Unparalleled Concubine

Chapter 104: love

   Chapter 104 Love

   Li Xin is just taking the lead in the matter of selling wine, and he is not going to get involved too much, because this matter can be handled throughout the whole process with the ability of the Wei Palace, at most Li Xin will bring up some ideas of "famous brand" in the follow-up.

   Besides, Li Xin now has an official identity, and he is actually the captain of Yulinwei. It will be a joke if he gets involved in business affairs.

   Anyway, as long as the Seventh Prince mentions a word, there will naturally be countless people who will do things for him later.

After staying in the Wei Palace for a short time, Li Xin got up to leave, clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, when these things are made, let someone call me at the Princess Palace, and after the new wine is steamed, let's discuss how to do it in detail. operate."

The biggest use of spirits is not to drink. Liquor with a high degree of concentration can be used as a disinfectant. In this era, the disinfection technology is extremely shallow. I don’t know how many people die from wound infections every year. The Dajin military and medical clinics in various places can bring in a considerable amount of income.

  Li Xin was in the business of luxury wines in his previous life, and he was just a handyman for these things.

   But this is a later story, and everything has to wait for something to be done before it can be concretely operated.

The seventh prince squinted his eyes and looked at Li Xin, and sighed in a deep voice: "I only knew that I should fight for that position before, but as for how to fight, whether I can get it, I don't have the slightest draft in my heart, now that I have Brother Xin, I I suddenly feel a lot more at ease.”

   Li Xin smiled indifferently: "His Royal Highness has won the award. Your Highness is a talent of Yao and Shun, even if there is no one, it is only a matter of time to ascend the throne."

   This kind of flattery that should be slapped still has to be slapped, it can’t really be neither big nor small, otherwise the prince will really sit on the throne in the future, but he won’t have Li Xin’s good fruit to eat.

  In history, there were so many ministers who died of the emperor's prudence.

  The Seventh Prince smiled. He was noncommittal about such a stiff horse as Li Xin. He narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "The two Nanshu women that Brother Xin gave me..."

  Li Xin looked up at the Seventh Prince and said calmly, "Has Your Highness made progress with them?"

   "The progress is not very big. I thought they were still useful, so it's not good to destroy them."

His Royal Highness Wei Wang narrowed his eyes and said, "These days, I have kept them in a courtyard on Xishi Street, and sent people to interrogate them a few times, but I didn't find any particularly useful information, but only asked about Li Ni's royal family name. Li's name is Jin'er, and the other woman's name is Mu Mingxin."

  Jin'er...It should be the real name of the little princess.

   During this time, Li Xin read a lot of books of this era and learned about the situation in Nanshu.

  Nanshu is not actually called Nanshu, their country name is Han, also known as Nanhan or Chenghan.

  After Li Shi, the last emperor of Chenghan, was killed, Li Shi's son, King Min Li Mo, escaped. This King Min later gave birth to two sons and a daughter, all of which have deep meanings.

  The eldest son, Li Xing, and the second son, Li Fu, mean to revive the Han Dynasty, and the name of this small county master is Jin'er because the capital of Nanshu was called Jincheng.

   In this way, the King Min Li Mo, who took the initiative to dedicate himself and forcibly "held" Li Shen, the Marquis of Pingnan, to the position of General Zhuguo, has been thinking about the characters of his homeland all his life.

  It is a pity that the 100,000-square-foot southern army suppressed southern Xinjiang for 30 years, shattering all the imaginations of this King Min of Nanshu.

  After a pause, the seventh prince continued: "And recently, there seem to be more people from Bashu in the capital. Those who are remnants of the southern border, 80% are looking for this Li Ni royal family."

   "Procrastinate further and find this Li Ni royal family for them, and the matter may involve us."

   Li Xin can call Li Jin'er a small county master, but Ji Wen can't. He is the royal family of Dajin. For him, Li Jin'er can only be a remnant of Li Ni, not a county master.

   Li Xin was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the seventh prince, and said solemnly, "Your Highness, what should I do with this matter?"

   "Let me see, kill these two women, it's a hassle to keep them."

In the process of winning the heirloom, the most taboo is to be labeled as a "treason", so for the seventh prince, these two remnants of the southern border are also hot potatoes, because once it is discovered that he has contact with the remnants of Nanshu , others can take advantage of the situation to join him in collusion with the rebels.

  Because of this reason, after these two women were detained in Xishi Street, Ji Wen only went to see them once, and never dared to visit them a second time.

   But after finding that these two people are not of great use, he wants to get rid of these two useless troublesome women.

   Li Xin was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Can Your Highness hand over these two women to me?"

   According to the current situation, there are not many people left in these Nanshu royal families, and there may even be only Li Xing alone, so this small county master of Nanshu is an extremely critical figure.

   The foundation of the Pingnanhou Mansion is in the southern border. If you want to deal with the Pingnanhou Mansion, you must first destroy their foundation in the southern border.

   Li Xin always felt that these two women would be of great use in the future.

   "These two women were originally given to this king by you, so there is no problem in returning them to you."

Having said this, the fourth prince smiled narrowly: "It's just that although these two women are good-looking, they are like foxes and can't be seen or touched, otherwise they will become embarrassed by others, and they will be manipulated by others in the future. handle."

   "If Brother Xin wants to..."

   His Royal Highness King Wei blinked and said with a smile: "I can ask Jiuniang to arrange one or two little girls for you in the Deyi Building. As for these two Nanshu women, it's better not to touch them."

   "What are you talking about, Your Highness..."

Li Xin glanced at Ji Wen speechlessly and said with a wry smile: "These two women should have a high status among the remnants of Nanshu. If we want to deal with the Pingnan Houfu, we must first start with these remnants of Nanshu. The two of them are the key to breaking the game, they can't be easily let go, and they can't be easily killed."

The seventh prince restrained his smile, his face became serious, and he said solemnly: "Well, I will send someone the address and key of the yard where the two of them are locked to your house. In the future, these two women, I don't care."

He pointed to his nose and said softly: "In terms of identity, the two of them should be mortal enemies. It is only reasonable to kill each other when we meet. If I contact them but don't kill them, it is easy to give People grab the handle."

  Li Xin nodded lightly.

   This kind of position issue, he can still understand, according to reason, this Ji family's seventh elder should indeed hack these rebels without hesitation and maintain the Ji family's rule.

The conversation between the two was almost over, Li Xin bowed slightly to the Seventh Prince and said in a low voice, "His Royal Highness, it's almost time, I have to go to the Princess Mansion to check the situation, so I will retire first. already."

  The seventh prince pulled Li Xin's sleeve with a solemn expression.

   "Brother Xin, if this business of selling wine and things in the southern border are all done, you are the number one hero of the Wei Palace!"

  Li Xin smiled slightly.

   "Your Highness loves you..."

   (end of this chapter)

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