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PS: Today is the legendary’Singles’ Day, which is also commonly known as the Dog Abuse Day and the Hand Chopping Day. The tortoise is here to bless everyone.



The tribulation thunder constantly strikes the earth, endless lightning emerges Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven.

“Loose !!”

Gu Feizi lifts the head and looks at the Vault of Heaven, with a terrifying rays of light in his hand, he has been preparing for today.

Even at the last moment, even if Heavenly God came into the world, he couldn’t prevent him from going through the One Yuan Tribulation and becoming one Yuan Loose Immortal.

After the success of the Crossing Tribulation, the thunderclouds in the sky dissipated, but the blood color of the sky was still not reduced by half.

Mortals are innocent and have no hostility. After being slaughtered by innocent people, they are naturally hostile!

At this moment, Gu Feizi’s blood-colored robe is drifting in the wind, and a red baleful aura is circulating around him, like a cloud and mist. If it is white, it should be Immortal Qi!

Under Wang Kaixuan’s pursuit, the disciplines that set up the formation had been killed thoroughly, and Gu Feizi was too lazy to stop him, just looking at Du Yuesheng, he knew that Du Yuesheng was the one he should deal with.

If Du Yuesheng stood in front of him like this before, he would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation.

But now, he has the confidence that he can crush Du Yuesheng to death here with one finger.

So at this moment, he is also very relaxed. When he looked at Du Yuesheng, he had the thought of playing with a mouse.

Du Yuesheng looked at Gu Feizi coldly. He didn’t think that the enemy in front of him was so tricky, but he just felt that this enemy was really conscientious, and a smile on this kind of person would be a luxury!

“Boss!” After Wang Kaixuan finished killing the group of disciplines, he returned with his own Heaven Opening shovel.

He glanced at Gu Feizi, and said, “What about this kid, he has gone through a one-dollar robbery now, he is already a one-dollar Loose Immortal, and it is also a complete volume of one-dollar Loose Immortal, which is better than the one we encountered last time. Ancient corpse is much stronger!”

Du Yuesheng knew this in his heart. Although the ancient corpse I encountered last time was a Loose Immortal, it was seriously injured. It has not been completely recovered for several thousand years. The strength has declined severely. It is not as good as a one-yuan Loose Immortal. Immortal!

In other words, this Gu Feizi is the strongest enemy he has encountered so far.

“You take these mortals away first.” Du Yuesheng said lightly.

These mortals now have only 500,000 left, and most of them are too scared by the situation just now, and walking on their own is unrealistic.

As soon as Wang Kaixuan heard it, he shouted: “Boss, do you think I am a person who is greedy for life and fear of death? This Gu Feizi is not easy to deal with. Let’s kill together. If we fail to kill, we will die together. The big deal will be buried together later!”

“Get lost!” Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but laughed and cursed, kicking Wang Kaixuan into the Immortal Valley with one foot: “Who wants to be buried with you.”

After Wang Kaixuan got up, he still yelled: “Boss, I’m not kidding, the big deal is that I will dig a big hole now, and I will never squeeze you.”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart. This Fatty Wang is actually afraid of death, but at this juncture, he still wants to fight with Du Yuesheng. This shows that Du Yuesheng is as important as himself in his mind. .

This is the feeling of friendship, and it is a long-lost friendship.

Du Yuesheng smiled, and Wang Kaixuan understood that Du Yuesheng was not afraid of Gu Feizi. He immediately put his fat heart in his stomach and took out a big pocket from his arms. Whispering said: “Originally this was when I was digging a grave. The soil-fillers can only wrong you now.”

Speaking of Wang Kaixuan’s pocket, a huge suction power came out of his pocket. No 500,000 mortals could stop this suction. They were all put into the pockets. They cried and shook the sky, thinking that Wang Kaixuan would also want Kill them.

Wang Kaixuan patted the bulging pockets of the drums, stepped on the moving clouds, and moved straight towards the direction of the world league. Now, the entire San Divine State is the safest in the world.

After Wang Kaixuan left with the mortals, Gu Feizi grinned jié jié and said, “Hey, didn’t expect someone who kills cultivator like clay chickens and pottery dogs, who cares about mortals.”

Du Yuesheng smiled and looked at Gu Feizi coldly, before slowly saying: “The people killed by Heavenly Emperor are all people who want to kill Heavenly Emperor, they damn it.”

Gu Feizi twitched his lips and said, “Those mortals can help me become immortals, and they deserve to die.”

Du Yuesheng sneered and said, “Ben Heavenly Emperor is not interested in discussing right or wrong with you, because Ben Heavenly Emperor kills people and is not right or wrong.

This Heavenly Emperor thinks that whoever should be damn, who should be damn, and now, you should be damn, here is the Immortal Valley, a very good name, today RBHeavenly Emperor is here Behead Immortal! “

“Hey me?”

Gu Feizi laughed up to the sky, trembling in his robe, as if he heard a big joke: “Du Yuesheng, it seems that you still haven’t tried the formidable power of Loose Immortal, I will let you see it. !”

While speaking, Gu Feizi raised his hand and gently moved towards Du Yuesheng.


In an instant, the air around Du Yuesheng seemed to be turned into steel and became extremely hard, and Du Yuesheng felt as if he was directly embedded into the steel!

“Do you dare to call yourself a fairy with this little trick?”

Du Yuesheng gave a sneer, the spirit strength of his body shook, and there was a boom, the surrounding air burst out with bursts of light waves, the light waves swelled away, and there was a roar everywhere, the hard as iron air was shocked back to its original shape at this moment!

“It’s a bit of strength!” Gu Feizi raised his eyebrows. He thought that this move would be enough for Du Yuesheng to suffer. Didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to even reach out and broke this move!

Du Yuesheng moved the Executing Immortal Sword in his hand, raised the tip of the sword and pointed it at Gu Feizi, snered and said: “Kill you, wait like slaughtering chickens and dogs!”

After he finished speaking, Luo Li had already flown from a distance.

At this moment she was covered with murderous aura. The smell of blood could not be removed. The experts of the three ancient doors were all dead and clean under her hands.

“Heavenly Emperor, this man is very powerful, let me go!” Luo Li looked at Gu Feizi, raised his eyebrows, but there was not much retreat in his eyes.

Although her cultivation base is the same as Du Yuesheng, she is also the same as Du Yuesheng, and her strength cannot be judged by the cultivation base.

Otherwise, how could she slaughter the 3 ancient gates.

When the cultivator of the three ancient gates died, they regretted it to the extreme. Why didn’t expect? Du Yuesheng just waved a killer.

Moreover, Gu Feizi also betrayed his promise and did not help him at all!

“Hmph? A female generation dare to pretend to kill me?” Gu Feizi was extremely depressed. He had clearly become a Loose Immortal, and his strength was invincible.

Now that Du Yuesheng is not afraid of him, it’s fine. Even the woman under Du Yuesheng doesn’t have the slightest fear of him, so she rushes to kill him.

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