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The streamer dissipated.

Joyously walked out of the streamer.

Every time she took a step, a lotus flower condensed in the air, and under her feet, there were also petals falling in the air, which was gorgeous.

What delights Du Yuesheng is that the joy at the moment is not weaker than the old Ancestor, and even more so than the old Ancestor.

It can be seen that the joy at the moment is at least in Divinging Spirit realm.

This broken virtual An Ancestor is really powerful. It only took a few days to bring joyful cultivation progress to this point.

However, Du Yuesheng also knows clearly that if he changes an ordinary person in his left hand, I am afraid that even the old Ancestor can’t do this even if he fights for his old life. The reason why he can do this is inseparable from the joy of flying immortal physique.

Many Breaking Void Sect disciple bowed down to joy, and already regarded joy as the last life-saving straw.

Du Yuesheng smiled towards joy, and joy saw Du Yuesheng apparently trembling, and then in the eyes of many Breaking Void Sect disciple begging, opened his arms and moved towards Du Yuesheng.

“big brother !”

Joy slammed into Du Yuesheng’s arms and shouted intimately.

In an instant, a lot of Breaking Void Sect disciple complexion greatly changed.

They couldn’t understand how, and how joy would be called Du Yuesheng big brother.

Du Yuesheng touched Joy’s head and said with a smile: “What cultivation base is now?”

“Big brother, Joy is already heavy on Integration 2. Oh great!” Although Joy cultivation base has become the most Peak in Tiannan, it is still a child temperament and still asking Du Yuesheng for help.

Du Yuesheng laughed said: “Yes, it’s better than big brother. Big brother’s cultivation base is not as high as you.”

Although Du Yuesheng cultivation base is not as good as joy, but there is a system in it, Du Yuesheng is not afraid of encountering the Great Ascension expert.

And while the two were warm, those of the Breaking Void Sect鈥檚 disciplines shouted unabashedly: 鈥淗ey Ancestor Master, why are you going with this demon? He just killed Old Ancestor!鈥?/p>

“Hmph, that old fogey made me eat a lot of unpleasant medicine pill. I hate to die him. If big brother does it, I will do it too. Huh, you still want me to kill big brother, courting death!”

The next joyful sentence suddenly made a lot of Breaking Void Sect disciple feel ashamed.

Even more terrifying, the joy of a little hand movement, the falling petals in the sky turned sharp like a knife, Blade Qi awe-inspiring.

Du Yuesheng took a look and quickly said, “No joy!”

She was stunned for joy, but she waved her hand very obediently, and the petals burst into the sky, turning into sporadic petal fragments.

“Big brother, why don’t you let me kill them!” Xi Le asked with her head tilted, her small face full of doubts.

Du Yuesheng said with a smile: “This kind of killing should be given to the big brother. Don’t dirty your joyful hands.”

With that said, Du Yuesheng turned his head to look at Ximen Chuixue and said, “Cut all the disciplines of Breaking Void Sect!”

Ximen Chuixue nodded, looking around, found that other cultivators of the sect had already escaped when the joy appeared, and now only the Breaking Void Sect鈥檚 recipe is left here. He immediately said nothing and Qing Jian rushed over.

For a while, the sword light masterpiece, Breaking Void Sect鈥檚 discipline screamed again and again, but for a moment, Ximen Chuixue returned to Du Yuesheng, indifferently said: “Heavenly Emperor, I have completed the task, see you next time!”

After that, a white light appeared beside Ximen Chuixue, and the whole person was disappeared.

Du Yuesheng is speechless, this Ximen Chuixue really has a personality, originally wanted to stay him for a few more days, didn’t expect this buddy to leave after saying hello, it is really cold.

In his ear, a series of system prompts sounded.

“Ding, congratulations to the player who killed Breaking Void Sect disciple 1624 people and received Spirit Points 348495548!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for killing Breaking Void Sect, complete the mission: the big siege, get the reward of the top character possession card: Li Xunhuan!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for killing Breaking Void Sect, complete the mission: the big siege, get the reward, Heavenspan key!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng”, the level is improved, the current level Divinging Spirit 6th-layer!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng”, the level is improved, and the current level Divinging Spirit is 7 heavy!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng”, the level is improved, and the current level Divinging Spirit is 8 heavy!”

This time is a big harvest.

Not only did the registration increase to Level 3, I got a Character Card, but I also got the Heavenspan key.

The system said that the Heavenspan key is an important item to complete the mission of the lord of the sky, and it is absolutely indispensable.

Take out the Heavenspan key and see it. It is just a common stone key. It is plain and unremarkable, but the pattern printed on it is a heartfelt experience to get its thick history.

“I just don’t know what this Heavenspan key can open.” Du Yuesheng twitched his lips to himself.

Happy to see the key in Du Yuesheng’s hands, he couldn’t help but say: “big brother, this key is so familiar, I seem to know where this key is.”

“Oh?” Du Yuesheng eyes shined, how didn’t expect joy even knew where this Heavenspan key can be used.

“How does Joy know? Where can this key be used?” he asked quickly.

Joy reached for the direction he just came over and said, “This Heavenspan key can be used in the Heavenspan Palace deep in the heaven. After I entered the heaven, I went directly to the Heavenspan Palace. I just came back from there. The Heavenspan Palace gate is tight. Close, there is a pattern on the door lock exactly like this key!”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was very happy, and it seemed that Heavenspan Palace was the end of the main mission of the heaven.

The way to become the Lord of Heaven must be in Heavenspan Palace.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said directly: “Let’s go to Heavenspan Palace to see it.”

Joy was nodded, and then the two went directly into the sky and quickly moved towards Heavenspan Palace.

At this time, I went directly for one day one night, 2 people saw the Heavenspan Palace from a distance.

I saw a palace suspended directly in the air, motionless, above the palace, and countless thunder and lightning flashed over the sky from time to time, people could not help worrying about whether it will be struck by lightning.

In the palace’s up ahead, there is a long ladder, each of which is suspended, shaking, as if accidentally it would collapse.

Joy said: “big brother, that is Heavenspan Palace. Look carefully at the gate of Heavenspan Palace. Is there such a pattern?”

With Du Yuesheng’s current strength, it is natural to see the front gate of Heavenspan Palace at a glance, and indeed there is a pattern exactly the same as the Heavenspan key.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng happily said, “Go, go to Heavenspan Palace to play!”

But didn’t expect joy, but shook his head for a while and said: “Big brother don’t be careless, there are all institutions in the Heavenspan Palace, and even the stairs leading to the Heavenspan Palace are dangerous. Absolutely don’t miss it!”

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