Unparalleled Concubine

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: next life

   Chapter 1174 Next Life

Mu Ying has followed Li Xin for many years. He knows Li Xin's temperament very well. If Li Xin was leading the army here, at most, he would kill these adult men over the age of fourteen in the Xianbei king's tent, and then kill the rest of the Xianbei tribe. Women, children and children scattered and migrated to various places, thus achieving the purpose of eliminating the Xianbei king's tent.

  Murder is nothing to Li Xin, but most of Li Xin can't do anything about killing teenage children or even younger children.

   This is the kindness that Li Xin brought from another world.

  It is not uncommon for people to have kind thoughts, but there are very few people who can maintain a kind heart no matter what position they are in.

From the ragged charcoal seller at the beginning, Li Xin has always had a little kindness in his heart from the ragged charcoal seller to the now powerful governor. Even if this kindness once became an obstacle to his progress, Li Xin never gave up. A rare place for him.

   With Li Xin's current status, the kindness in his heart can already be called compassion.

Of course, Mu Ying's ability to do this kind of genocide does not mean that he is an unforgivable villain, but his values ​​are different from Li Xin. In the eyes of most people in this era, human life is not so valuable, and besides It's just the lives of some aliens.

  Aliens are not people.

   At least that's what Mu Ying thought.

   So he killed very decisively.

   The Xianbei king’s tent had 60,000 to 70,000 people, and there were about 40,000 men, most of whom were young and old with little fighting ability, and all of them would die under Long Wuwei’s butcher’s knife.

This scene may be bloody, but this is a cruel era. If you don't kill people, you will kill you. If you kill these Xianbei people, there will be peace in the northern Xinjiang for at least 30 years. In these 30 years, there will be fewer deaths in the border. Many Han Chinese.

  Yuwendi was not dead at the moment, but was **** in Muying's tent. He listened to the screams of the clansmen outside, desperately trying to break free from the ropes, his eyes were cracked.

Mu Ying sat opposite him, her face did not have much expression, and her tone was calm: "Don't struggle, this is a rope made of cowhide, even Ye Guogong can't break it, and Patriarch Yuwen doesn't even think about breaking away. already."

  Yuwendi turned a deaf ear and was still struggling desperately. Soon both hands were torn by the cowhide rope, and his hands were full of blood.

   Muying's face was cold and unmoved,

  He arrested Yuwen Di Yuwen Hu and all these people, ready to bring them to the capital to ask for merit.

   Yu Wendi struggled desperately for a long time, and after finding that he couldn't break free, he turned back to Mu Ying, his eyes were already scarlet.

   He roared and said, "My clan has formed an alliance with Li Xin!"

   "He promised not to pursue my clan again!"

  Yuwendi widened his eyes like a ghost.

   "My clan has already given way out of the customs and let you build the Protectorate Mansion, you Jin people, you Jin people!"

   "Shameless You, Shameless You!"

   "Li Changan, Li Changan, even if the people of our clan turn into ghosts, they will not let you go!"

   The Heavenly King of the Xianbei King's tent, his voice was as mournful as a ghost, and extremely terrifying.

   At this time, in his heart, he was desperate and regretful.

   What he hated most was why he listened to his father and chose to cooperate with the Southern Jin court to destroy the Helan Division together!

  If the Helan clan was still there, even if the Helan clan annexed the king’s tent, the Xianbei would still be there, and the people of the king’s tent would not be in danger.

   And now, this branch of the Xianbei King's tent is probably going to exterminate the clan!

   "First of all, I'm not from Jin."

General Mu was expressionless, and said lightly: "Furthermore, the disaster of your ministry today started when you attacked Jimen Pass, and the 100,000-strong North Army in Jimen Pass, 70,000 or 80,000 people died at your hands. Here, what I killed today is not enough for the Zhenbei Army."

   "Since you have killed so many soldiers of the Zhenbei Army, you shouldn't naively think that the court will let you go."

   Having said that, Mu Ying said "oh".

   "Yes, you have thought of it, so after the demise of the Helan clan, your royal tent immediately began to move northward, trying to avoid the edge of the court. This should be the idea of ​​the previous king of your clan."

   "He thought very well, but since he has forged a life-and-death feud, you should expect that the imperial court will come to seek your revenge."

   Outside the camp, screams could be heard endlessly.

In the camp, General Mu sat firmly with everyone and said: "Today you can only see the tragic situation outside the camp, but for more than ten years, the Xianbei troops have been disturbed, and the Han people who died in your hands are no better than the Xianbei outside the camp. There are few people, and even a lot more.”

   "I'm going to kill the Xianbei people, which means it's a matter of one stroke. The way you kill people is much more ruthless than me."

Mu Ying stood up from the chair and said coldly to Yu Wendi: "Then there is the covenant between your clan and the Great Governor of my family. The Governor said that he will cooperate with you to destroy the Helan clan. Now the Helan clan will be destroyed. where?"

   "The Governor said that he would not hold you accountable any more. Now that the Jimenguan guards are not moving, why have they ever held you accountable?"

   Having said this, Mu Ying pointed to her nose, her face expressionless: "I am not an army of the imperial court now, just a bandit wandering in the northern border, so this is not a breach of contract?"

In fact, no matter how Mu Ying can tell the difference, it is Li Xin who harmed the Xianbei king's account, and it is indeed Li Xin who violated the previous agreement, but between the two countries or two major forces, everything is naturally based on interests. Seriously, no one really cares about the covenant oath and the like. If the Xianbei Ministry had the opportunity to enter the capital at this time, they would only do more than Li Xin.

Yu Wendi was tied to a pillar. After hearing what Mu Ying said, he stayed in place for a long time without speaking. Although there was not much noise outside, he could still vaguely hear the clansmen in his ears. The sound of screams.

   The new patriarch of the royal tent was weeping bitterly.

   He looked up at Mu Ying and begged: "This general of Shangguo, my clan has already surrendered, and they all surrendered on their knees..."

   "They don't have weapons in their hands, so they can't threaten the country anymore."

   Yu Wendi had tears all over his face, and begged Mu Ying bitterly: "General, at least... let those children go..."

   "They don't know anything, they don't know anything, some of those children are only three or five years old, they don't remember anything at all, and they don't hold grudges..."

   Yuwen Di was in extreme pain, and was already a little stunned.

   Mu Ying ignored him, but got up and walked outside the tent, leaving only Yuwen Di's back.

   "Today's fruit must have antecedents. Since the two clans are fighting, since the outcome has been decided, naturally they must be divided into life and death."

  Since ancient times, the internal struggles of the descendants of the Xia Dynasty have been relatively peaceful. In the pre-Qin period, there was even a tradition of rising and falling.

Mu Ying left her tent with her hands behind her back and came to a high ground. She saw that the soldiers of Long Wuwei had dug a huge pit and were throwing Xianbei corpses one by one into the giant pit. in the pit.

   Even Mu Ying felt some compassion in his heart when he saw so many corpses. He slowly closed his eyes and sighed long.

   "Next life..."

   "Be a citizen of all summers."

   (end of this chapter)

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