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The sword light smashed the purple light and made an inaudible explosion. Then, the purple light turned into a purple mist, which instantly spread with the wind. The speed was so fast that it was eye-catching.

Seeing this scene, the dragon weapon hurriedly shouted: “Be careful, this is the 1000 God Cry of the Ancient God Burial Ground, very poisonous!”

Without yelling at the dragon weapon, Du Yuesheng also knew that it was poison mist, and immediately grinned and waved the Netherworld Yellow Springs sky fire flag.

A black wind whizzed away. This black wind swept through the naked eye visible in a blink of an eye. The purple mist did not have time to spread to Du Yuesheng’s body. It was picked up by the black wind and went straight. moved towards Qinghua and Qingyu flew over!

“Not good !”

Two people heart startled, and quickly jumped up and flew out, but the black wind from the Nether Yellow Springs sky fire flag is the Nether Yellow Springs wind, the speed is extremely fast, the formidable power is extremely strong, where are two 2 like Loose Immortal. Can you escape?

In a blink of an eye, the two people were overtaken. Before the black wind completely enveloped the two, they saw that their complexions suddenly turned blue, and their mouths overflowed with purple Poison Blood. In a blink of an eye, they were killed!

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Qingyu and getting Spirit Points 37 100,000,000 3000 2,000,000!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Qinghua and getting Spirit Points 36 100,000,000 3000 1,000,000!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player’s level increase, the current Level: 3 Loose Immortal Peak!”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player EXP has reached the highest current level, the 4th Heavenly Tribulation is coming soon, and Heavenly Tribulation is about ten days away!”

Du Yuesheng grinned when he heard the system’s prompt, and finally it was about to look like Loose Immortal.

“Really strong poison!”

When Wang Kaixuan saw this scene, it was impossible to bear, and he took a breath. There is such a sinister and poisonous thing in the ancient land of the gods, no wonder it is called the strongest ancient land, not to mention their tyrannical spell, just say this A poison insect is probably enough to make other ancient places a strategic withdrawal!

Du Yuesheng said lightly: “persisting in evil brings about self-destruction, this time Qingyu and Qinghua two people died under their own poison, it is the best proof!”

The dragon weapon is not like Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan, they can still be so relaxed after killing the disciple of the ancient god burial ground.

At this moment, he was full of panic: “Two people, we killed the disciple of the ancient god burial ground. I am afraid that we cannot be kind. Now I still want to think about how to explain with the people of the ancient god burial ground…these two people are his own 2 God crying poison to death, we said when the time comes…”

“Hey, dragon weapon, you are too courageous!” Wang Kaixuan was very dissatisfied with the timid appearance of dragon weapon, and said: “You follow me and Boss, and I and Boss will definitely protect you!”

After speaking, Du Yuesheng also smiled slightly and said: “It’s just an ancient place for burial of the gods, don’t be afraid!”

“Don’t be afraid?” Long Qi looked at Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan like a fool, and said: “You don’t know how strong the ancient land of buried gods is, let alone the ancient land of buried gods is so tyrannical, Nine Heavens No one of the ten places is easy to provoke!”

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, “That’s not so good. I killed Luotian Holy Land Holy Son, Shengxian Holy Land Holy Son, and some of their quasi-Holy Sons. I also ate Fire Phoenix birds. , The flesh of Mo Ying and Silver-winged Dapeng, they are all chasing me right now. By the way, the Empress of Shengxian Holy Land should also be looking for a chance to kill me now.”

“Huh?” Long Qi was dumbfounded. When he saw Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan eating the Fire Phoenix bird, he thought it was they secretly eating it.

But when I heard it now, it was clearly just and honorable eating, and, how bold Du Yuesheng was, he killed both of the two Holy Sons of Holy Land.

And the empress! That is one of the strongest young generations in Xianxu, even she wants to kill Du Yuesheng? How did Du Yuesheng live to the present?

Thinking of this, the Dragon Tool didn’t say a word, and wanted to turn around and return to Earth Dragon City.

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback: “Hey, you won’t be so courageous, are you afraid?”

The dragon weapon shook his head and said, “You have caused so many forces, you don’t live long, it doesn’t make much sense to follow you!”

Wang Kaixuan was paused, a little helpless, but Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: “Then you first follow us to see, when we die, you go back, how?”

Dragon Tool just looked back at Du Yuesheng, thought of the tyrannical strength Du Yuesheng showed, and finally gritted his teeth, saying, “Okay.”

3 people negotiated, and then lifted their feet into the void, and continued to move towards Broken God Mountain. As for the bodies of Qingyu and Qinghua, they were covered with poison, and Wang Kaixuan did not dare to touch them.

Poshen Mountain is located in the mountains, the continuous mountain range, layer by layer outside Poshen Mountain, if you want to go to Poshen Mountain, you must pass these mountain ranges.

But no cultivator dared to fly directly over the sky. Those daring to do so were already hanged by the prohibition strangling in the mountain range below, and the corpse capital turned into bone.

Therefore, if you want to go to Broken Mountain, you must step by step from these mountain ranges.

When Du Yuesheng and I arrived here, many Loose Cultivators from various places and some small cultivators have gathered here. These cultivators are all immersed in the road that has been stepped out by their predecessors and entered a continuous stretch. mountain range.

Du Yuesheng didn’t procrastinate, but also plunged in.

Wang Kaixuan was impatient and walked slowly, and wanted the sword to fly fast against the ground. The dragon weapon said: “Don’t do this. In the mountain range outside the God Mountain, the ancient prohibition is everywhere. Flying, even if it is only half an inch away from the ground, will trigger the ban, making people instantly violent death!”

“So strong?” Wang Kaixuan uttered his tongue, but he was afraid to regenerate the idea of ​​flying.

3 people were mixed in the crowd, and soon came to a valley. When he saw this valley, the dragon’s eyebrows were wrinkled. He said: “Although there are many roads in the mountain range that many predecessors stepped out, There are still many prohibitions, and each time you pass, you must break it once. This is the first level of Breaking Soul Valley.”

While speaking, a group of cultivators walked into the valley together.

Strangely, after this group of cultivators walked into the valley, the silhouette was immediately disappeared, and the valley still seemed empty, as if no one had just entered.

Wang Kaixuan looked at the valley with surprise on his face, and was about to speak. Suddenly there was a movement in the valley, and then with a hula, a pile of bloody corpses flew out of the valley and fell in front of everyone.

Du Yuesheng’s eyes narrowed and he looked at the valley. After a long time, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Wang Kaixuan looked at Breaking Soul Valley, corner of mouth twitching, and said, “So dangerous, can you detour?”


A sneer came out from one side: “If you want to go to Broken Mountain, this Breaking Soul Valley is the only way to go. Other places are dead. The prohibition is arrogant. Even the 9th house Loose Immortal may not have passed. Where did you go around?”

Wang Kaixuan turned to the past, and saw that it was a middle-aged man with a pair of phoenix eyes and a pair of phoenix eyes, which was not a good thing at first glance, but he was not at all angry, but instead immediately gathered his face, a face Said with a smile: “This Fellow Daoist knows very well here!”

“That’s it!” middle-aged man hehe smiled and said: “I’m not afraid to tell you directly, I have stayed here for 100 years and I am very familiar with the trees and trees!”

Wang Kaixuan was nodded again and again and said, “Can the Fellow Daoist take us to this Breaking Soul Valley?”

“Yes!” To Wang Kaixuan’s surprise, the middle-aged man agreed directly, but then he said: “But I am charged, by the way, myself, my name is Ge Dingshan!”

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