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Du Yuesheng hovered quietly in the air, his eyes faintly swept across the many cultivators present, and he smiled slightly.

Now that he has successfully entered the Dividing Spirit realm, in the eyes of these Nascent Soul and Opening Cave cultivator, he is already a Dividing Spirit of aloof and remote!

Coupled with the fact that he just killed Blue Thunder Sect in one fell swoop, I’m afraid no one would dare to fight him!

There was no benefit to staying here, he jumped directly and continued moving towards the depths of the sky.

Not long after, Du Yuesheng came to the front of a high mountain.

This mountain is strange. The other mountains are either green or rugged, unspeakably beautiful, but this mountain is pitch black, just like a black charcoal mountain.

What’s even stranger is that there is not a single tree or half a stone on this mountain. The whole mountain is made of pitch-black mud.

Du Yuesheng instinctively felt that this mountain might be strange, so he immediately shouted: “system, help me explore this mountain!”

“Ding, system prompts, exploration begins!”

“Ding, the system prompts. After the investigation, this mountain is called Black Mountain. It is one of the strange mountains in the universe. When you enter this mountain range, weird things will happen in the mountain. Kill the dead end and pass the cultivator. But the legend says there is Heavy treasure!”

Hearing the explanation of the system, Du Yuesheng’s eyes lit up. Even the system said that there are treasures here. I’m afraid there are really great treasures here.

As for the weirdness, Du Yuesheng didn’t worry at all. Li Xiaoyao’s possession card still has more than ten minutes. He is now invincible in the world, afraid of wool.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng jumped straight forward, his body shape was like a shock, falling directly on the top of Black Mountain.

“Look at what is weird about you.” Du Yuesheng pursed his lips, Executing Immortal Sword shook in his hand, and a sword flower lit up.

At this moment, I only heard a chuckle, a pair of pale hands suddenly stretched out from the underground soil, and one grabbed Du Yuesheng’s feet.

“What is it?” Du Yuesheng looked down, transported within the body spirit strength, and with a bang, the pale hands suddenly burst open.

The pale hand was shattered, and there was another shaking under the ground. Obviously, there was something underneath.

Du Yuesheng sneered, Executing Immortal Sword moved, the word light fell like lightning, and snorted into the dirt.

If you can see the Executing Immortal Sword in the mud, you will see that after the Executing Immortal Sword is submerged in the mud, the Sword Qi of Berserk burst out suddenly around the sword.

Sword Qi spreads like a whirlwind, and directly smashes everything that is in the soil into pieces.

Pulling out the Executing Immortal Sword again, the ground suddenly became quiet.

Du Yuesheng twitched his lips, raised his foot and stepped on it, and with a bang, the things that had been crushed by Sword Qi in the mud were suddenly shaken out.

Only then did Du Yuesheng discover that the thing under the ground was a pale skeleton.

“Sure enough, it’s a bit weird.” Du Yuesheng felt that almost every of these bones had the strength of the Dividing Spirit period. If he hadn’t had the Li Xiaoyao card at the moment, I’m afraid it would have been a headache.

Most importantly, he felt that the bones of the Divinging Spirit period were not the strange source of Black Mountain.

Sure enough, just as he shredded bones not very long, the entire Black Mountain began to tremble, as if it were an earthquake.

Du Yuesheng glanced down at his feet, and simply rose into the air, taking Black Mountain into his eyes.

At this time, he saw that at the feet of Black Mountain, a huge white bone protruded from Black Mountain.

A closer look shows that the white bone is at least thousand zhang long, and still looks like a human leg.

Before he could marvel, there was another thousand zhang long leg extending from the other side of Black Mountain.

“Under this Black Mountain, there is a bone of several thousand zhang high buried?” Du Yuesheng glared, how could this be the case.

A few bones of 1000 zhang high are already unimaginable, and looking at the situation, the bones have to crawl out of Black Mountain, which is even more incredible.

Hong long long.

There was a weird roar from the entire Black Mountain, and an arm nearly 1000 feet long came out, and pressed it against the top of a hill next to it. Sitting up in Black Mountain.

The skeleton was almost as high as the mountain, and the mud on his body fell rustlingly, revealing a huge head and white ribs, and the scene was extremely shocking.

“Interesting!” Du Yuesheng looked up, unable to bear eyes shined, when the bones sat up, there should have been green rays of light in the eye sockets of 2 black holes.

And as long as you look closely, you can find that the green light came from a green bead inside the huge skull.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng came over immediately.

The so-called heavy treasure must be the bead in the huge skull!

Don’t think about it, Du Yuesheng immediately went away with a sword. In contrast, his figure is as small as a ant, but the sword light is called heaven shaking earth shattering,

As soon as he moved, the huge skeleton immediately turned around and looked at him. In his eyes, the rays of light masterpiece raised his huge arms and pressed down.

With this ordinary wave of arms, there was an extremely violent strong wind coming over it, but it had not yet hit down, and the ground sank into a gully with the sound of the strong wind.

Such tyrannical formidable power, if replaced with Human Race cultivator, I am afraid it can be comparable to Integration 5th layer.

But this strength is too weak for the current Du Yuesheng.

Behind him dragged a long sword light wave, a sword broke through the sky, ka-cha sounded crisply, the huge arm was immediately cut off, and the bang fell on the ground, smashing 2 mountain peaks.

“ao …”

There was a howl in the mouth of the huge skeletal bone, and he immediately raised his other arm to kill Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng didn’t avoid it, and walked towards him, turning around the huge skeleton like lightning. In the end, his figure appeared on the skeleton’s head, gently falling down and standing firmly.

Ka ka ka !

At this time, there was a crisp sound from the whole body, the spine, ribs, sternum, arms, and shoulders all broke apart, rustling sound moved towards the ground.

Finally, Du Yuesheng bowed his head with his sword, and the huge head suddenly split into two and a half.

The complete look of the green bead finally appeared in front of him.

This bead is about fist sized, green rays of light breathtaking, and exudes a strong vitality. At a glance, it is like seeing 10,000 li of spring.

Without hesitation, Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand, swept away spirit strength, and took the bead directly into his hand.

At this time, the system prompt sound also happened:

“Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the “skeleton Demon God”, because this monster is a special monster, so there are no Spirit Points rewards!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the “skeleton Demon God” and getting a lottery card 3 times!”

“Ding, congratulations to players for getting Magic Treasure: Myriad Things Origin Energy beads.”

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