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The wall next to Road 2 collapsed, and the prospects were rapidly changing. At this time, Du Yuesheng only saw that an exit had appeared in front.

“This level is very simple.” Du Yuesheng grinned looking towards Xi Le and said.

Joy again and again nodded.

If these words were understood by the person who arranged the illusion at the beginning, I am afraid that he would jump directly from the coffin with anger.

I have never seen such a violent person. When encountering Array of Illusion, I don’t think about how to crack the Array. Instead, I just smashed the base with a sword, which is too violent!

Du Yuesheng and Xi Le walked out of the passage to take a look, only to realize that they had come to a cliff.

It is difficult to imagine that in a palace, there is a cliff over 100 feet wide.

On the cliff, there is only a narrow bridge, there are no handrails on the 2 side of the bridge, and it is easy to fall into the abyss. At the bridge head, there is a bridge head monument with 3 big characters engraved on it: Broken Soul Bridge!

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, it turns out that several Old Ancestors have already taken Direct Disciple out of the imaginary formation channel.

“Du Yuesheng Little Brother is so fast!” Huanggu Old Ancestor came up with a smile and complimented.

Du Yuesheng sneered silently. This Huanggu Old Ancestor had no good intentions and would definitely encourage him to go to the bridge again, but I didn’t know how disappointed Huanggu Old Ancestor would be if he didn’t die on the bridge this time!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said: “Huanggu Old Ancestor, do you know what is weird about this Broken Soul Bridge?”

Huanggu Old Ancestor pretended to look forward for 2 eyes, then he was meditated, and finally he said, “I have heard before that people walking on this Broken Soul Bridge will be attacked by an alien beast, even if it is an Integration realm. It’s very dangerous for experts to walk up there, Du Yuesheng Little Brother, you should let me try it first…”

With that said, Huanggu Old Ancestor still wanted to get ahead, but didn’t dare to do so.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng wanted to laugh for a while. This Huanggu Old Ancestor pretended to want to go first, and then urged Du Yuesheng to go first.

Can’t let him go this time.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said: “Oh, Huanggu Old Ancestor is rare to have such thoughts. This Heavenly Emperor will not refuse Huanggu Old Ancestor’s kindness, you just go!”

“Huh?” Huang Gu Old Ancestor was dumbfounded for an instant.

Isn’t Du Yuesheng a fool, isn’t he impulsive and arrogant? How could the radical method not work for him?

For a while, Huanggu Old Ancestor was motionless in place.

“Hehe, why didn’t Huanggu Old Ancestor move?” Du Yuesheng sneered when he saw it, and said, “Could it be that Huanggu Old Ancestor thinks you are too lonely on the road? Give you some more people for the Heavenly Emperor!”

With that said, Du Yuesheng directly fetched the Netherworld Yellow Springs flag. With a wave of the flag, the black wind and black fire roared out, directly surrounding the Huanggu faction’s disciples.

But in the up ahead, a gap was revealed in the direction leading to the Broken Soul Bridge ahead.

Du Yuesheng’s idea is very simple, forcing the Huanggu school’s discipline onto the Broken Soul Bridge!

“Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist, what are you going to do?” Huanggu Old Ancestor panicked, how could he not expect that Du Yuesheng would suddenly attack!

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: “This is my sect’s discipline to accompany you, lest you be alone on the road!”

Du Yuesheng used a pun and thoughts move, and immediately the black fire began to burn the Huanggu school discipline standing at the back, and immediately more than a dozen disciplines were burned into fly ash.

The rest of the Huanggu Sect discipline screamed when they saw it, and quickly moved towards Broken Soul Bridge and rushed over.

Although Broken Soul Bridge is nine deaths and still alive, if you stay here, you will definitely be killed by Du Yuesheng in no time. It is better to fight for that life.

Huanggu Old Ancestor saw this scene, his face was as gray as hell, his mouth muttered: “It’s over, it’s over!”

Others don’t know how powerful the Broken Soul Bridge is, but Huanggu Old Ancestor knows it very well.

Sure enough, after Huanggu School’s discipline rushed up to the Broken Soul Bridge, only a few almost transparent snakes appeared, suddenly appeared from below the abyss, swimming in the air, and quietly flew on the Broken Soul Bridge!

“Be careful!” Huanggu Old Ancestor quickly reminded him loudly.

Those Huanggu school’s discipline hearing this quickly lowered their heads and looked around, but their cultivation base was so low that they couldn’t see the invisible snakes. After a glance, they couldn’t find anything, they couldn’t help but lift the head. looked towards Huanggu Old Ancestor with a blank face.

But at this moment, those invisible snakes finally got into trouble, opened their mouths wide, and bit on the body of the Huanggu school discipline.


A scream started, followed by countless screams.

Those invisible snakes are extremely venomous, and bite them down. Even the Dividing Spirit cultivation base of Huanggu School only had time to scream and fell directly into the abyss.

In no time, the 1000-odd Huanggu school disciplines just now were all buried under the venom of the invisible snake.

Huanggu Old Ancestor looked as if he was cracking, his hair that was originally gray, turned completely white at this moment, and his face was instantly covered with wrinkles.

The background of Huanggu School tens of thousands of years was completely empty in an instant!


Huanggu Old Ancestor only feels that he is a sinner of the Huanggu faction. If he hadn’t been greedy for the treasures of Heavenspan Palace, and wanted to frame Du Yuesheng, how could he end up like this!

For a while, Huanggu Old Ancestor had the heart to die, but the timidity deep in his heart made him dare not judge himself to thank the world, tangled with 10000 points!

“Huanggu Old Ancestor!” Du Yuesheng raised his brows and took his gaze back from the invisible snake, looked towards Huanggu Old Ancestor, and said: “Your discipline is all on the road, shouldn’t you go too?”

Du Yuesheng’s tone was as cold as ice. Huanggu Old Ancestor shivered all over his body when he heard it. Just when Du Yuesheng thought that Huanggu Old Ancestor was going to violently kill, Huanggu Old Ancestor suddenly forced a smile and said To:

“Du Yuesheng Little Brother, this Broken Soul Bridge is 10000 points dangerous. The old man was abrupt before. Now the old man knows that he is not strong enough and dare not step forward. Let’s ask Du Yuesheng Little Brother to use Divine Ability to kill those invisible snakes! “

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng’s eyes immediately showed disdain.

This Huanggu Old Ancestor was actually softened.

If he rises up to kill, Du Yuesheng will still feel that this Huanggu Old Ancestor has several points of spine, and maybe he will pay homage to him in the coming year.

But what didn’t expect is that Huanggu Old Ancestor was actually subdued.

My own discipline died at 1000, and Sect’s 10000 year-end accumulative was exhausted. Huanggu’s Old Ancestor was still able to compromise, endure humiliation and survive, and it was simply the best use of Old Tortoise’s temper!

For a while, Du Yuesheng only felt that killing this Huanggu Old Ancestor had dirty his hands. He couldn’t help but sneered, looking towards all around, saying every word:

“Huanggu Old Ancestor must go to the Broken Soul Bridge today. After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes?”

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