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The dantian is the foundation of the cultivator. The dantian is broken, and the cultivation base is abolished.

The dantian of Ziyang Old Ancestor was pierced by a flying knife, and a hole appeared. The spirit strength leaked out like a torrential flood, and he naturally became a waste person!

At this moment, Ziyang Old Ancestor was still shouting, and all the Ziyang disciplines were dead, all around a silence.

Everyone didn’t expect such a result.

Just a trick, a throwing knives, purple Yang Sect, kill! Ziyang Old Ancestor, cultivation base is abolished!

At this time, there are no other experts around Du Yuesheng. This blade is from Du Yuesheng, and Du Yuesheng personally scrapped Ziyang Old Ancestor!

“Forget it, it’s painful to see you alive, let this Heavenly Emperor help you end the pain!”

Du Yuesheng glanced at Ziyang Old Ancestor, who was still howling miserably, and he raised his hand and pressed it lightly.

With a bang, Ziyang Old Ancestor burst into a blood mist.

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the players for killing Ziyang Old Ancestor and getting 56100,000,000 Spirit Points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 1845 Purple Yang Sect disciple and get Spirit Points 46100,000,000!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to players for getting 10 chances of lottery mission card, you can draw possession card, Summon Card, etc.!”

“Ding, system reminder, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” has been upgraded, the current level of Dividing Spirit is 8!”

“Ding, system prompts, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” has been upgraded to the current level of Dividing Spirit 9 Layer.”

“Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” Divinging Spirit Peak at the current level!”

A series of system bells sounded, which made Du Yuesheng happy and raised Level 2, so that this time, Li Xunhuan’s possession card was used.

However, it is a pity that there is no breath to bring cultivation progress to the integration period.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng glanced at everyone present and couldn’t help grinning, it was all moving EXP!

But before Du Yuesheng could take action, each and everyone Old Ancestor suddenly stood up and yelled at the remaining pile of flesh and blood in Ziyang Old Ancestor:

“Hmph, Ziyang Old Ancestor is courting death, dare to provoke Du Yuesheng Fellow Daoist, damn it!”

“Exactly!” Another Old Ancestor stood up and shouted: “The old man puts the words here, who dares to provoke Du Yuesheng Little Brother, that is to oppose the old man, the old man will never let him go!”

Someone took the lead, and other Old Ancestors also stood up one after another, and attacked the remains of Ziyang Old Ancestor.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

This group of old bastard is really too shrewd, don’t want to please him with any face.

What brother, Fellow Daoist, all came out, I’m afraid it’s not for Du Yuesheng’s too young age to let these Old Ancestors recognize Du Yuesheng as fathers!

As the saying goes, you don’t even hit the smiley person with your hand. For a while, Du Yuesheng is not good at doing it again.

But when I think about it, there may be a lot of treasures in the next Heavenspan Palace. When the time comes, this group of old bastard will definitely see benefits, and it will not be too late to kill!

At this point in his thoughts, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and looked towards Xi Le, but saw Xi Le’s nose twitching and saying: “Big brothers, these guys are really disgusting!”

When said by Joy, the remaining Old Ancestors looked very embarrassed, and even Sect’s Disciples did not dare to look up.

But there is no way, now Du Yuesheng is glare like a tiger watching his prey, they are not pleased with Du Yuesheng, that is dead end!

Everything is to survive, and today’s shame must be recovered.

This is what you think of Old Ancestor in your heart, and you simply ignore the words of joy.

The flattery shot by the old fogey with white hair and white beard of each and everyone didn’t feel very good. Du Yuesheng said directly with a big hand: “You, this Heavenly Emperor has no time to play with you, I’m going to Heavenspan Palace!”

Jinmu Old Ancestor hurriedly said: “Du Yuesheng Little Brother, don’t worry. The stairs in front of the Heavenspan Palace are called Scaling Heaven Stairs. There are a lot of restrictions on it, and all of them are ancient restrictions. They are very powerful. You can’t act blindly without thinking. !”

“Really?” Du Yuesheng glanced at Jinmu Old Ancestor with a sneer, and understood in his heart that Jinmu Old Ancestor’s words seemed to remind him to be careful, but in essence, he was using the radical technique.

This child is sinister in his mind, but he is not in a hurry to kill him, he has to keep it for a good tease. When he is full of hope, it is the most comfortable to smash the fire of his hope!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng simply followed Jin Mu’s Old Ancestor, taking advantage of Li Xunhuan’s possession for 2 to 30% of the time, grabbed joy, stepped on the void, and directly moved towards the Scaling Heaven Stairs.

“It’s finished!” Jin Mu saw this, and his heart kept refreshing.

Huang An Old Ancestor next to him saw this, unable to bear brows tightly knit, and secret transmission said: “Jin Mu, you are stimulating Du Yuesheng, are you afraid that he will see you kill you!”

Jinmu disdainful smile, sound transmission said: “I’m not afraid, old man is a man who has lived for 1000 years. Forgive that Du Yuesheng can’t see old man’s strategy. Look at that fool, it’s not that I followed my strategy. , Just go to the Scaling Heaven Stairs!”

“Also.” Huang An Old Ancestor was nodded, sound transmission said: “The prohibition on the Scaling Heaven Stairs is extremely dangerous. Even the Expert of Integration Peak, don’t want to escape from the ascension, this kid must die on it!”

Huang Gu’s Old Ancestor and Jin Mu all used sound transmission for their speech, and thought they were very subtle. Where did they think that Du Yuesheng’s current strength is comparable to that of the Great Ascension period expert.

Their sound transmission is almost like shouting in Du Yuesheng’s ears.

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng sneered again and again: “hehe and Huang An Old Ancestor are also mischievous, hehe, well, let you be happy first, you two I remember, when the time comes to let you two die together !”

Having said that, Du Yuesheng jumped forward and landed directly on Scaling Heaven Stairs.

As soon as he stepped on the Scaling Heaven Stairs, he heard the splitting the air sound of xiū xiū xiū ringing, and he saw that in the void on the side of Scaling Heaven Stairs 2, suddenly an extremely powerful sword light broke out.

This Scaling Heaven Stairs really has a restriction, and it is not weak, this sword light, almost every channel is equivalent to a full strength attack of a Dividing Spirit Peak expert.

With so many sword lights, I am afraid that even Old Ancestor in the integration environment will cry.

The sword light hiding the sky and covering the earth came and vowed to drown Du Yuesheng and joy.

There was a trace of worry in the joy of Xiaole’s face, and he quickly prepared to shoot defense.

However, Du Yuesheng grinned and gently pressed the joyful forehead, saying, “Hey, don’t worry, look at the big brother!”

After speaking, there was a muffled sound, only to see a Blade Qi burst out from Du Yuesheng within the body.

A blade glow with golden rays of light was formed, and Du Yuesheng and Xiyue were instantly covered by it.

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