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No one thought that the unknown flag brought by Du Yuesheng could block Li Yang’s Magic Treasure.

Even Li Yang himself is sneering. On this ladder, everyone’s own strength is greatly restricted. On the contrary, Magic Treasure’s formidable power is infinitely amplified, and his Li Yang’s strength is also infinitely enlarged. Now He dare to say that he is not afraid even if he encounters 2 instruments Loose Immortal.

It’s ridiculous that an unknown kid dared to use Magic Treasure and his hard regret, it was courting death!

But… something disappointing happened.

Everyone eagerly hoped to see the feather arrows burst into the black wind and red fire and then rushed out, but they could not see for a long time.

Instead, those black winds and red fires have begun to slowly dissipate. At the same time as the dissipation, there is a continuous drop of powder in the sky. Everyone takes a closer look, and the face of unable to bear changes.

The dust that has fallen down seems to be the debris left after the feathers were burned.

“My feather arrow!”

Li Yang recognized it as a wreckage of his Magic Treasure at a glance, and he was almost distressed for a moment. Scarlet filled his eyes. He quickly whispered the sound transmission and said: “Wang Qi Fellow Daoist, I will try again. You In the sneak attack, this kid is weird. Even if I can win him, he will definitely lose a lot!”

Wang Qi was nodded from afar, not at all, and Li Yang focused all his attention on Du Yuesheng: “Good boy, this Venerable does not kill the nameless, come and announce your name, let you know !”

“This Heavenly Emperor does not change its name, sit and change its surname, Du Yuesheng is also!” Du Yuesheng grinned, did not conceal his name at the same time, he was also a big wave, and a black wind hulled again on the nether Yellow Springs skyfire flag. And go.

This time the Nether Sky Fire Banner emits a black wind, although it is still black, but a closer look will find that in the black wind, it seems to be interspersed with a little black glowing ice crystals, which shows that the black wind’s formidable power is also different from the past , So today the black wind is called the Nether Yellow Springs wind!

Ghost Yellow Springs was blown away by the wind, Li Yang gnashing teeth, and then shot the waist storage bag, only to see a large umbrella appeared in front of him, the bang automatically opened, quickly spun up, and the black wind hit Go away, there is no merit!

Li Yang just laughed heartily up and said aloud: “Du Yuesheng, don’t waste your time, this umbrella is called the sky iron umbrella, and it uses the outer iron that doesn’t know where it came from. A mountain can be stopped by flying over, you demon wind is impossible to destroy it!”

Du Yuesheng’s lips were raised, faintly smiled, and he asked: “Is it?”

Li Yang saw Du Yuesheng’s serene look, and he groaned in his heart. He felt subconsciously not very good, but when he thought about it, he didn’t talk nonsense just now. This day the iron umbrella was indeed carrying a mountain’s formidable power. A soft wind was destroyed, how could he follow him to the present?

However, as the Nether Yellow Springs wind continued to hit the iron umbrella that day, the sky iron umbrella was still inevitably covered with a layer of black ice. The cold was pressing, and even Li Yang was forced to step back a few steps. spirit strength ride this sky iron umbrella.

And at this time, Du Yuesheng did not retreat and stepped forward. Laughed heartily said: “You said that your iron umbrella can bear the formidable power of a mountain this day? Today, Heavenly Emperor is going to Poke your sky iron umbrella with one finger!”

“Is this Du Yuesheng too rampant?” The reincarnated genius, Unable to Bear, frowned.

Many of them have seen the formidable power of the sky iron umbrella. Even a 4 elephant Loose Immortal may not be able to pierce the sky iron umbrella with one finger. How powerful is Du Yuesheng and can pierce the sky iron umbrella?

At the same time as everyone was wondering, Du Yuesheng had lifted his finger, the rays of light of the spirit strength of his fingertips kept flowing, and one finger quickly poked on the sky iron umbrella!

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the Tiantie umbrella, and it is normal to poke the Tiantie umbrella with the spirit strength.

And under everyone’s incredible eyes, a crisp and crisp sound suddenly came out, and before everyone could see what was going on, I heard a crisp sound and Du Yuesheng’s entire hand was directly dropped into it. Inside the sky iron umbrella.

At the other end, everyone saw Du Yuesheng’s hand has appeared on the other side of the sky iron umbrella, Du Yuesheng’s hand slowly retracted, a fist sized hole appeared on the sky iron umbrella, not only In this way, many tiny spider cracks also appeared in other parts of the sky iron umbrella.

Where is the pierced sky iron umbrella? This clearly means that the sky iron umbrella is poked with one finger!


Seeing this scene, Li Yang opened his mouth with a mouthful of blood, and his own sky-iron umbrella was his most treasured treasure, which is now destroyed here.

Coupled with the lost Flowing Light Sword, Yin bird feather fan, feather arrow, so many treasures are gone, this time even if you got the 1st place to break the ladder, you can’t make up for such a big loss!

Just when everyone looked towards Du Yuesheng, and his face was full of unbelievable expressions, a scream suddenly came out, and I don’t know where to fly a Flying Sword, fast as lightning, referring to Du Yuesheng!

When they saw this Flying Sword, many reincarnated geniuses were shocked, because they felt that they had no ability to stop this Flying Sword. If this Flying Sword killed them, they would definitely die.

But Du Yuesheng seemed to have expected such a flying Sword to strike. When Flying Sword was about to fly in front of him, he turned around leisurely, raising his hand, raising his hand 2 fingers lightly Light a clip.

A crisp sound came out, and everyone looked at Du Yuesheng again. He was not at all penetrated by Flying Sword.

Flying Sword was less than an inch in front of his forehead, and his 2 fingers were gripping the Flying Sword with a stern grip.

This handle Flying Sword is dark and ink-like, does not flash cold light, but reveals killing intent, which shows that the master of this sword is also like the sneak attack.

After everyone saw this Flying Sword, everyone’s eyes focused on Wang Qi in the next second.

Du Yuesheng also looked up in the past. At the moment, Wang Qi looked dull, and he couldn’t figure it out anymore. When Du Yuesheng was most relaxed, he used his own trick to kill countless experts. How come now, this Not only did move not work, but was caught by Du Yuesheng so easily?

“Sneak attack This Heavenly Emperor, this Heavenly Emperor does not kill you, others still think this Heavenly Emperor is bullying!” Du Yuesheng’s eyes are cold, shouted in a low voice, 2 moves, a bang, this handle is black and ink Flying Sword flew back suddenly.

Wang Qi was shocked in his heart, but there was a sneer on his face. Although my sword was caught by you, my sword is my sword. If you want to control it directly, don’t you look down on my Wang Qi too much?

Thinking, Wang Qi silently secret art, pinched his fingers to regain control of Flying Sword.

But in this brief moment, he suddenly felt a violent spirit strength on Flying Sword, controlling his Flying Sword, unable to resist at all.


At the next moment when Wang Qi felt this, his heart was cold. When he looked down, his Flying Sword had passed through his heart!

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