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Seeing that Du Yuesheng’s target turned out to be Jieyun, many cultivators changed their faces from at first’s surprise to disdain:

“He actually wants to kill Jieyun?”

“When there is a legendary tyrannical Crossing Tribulation, you can smash the robbery with a sword, and the robbery will immediately dissipate. The Crossing Tribulation succeeds, but that kind of robbery is 3 9 Heavenly Tribulation, even Lu 9 Heavenly Tribulation’s cloud robbing, 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation’s cloud robbing, the more broken the more powerful, this kid is courting death!”

“The ignorant people have the ability to die!”

Even Wang Kaixuan, who has always believed in Du Yuesheng, is a face of doubt: “No, the last time the boss smashed the cloud of 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation, the result was that Jieyun dropped a more powerful Heavenly Tribulation, which even smashed the void. It was broken, and Boss was sucked into the void and sent to another place. How could this time Boss repeat the same mistake?”

Hearing this sentence on the side of Wang Kaixuan, the dragon device, the impossible to bear complexion greatly changed: “What, the Heavenly Emperor really smashed the cloud of 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation, and was smashed into the void by the descending Heavenly Tribulation. ?”

Wang Kaixuan nodded: “Of course, otherwise, how come I came to your Earth Dragon City alone?”

When everyone was talking, Du Yuesheng’s sword had already rushed out and went straight to the sky. The robbery cloud in the sky also spit out a black Thunder Tribulation, but the sword light directly bucked the trend and slashed with one sword. Into nothingness.

Then this sword slashed directly at Jieyun, passing through the body, and that huge 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation Jieyun was directly divided into two!

But that’s all, Jieyun hasn’t changed at all, and is even condensing a new Thunder Tribulation!

Seeing this scene, the cultivator below immediately said, “Have you seen it, the robbery of 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation is unbreakable!”

Many cultivators who originally wanted to kill Du Yuesheng were secretly happy and prepared to continue their actions.

Even Ge Dingshan is long spits out one mouthful of impure air, lightly said with a smile: “Finally dying!”

But at this moment, cry out in surprise suddenly sounded: “Look at that robbery cloud!”

Everyone quickly looked up, and through the huge gap that Du Yuesheng had cut from the robbery cloud with a single sword, they finally saw that a black hole appeared above the robbery cloud.

The sudden appearance of this opening is even more weird, as if a huge wound appeared above the blue sky.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, there was finally an experienced and knowledgeable generation who spoke, and the voice was full of horror: “That is… the shattered void…”

“One sword… smashed the void!”

“What on earth did he want?”

Before everyone was too surprised to see Du Yuesheng breaking the void with a sword, he saw the cloud that had been so powerful and suddenly moved towards the void.

At this time, everyone remembered that void cracks have great suction power. If anyone approaches, they will definitely be sucked in immediately.

And now the one closest to the void crack is the Dao Tribulation cloud!

The void crack is still healing slowly, but Jieyun was sucked in front of the void crack in a blink of an eye. The crack was like a big greedy mouth. One mouthful swallowed more than half of Jieyun, and the remaining half. Jie Yun was struggling, without even a moment of support, and he was swallowed up in a blink of an eye!

Jieyun disappeared and was swallowed by the void opened by Du Yuesheng’s sword!

At the same time, Du Yuesheng’s ear also sounded a series of system prompts:

“Ding, the system prompts congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng Crossing Tribulation for their success. The current Level: 4 is like Loose Immortal!”

“Ding, the system prompts, players save EXP and start issuing!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng’s level increase, the current Level: 4 like Loose Immortal 2!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for leveling up, the current level is 4 like Loose Immortal 3rd-layer!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng level upgrade, the current level, 4 like Loose Immortal 4 heavy!”

“Ding, system tips, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng level upgrade, the current level, 4 like Loose Immortal 5th layer!”


After the success of Crossing Tribulation, the cultivation base of the 5th layer was raised in one breath, and Du Yuesheng’s mouth finally showed a satisfying smile.

Xiu xiu xiu!

But it didn’t take long for him to be happy, when he heard that the restraint below made another attack, and he moved towards Du Yuesheng. He was still flying in the air and would still be attacked!

“Hmph!” Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes. With a wave of Executing Immortal Sword, his body rotated in a circle, and a circle of sword light immediately spilled from him, looking messy.

But a closer look reveals that every sword light flies past a prohibition, and the attacks issued by the prohibition are instantly broken, and the sword light is still press forward, moved towards the prohibition direction!

“He still wants to destroy those restrictions?”

The complexion of many cultivators who saw this scene changed drastically: “Those prohibitions are hidden in the mountains, and they are integrated with the mountain range. He wants to destroy the prohibitions unless he cuts off this mountain range!”

“Although he can break the void with one sword, break the cloud with one sword, and block the forbidden attacks, it is too much to destroy this mountain range with one sword…”

After the words were not finished, there was a loud rumbling, and only saw the sword light falling, unparalleled, those huge mountains under this sword, as fragile as tofu, a sword light fell, there is a mountain directly It collapsed, countless to the point where the sword light fell, dozens of nearby mountains were razed to the ground just in a moment!

The cultivator, the cultivator, the cultivator call the wind and summon the rain, driving mountains and sea, is what Du Yuesheng looks like now!

For a moment, everyone was silent, no one dared to make a sound.

Too strong, Du Yuesheng is too strong, everyone in the heart keeps repeating this sentence.

Those cultivators who had worked on Du Yuesheng before had a stormy sea in their faces. They knew that if Du Yuesheng wanted to kill them, it would not take much effort.

Ge Dingshan’s face was even ugly to the extreme, and he thought Du Yuesheng was dead. Who thought that Du Yuesheng’s strength was so strong that the sword broke the void, One Sword Breaking Mountains and Rivers!

After the prohibition against flying around was destroyed, Du Yuesheng dropped slightly and looked down at the people below, saying one by one: “Who just wanted to kill this Heavenly Emperor?”

There are not many people who are still alive after they have just started, but there are people who want to kill Du Yuesheng in their hearts. There are each one and all of them!

But since you are thinking, you can’t guess Du Yuesheng even if you have Heavenspan skills, so those cultivators that give birth to the idea of ​​killing Du Yuesheng are clenched the teeth, silent.

The mountain breeze hit, all around a silence.

Du Yuesheng grinned, he had thought of such a situation long ago, so he said one by one: “Since you don’t say a word, it means that you all default, since you all want to kill Heavenly Emperor, this Heavenly Emperor naturally does not need to spare you!”

That’s it, murderous intention is terrible!

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