and horses, wants to restore Chenghan, who has been subjugated for forty years. ?"

  Li Xin shook his head.

   The crux of the matter lies in Tianlei. The Son of Heaven can't control Tianlei, and he is always worried. As the Supreme Being of Ninety-Five, since he knows that there is such a thing in the world, he must get it no matter what.

   In this world, whatever the Son of Heaven wants, no matter who it is, he must respectfully submit it to him.

  Li Xin closed his eyes.

   "The minister has said that the Taoist book is in the southwest, and the minister cannot retell it. If your majesty said this, the minister has nothing to do. If there is nothing else, the minister will retire."

   said, Li Xin was about to get up and say goodbye.

   Emperor Taikang's face was ugly. He turned his head to look at Li Xin, looked at it for a long time, and clenched his fists.

  Finally, he still somewhat weakly loosened his clenched fist.

   "That's it..."

   He turned around and returned to his throne, his voice a little decadent.

   "I knew ten years ago that you are much more powerful than I. I thought I could control you when I sat in this position, but I didn't expect that even if I was the emperor, I would still be unable to do anything to you, Li Changan."

  The emperor closed his eyes.

   "You answer me a question, I can let you go to the southwest."

  Li Xin bowed his head: "Excuse me, Your Majesty."

   "If you don't come back, what will I do? What will the court do?"

The Marquis of Jing'an lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, whether the minister goes to the southwest and returns or not, things will not get worse. Even if the minister does not go to the southwest, the southwest will raise the flag to rebel. That Muying has been in Yulinweili for a few years. Lang Jiang, his ability to lead troops is no less than that of the minister, even if the minister goes to the southern border to participate in the rebellion, it will not be any different from his leadership."

   "I have known your Majesty for ten years, and I have never harmed Your Majesty."

   Having said that, Li Xin raised his head and looked directly at the emperor.

   "Since the situation can't get any worse, Your Majesty might as well take a gamble."

  The emperor closed his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Li Xin.

   "Brother Xin, do you want to be Li Shen too?"

   Hearing this long-lost title, Li Xin was stunned, then shook his head and said, "Your Majesty misunderstood, this minister never thought of being Li Shen."

  The Emperor took a deep breath.

   "A few days ago, I asked Xiao Zheng to visit Zhaoling."

   He looked at Li Xin, his voice a little frivolous.

   "If Li Shen hadn't really died in Zhaoling, I would have wondered if the two of you, the father and son of the Li family, were working together to fool me."

   Li Xin was about to speak when he heard the Son of Heaven continue: "Go back."

   "What you said, I have to think about it for two days before I can give you an answer."

   He looked at Li Xin, his voice hoarse.

   "Brother Xin, why can't you be calmer?"

  Li Xin bowed his head deeply.

   "Your Majesty, I've been calm enough."


   After leaving the Weiyang Palace, the Marquis of Jingan walked around the Weiyang Palace alone, with both hands behind his back.

   He knows the emperor very well. Although the emperor did not agree with what he said just now, as long as he relaxes, things will most likely be completed, which means that Li Xin will soon be able to leave Jing'an Houfu in an open and aboveboard manner.

   Now the question on his mind is...

   Do you want to come back?

Now he is in the capital, although he has the trump card of Southwest as a talisman, but this talisman only protects against smart people and not against reckless husbands. If the emperor was really annoyed that day, he would let the guards rush into Jing'an Hou's mansion and kill him. He really has nowhere to go.

   And now, the eldest princess and his children are not in the capital, he can just walk away, stay away from this place of right and wrong, and go to the southwest to be his local emperor.

   And his surname also happens to be Li, which is the same as the Chenghan surname. As long as he wants to, with a simple operation, it is not only as simple as going to the southwest to be the emperor of the earth, but he can even go directly to the southwest to be the emperor!

   The question is, how should Li Xin choose?

   He narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the Emperor Taikang just now.

   Soon, Yonganmen was in sight.

  Chen Shiliu was still waiting at the door, Li Xin bent and got into the carriage.

   "Master Hou, are you going back to the manor?"

   "Of course I'm back home."

   Li Xin said with a smile: "We are the gods of plague at the moment. Seeing whoever is unlucky, no one in the entire capital wants to deal with our family."

In fact, at this time, he really wanted to go to Qinhuaifang to meet Cui Jiuniang, who had not seen each other for a long time. If possible, he also wanted to take Cui Jiuniang out of the capital, but at this moment, whoever he saw would be unlucky. Cui Jiuniang would even bring him death, so he could not go to Qinhuaifang.

After the carriage left Yong'anmen, it quickly entered Yonglefang. On Desheng Street in Yonglefang, Li Xin saw a familiar figure riding towards Miyagi. Li Xin instructed Chen Liuliu to stay on the horse, and then squatted down. Go down.

   "Senior Brother Ye."

   It was Ye Lin who was sitting right away.

With a letter in his hand, Ye Lin was about to walk towards Miyagi. After seeing Li Xin, he hurriedly dismounted and said with a smile, "I went to look for you at your mansion just now, but your family said you entered the palace. Go, I'm going to wait for you at the gate of Yonganmen."

   At this moment, the only people who are willing to contact Li Xin and dare to contact Li Xin are the Ye family members. Li Xin smiled: "What's the matter?"

   Ye Lin said with a smile, "Good thing."

   "You were in Jizhou City before, did you meet Yuwenzhao from the Yuwen Department and make an agreement with him?"

   Li Xin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered what happened to Yu Wenzhao.

During this period of time, he ran from the northern Xinjiang to the southwest, and then ran back to the capital from the southwest. He even spent a few days in prison. He once turned against the emperor, and after the ups and downs, he forgot the agreement with Yu Wenzhao. After the calculation, it was after the spring that he and Yu Wenzhao agreed to.

  The Marquis of Jing'an looked solemn and asked, "Have the north started?"

Ye Lin nodded and said, "You told Ye Mao before you left that if he is confident, follow your method. About seven or eight days ago, Ye Mao and Yu Wenzhao sent troops together. !"

   The fourth child of the Ye family was full of smiles.

   "Ye Mao's troops suffered less than 3,000 casualties, and Yuwen Zhao's side estimated that there were more than 5,000 or 6,000 casualties. Yuwen Buddha's troops were almost completely wiped out, and Ye Mao and the others occupied half of the site!"

   "This is a great credit. Ye Mao first wrote a letter to me and my eldest brother, and at the same time sent a letter to the imperial court. Calculate the time, it should be in the capital soon."

  Li Xinjie took the letter in his hand, and after briefly flipping through it, he slowly closed the letter, slapped his palms and said with emotion, "Ye Mao is amazing."

   Conspiring with Yu Wenzhao to attack the Buddha's Department sounds simple, but when it is actually implemented, it will experience a lot of intrigue, and you must be careful, otherwise you will easily suffer a big loss in Yu Wenzhao's hands.

   Obviously, Ye Mao handled it very well. Not only did he not suffer, but he also took advantage of it.

   Ye Lin reached out and patted Li Xin on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I would like to thank you, Changan."

   "You taught the Ye family a great general!"

   (end of this chapter)

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