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Du Yuesheng just let everyone look sideways, and Wang Kaixuan threw out a word, undoubtedly like a heavy bomb dropped in the crowd.

The Loose Cultivators who had just returned to lazily stood upright with a chuckle, with one hand on the storage bag on their waist, ready to take Magic Treasure at any time, and the other hand directly pinched out the referee, ready to cast spell.

On the 100 Loose Cultivator’s murderous aura, let the air in this space seem to freeze in this brief moment.

The Ouyang soul boy standing in the front saw this scene. Unable to bear raised his brows and a sneer at the corner of his mouth: “So you are Du Yuesheng, I don’t know if you are brave or stupid, but since you are here Here, I have revealed my identity, then I will die!”

Wang Kaixuan was laughed after hearing this and said, “Boss, let me give you the 2 instrument Loose Immortal!”

He wanted to test his own strength too much.

Du Yuesheng nodded, yes.

Wang Kaixuan stepped on the foot, jumped into the air, he was fat, and his movements looked clumsy. He even held the Heaven Opening shovel in his hands. There was no false flower shelf, and the shovel was pointed at the head of Ouyang Lingtong. .

If it weren’t for him to fly into the air, and the Heaven Opening shovel rays of light flashing in his hand, his action would be no different from the street hooligans taking an axe and beating people.

But Rao is so, Ouyang Lingtong still twitched in his face: “A one-dollar Loose Immortal dared to treat this Venerable in this way. If this Venerable doesn’t cut off your fat and feed it to the dog, how can this bad breath!”

While speaking, he waved his big hand and a long sword in his hand, and Qing Jian jumped up, even if he couldn’t avoid it, it seemed to be fighting head-to-head with Wang Kaixuan!


After a moment, the crisp sound of a sword attack came, the fire 4 splashed, and the light wave swayed away. Everyone looked up and saw a terrified look in the eyes of unable to bear.

I only saw one yuan Loose Immortal Wang Kaixuan under this frontal blow, unexpectedly and Ouyang soul boy, the 2 instrument Loose Immortal birds of a feather!

“What?” Ouyang’s soul boy heart startled, but he used his ten out of ten power, so why couldn’t Wang Kaixuan?

“Hehe, haven’t you eaten? With this little strength, let you see Young Master, my shovel and a mountain!”

Wang Kaixuan laughed, proud of 10000 points, the Heaven Opening shovel in his hand burst into dazzling rays of light in this brief moment, and the power on it was also in this brief moment, which was increased several times.

One shovel and one mountain, this is Wang Kaixuan’s own trick when digging a grave. No other tricks, just a shovel down, a mountain will be flat!

A loud explosion sound came, and Ouyang Lingtong could no longer block Wang Kaixuan’s Heaven Opening shovel. The whole person was hit directly from the sky like a meteor and fell to the ground, exploding a circle of smoke.

“Unable to withstand a single blow!” Wang Kaixuan suspended in the air and said unable to bear arrogantly said with a big smile.

“Don’t be arrogant, this Venerable can still kill you!” Ouyang’s soul boy rushed out of the smoke like a spring. With a wave of his long sword in his hand, circles of sword shadows were flying around his body endlessly. .

Then he raised his sword and pointed at Wang Kaixuan, but he saw those sword shadows rushing out and went straight to Wang Kaixuan!

“I want to kill Young Master even with this trick. When Young Master dug the grave for so many years!” Wang Kaixuan laughed, waving the Heaven Opening shovel in his hand, it is almost impervious to the feng shui, and countless sword shadows attacked and killed Going, there was a noise of Ding Kuang, and then he was bombed directly!

“What!” Ouyang’s soul boy looked at Wang Kaixuan like a ghost. He couldn’t understand why his spell had no effect in front of Wang Kaixuan. Is this Wang Kaixuan really just a one-yuan Loose Immortal?

“Give your… Royal Beast Ring to Young Master!”

Wang Kaixuan was shouted in a low voice, holding the Heaven Opening shovel straight and killing the past, the Heaven Opening shovel directly split the airflow, and made a scream, the sound was extremely harsh.

“You only have one yuan Loose Immortal. Impossible to kill me!” Ouyang’s soul boy was shocked, but he kept saying comforting words in his mouth. At the same time, his hand speed was not slow. He put his hands together and then suddenly pulled, a huge His mask appeared on the top of his head!

“Broken Young Master!”

Wang Kaixuan swung down with a shovel, failing to open mountains and reclaim the sea. With a shovel down, the defensive spell arranged by the Ouyang spirit boy was as fragile as a blister. Pu chi was broken with a bang.

Afterwards, Heaven Opening shoveled press forward and directly cut the horrified Ouyang spirit boy into two halves, leaving the internal organs covered with the ground, and the blood-reeking qi smell suddenly opened!

Seeing this scene, Loose Immortal present was dumbfounded, with unbelievable expressions in his eyes:

“How is it possible, a… a one-dollar Loose Immortal, how can it be possible to kill 2 Loose Immortal?”

“This Wang Kaixuan is who are you again?”

When everyone was surprised, Wang Kaixuan rushed over and grabbed the storage bag of Ouyang’s soul boy, rummaged for a while, and took out the beast ring. This is a Magic Treasure the size of a bracelet. The whole body is blue with a small seal engraved on it. word.

“It’s this thing.” Wang Kaixuan came to ones hearts content and moved towards Du Yuesheng with the royal beast ring.

And the rest of the Loose Cultivator came back to his senses from the shock. Someone immediately shouted: “Everyone, Ouyang Senior is dead, but we don’t have to be afraid. Together we can kill Ouyang Senior, and naturally we can kill this. Wang Kaixuan, kill Wang Kaixuan, then kill Du Yuesheng, the road to immortality is waiting for us!”

“Really?” Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and moved under his feet, his figure has disappeared in place: “It’s snow and wind in 1000…”

In the face of so many one-yuan Loose Immortal, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to display the Snow Sword Song.

The speed skyrocketed ten times, and the Sword Art formidable power skyrocketed ten times. It is most useful when facing this one-to-many battle!

The lyrics just landed, Du Yuesheng’s silhouette passed by three Loose Immortal.

Where Du Yuesheng passed by, Loose Cultivator stood there blankly, unable to move.

The system prompt sounds immediately:

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing 3 one-yuan Loose Immortal and getting Spirit Points twenty six 100,000,000 7000 820 10,000!”

“What!” The other Loose Cultivators were not stupid, they felt that where Du Yuesheng went, those Loose Cultivators were dead!

“Not good, Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan are not something we can deal with, run away!”

Seeing that something was wrong, the rest of the Loose Cultivator did not care about the Immortal Path, and turned into a stream of light and flew out, moving towards all directions.

Wang Kaixuan raised his brow when he saw this scene of Unable to Bear: “Crap, these guys are running too fast, Boss, chasing you?”

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said, “The Immortal Ruins are extremely dangerous. As a Loose Immortal, the most basic point is to escape quickly. If they don’t escape quickly, they would have died long ago. You don’t need to chase after them. Want to grab an Earth Dragon?

Let’s go and grab a dragon to play! “

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