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“This Heavenly Emperor didn’t say that he wants to raise cattle and raise horses!”

Du Yuesheng drank sharply, the sky fire fell, and many of the so-called geniuses were under the sky fire, and there was no slight resistance to it. It was burned to fly ash.

Du Yuesheng waved the Nether Sky Fire flag after all the tower guarding cultivators were killed, put away the sky fire, his eyes were clear, and fell on other geniuses, indifferently said: “Now, no one wants to fight against the ancient Heavenly Emperor. Tower!”


Who dares to grab it.

More than 1000 of the most powerful geniuses were rounded up by Du Yuesheng with one hand. Other people went up to it, wouldn’t it be courting death? No matter how many people are, it’s courting death!

At this moment many geniuses have understood the gap between them and Du Yuesheng.

Someone cannot to bear whispered: “This Du Yuesheng is so powerful, it should be a genius of the reincarnation level, how come it is like our Heavenspan, is this not a bully!”

“I am also wondering if this guy is a reincarnated genius, but the Heavenly Ranking Tournament has always been fair, and it stands to reason that this will not happen!”

Although Du Yuesheng stood above the sky, he also heard clearly. What is the reincarnated genius?

He quickly asked the system: “system, what do you mean by the reincarnated genius of the sky-high qualifying battle?”

“Ding, system prompts. In the Rank 4 Area, geniuses are divided into Heavenspan talents and reincarnated geniuses. Heavenspan is the player’s first-life genius, and the reincarnated genius is the last Crossing Tribulation, even the Great Ascension expert, the genius who started the cultivation again!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng understood, and said: “That means these reincarnated geniuses are reborn with great power?”

“Ding, the system prompts that the player understands it completely, so these reincarnated geniuses are powerful and far beyond the strength of ordinary geniuses. Under normal circumstances, the Battle of Ancient Vestige, which is the battle of the heavenly ranking, is to separate the reincarnated genius from Heavenspan. of!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng suddenly realized, no wonder he was able to sweep 8 squares here, and the cultivation base of genius here is around the Dividing Spirit period, and there are even a lot of Nascent Soul periods.

This turned out to be the case, and all the powerful geniuses were singled out.

Bored, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help but sigh for a while, if he could fight against those so-called reincarnated geniuses, it would be refreshing.

But at this moment, he couldn’t find those reincarnated geniuses, he could only hover in the sky, quietly waiting for the three-day deadline to arrive.

Because no one dared to fight Du Yuesheng anymore, the battle of Ancient Vestige became extremely calm.

3 days are fleeting.

When Referee set foot on Ancient Vestige again, his face suddenly changed.

“Why are there so many people missing?”

Before the battle of Ancient Vestige, the most poison to death was 10000 cultivator, but this time, I am afraid that the death is close to 200,000, which is the previous 5 6 Times.

But before he came back to his senses from the death toll of the cultivator, he suddenly discovered that there was no one on the 30 ancient pagodas except Du Yuesheng floating above all the ancient pagodas.

“In the end what happened?”

The shock of referee’s face, this has never happened before.

Du Yuesheng grinned and said lightly: “I own 30 ancient pagodas, it’s that simple!”

“What! You accounted for 30 ancient towers by yourself!” Referee was dumbfounded. He is also a cultivator of the Integration period. However, this is the case. He doesn’t dare to say that he can occupy 30 ancient towers. This is Du Yuesheng. What means was used!

If there were not many cultivators killed, he thought Du Yuesheng had bought other cultivators.

However, the number of cultivators killed was much more than usual. This proves that Du Yuesheng not only did not buy other cultivators, but started a huge killing!

For a while, referee didn’t know what to do, after all, this kind of situation never happened before.

“Refee, it’s unfair. This kid must be a reincarnation cultivator. Why did he come here?”

Suddenly someone shouted.

Du Yuesheng grinned, moved towards the man, and the man quickly shrank his neck, and he simply hid behind the referee.

referee brows tightly knit looked at Du Yuesheng and said: “Impossible, all reincarnated geniuses must have the cause and effect of the previous life, this child, there is no cause and effect of the previous life powerful cultivator, so he must only cultivate one life!”

Everyone was stunned at hearing this.

They absolutely believe in referee’s words, but in this way, Du Yuesheng turned out to be an ordinary Heavenspan talent and did what a reincarnated genius can do, which is even more shocking.

“Then based on his strength, he should be divided into the ranks of reincarnated geniuses. What is it to bully us like Heavenspan?” someone said dissatisfied.

Du Yuesheng grinned and did not refute. He also felt that it was really meaningless to play with these ordinary Heavenspans.

referee brows tightly knit, but his lips are moving. At a glance, he knows that he is talking to other people’s sound transmission. He doesn’t ask if he is discussing Du Yuesheng.

Not long after, the referee finally lifts the head, saying word by word: “Given Du Yuesheng’s ancient and tyrannical strength, he can indeed be included in the ranks of reincarnated geniuses. Next time he will not be your enemy.”

Hearing here, each and everyone genius cultivator turned out to be cheering in excitement, and was even happier than the New Year.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips helplessly, turned and moved towards the ancient pagoda and flew away. At this moment, the ancient pagoda restriction has been cancelled, and he can take out the contents of the treasure chest at the top of the ancient pagoda.

At first, he is still looking forward to the good rewards of the ancient tower, but now he knows that this Ancient Vestige battle is just the low-end battle of the Rank 4 Area ranking battle, so he has no expectations for it.

At the same time, the system reminder sounded continuously in his ear:

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” for achieving the 1st place result in the low-end Ancient Vestige battle and getting rewards. The character lottery has ten chances, and you can draw the character Summon Card, character possession card and so on!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player for killing the Nascent Soul cultivator, 100,000 3862 people, because the opponent’s level is too low, there is no Spirit Points reward!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the players for killing the Opening Cave cultivator, 30,000 7000 6,000,000 33 people, because the opponent’s level is too low, there is no Spirit Points reward!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player for killing the Dividing Spirit cultivator, 5000 6,000,000 seventy two people, because the opponent’s level is low, the EXP is reduced, and the Spirit Points are rewarded 20 300,000,000 7000 860 points!”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” level increase: current Level: Integration 5th layer!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” level increase: current Level: Integration 6th-layer!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” level upgrade: current Level: Integration 7 heavy!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” level upgrade: current Level: Integration 8 heavy!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the players for successfully advancing to the high stage of Rank 4 Area’s top ranking battle, get rewards and one opportunity to upgrade equipment!”

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