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Hearing this, Ten Thousand Forms Sect’s recipes are all heart startled.

Wuli refused such a good opportunity.

Although they don’t know how high Du Yuesheng’s cultivation base is, but even the Integration Old Ancestor is a piercing expert, the cultivation base is at least about the Crossing Tribulation period.

Followed by a Crossing Tribulation period expert, using flying yellow Tengda to describe the words too weak.

Can Wuliu refuse?

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense, and even Wu Ming dared not say another word, fearing that Du Yuesheng would not fly into a rage out of humiliation, and kill him!

Du Yuesheng can easily destroy three Integration experts, and can also easily destroy his Ten Thousand Forms Sect.

However, after a long silence, a chuckle broke the stalemate. Du Yuesheng said: “It seems that if I don’t solve your worries, you will not go with me.”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, his eyes fell on Wu Ming and said, “Do you know where the rest of Luotian Holy Land is?”

Wu Ming heart startled, listening to Du Yuesheng’s tone, must be in order to kill them, and kill everyone in Luotian Holy Land?

He quickly said: “Reporting back to Heavenly Emperor Senior, we really don’t know this very well, because Luotian Holy Land was not here. It’s just a part of them who don’t have a fixed residence.”

Du Yuesheng nodded, said: “Also, if this is the headquarters of Luotian Holy Land, you have been annexed long ago, and you can’t wait for today. Well, we are waiting here today. A live mouth.”

Ten Thousand Forms Sect disciple nodded again and again, and then quickly cleaned the battlefield, all Luotian Holy Land disciple corpses were piled up, and a tower was built!

Wu Ming originally wanted to call a few female disciple of Ten Thousand Forms Sect to serve Du Yuesheng, but was sent away by Du Yuesheng one after another, he sat aside, lazily basking in the sun.

This time was brought to this place by 9 9 Heavenly Tribulation, but it was also a chance. I met such a small sect and met Luotian Holy Land.

It seems that the Holy Son of Luotian Holy Land was also killed by him. I don’t know if Luotian Holy Land knows if this news will go crazy.

The quiet time not at all lasts long, and in the distance is again splitting the air sound.

This time, looking up, the streamer in the distance came flying, almost covering half of the sky. Looking in the past, at least 1000 cultivators were killed.

Moreover, the imposing manner of the cultivator this time is stronger than before, I don’t know how much.

I am afraid that the lowest cultivator of the other party’s cultivation base at this time is Nascent Soul realm. Maybe there are also cultivators of Divinging Spirit and Integration realm alike. It’s the beginning. It’s a Crossing Tribulation cultivator.

Soon, this group of cultivators stopped in front of the crowd, and the Crossing Tribulation cultivator stood up, his clothes fluttering in the wind, and he rang and hunted.

And his complexion is majestic and serious, killing intent vertical and horizontal.

He glanced down at Ten Thousand Forms Sect’s many disciplines, coldly snorted, slowly opening, indifferently said: “It’s your group of waste that killed my Luotian Holy Land count 100 disciple?”

This Crossing Tribulation expert, named Luo Hong, Crossing Tribulation 4 heavy cultivation base, very good!

If it was in the past, Wu Ming saw that the other party took out this lineup, I am afraid that he would just want his discipline to leave here as soon as possible.

But today there is Du Yuesheng sitting here, he does not have the slightest fear, because until now, Du Yuesheng has been sitting quietly on the side, looking at this with a smile smile, it is very leisurely, obviously, he even Crossing Tribulation Experts are not in the eyes!

Thinking of this, Wu Ming became more and more indifferent, Yu Jian lifted into the sky, directly stared at Na Luohong, and said lightly: “If I am Ten Thousand Forms Sect dead waste, then your Luo Tian Holy Land’s disciple died in the hands of waste, isn’t it Not even waste?”

Luo Hong was said to be speechless, his eyelids tremble fiercely, then coldly snorted, raised his hand was moved towards Wu Ming grabbed the past: “old bastard, fierce mouth, this seat interrupts your teeth, see how you speak!”

Wuming is just Integration Realm, and only Integration 3rd-layer, and he is already Crossing Tribulation, or Crossing Tribulation 4 heavy, it is much harder to kill Wuming than killing an ant.

He grabbed it in one hand, and a tremendous spirit strength surged out, instantly turning into a big hand to grasp Wu Ming.

But at the moment when the big hand flew to Wu Ming, it was like a balloon hitting an embroidery needle. With a loud bang, it exploded into a void!

“En?” Luo Hong face changed, just now everything happened too fast, he didn’t react, his spell was broken!

Is there any expert in this Ten Thousand Forms Sect?

Luo Hong is also an old man who has lived for hundreds of years. He has looked at four places and glanced at Wuming with caution, saying, “Do you have an expert in Ten Thousand Forms Sect?”

“Yes and how? Wu Ming didn’t hide.

Luo Hong heard that it was coldly snorted and said: “If there is an expert, let the expert come out to see me, don’t hide in the dark, even if the cultivation base is higher than me, what I represent is Luotian Holy Land, I Luotian Holy Land is one of the ten places in Nine Heavens. Is it an unknown expert? If he dares to sneak attack again, I will fall out to become hostile!”


As soon as Luo Hong’s words were finished, the air around him made a trembling sound, and then he seemed to be crushed by a mountain, and the sound fell to the ground with a bang, hitting a big pit.

“Martial Uncle!” More than a dozen Integration Experts of Luotian Holy Land saw this scene. They shouted loudly and quickly rushed down, pulling Luo Hong up from the big pit.

Luo Hong was covered in mud, bloody nose and swollen face, embarrassed to a certain realm, he had never been so embarrassed in front of so many people in his life, after climbing up, he shouted with a loud voice: “Who! Which one has the courageless rat, just Just dare to sneak attack behind, believe or not, I will immediately launch the expert of Loose Immortal level to crush your 10000 Xiangshan into a flat ground!”

He was also stunned, completely forgetting that he was easily hit on the ground by someone, so he dared to shout so loudly.

The rest of the Luotian Holy Land disciple heard this, it was with swords drawn and bows bent, a look like Ten Thousand Forms Sect.

“Luotian Holy Land people really look the same.” Du Yuesheng stood up and heard this, and said with a smile: “Now Heavenly Emperor has stood up, how can you take this Heavenly Emperor?”

Someone stood up?

Luo Hong turned his eyes and fell on Du Yuesheng, but found that there was no difference between Du Yuesheng and a mortal. He couldn’t help but coldly snorted and said: “hmph, even a mortal came out to blame? No gall rats!”

The Disciple of Ten Thousand Forms Sect froze, even Du Yuesheng was stunned, Luo Hong let himself stand up, he stood up, but Luo Hong didn’t believe it?

Do not see through my aura, think I am a mortal?

He could not help but laugh: “I stand up, but you don’t believe it, then how do you believe that I just shot it?”

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