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Du Yuesheng’s words came out, making the appearance of the people present unable to bear.

The Peak expert who was just among them, an Old Ancestor with an Opening Cave weight, was killed by Du Yuesheng.

This means that Du Yuesheng’s strength has far exceeded their expectations.

And now Du Yuesheng has said such words again, I am afraid their future is worrying!

Under strong fear, there are many cultivators quietly moved towards the back of the crowd to hide, seeming to be afraid of being noticed by Du Yuesheng.

“What are you afraid of!” An Old Ancestor of Opening Cave 3rd-layer stood up and drank coldly: “Everyone do it right away, do it together, it’s hard for this kid to protect himself, I don’t believe he still has time to attack!”

When speaking, the Opening Cave 3rd-layer Old Ancestor immediately moved body, and the figure drifted like a piece of dust, attacked in the very strange angle moved towards Du Yuesheng.

“Qingfeng Old Ancestor is waiting for me, and I will come too!” Another Old Ancestor moved. I saw this Old Ancestor directly incarnation a lightning, and moved towards Du Yuesheng and bombarded it.

“By relying on the Cloud Old Ancestor, the old man can’t wait anymore!” As he said, the remaining Old Ancestor moved together, all of which exhibited their strongest moves, moved towards Du Yuesheng and killed the past.

At this moment, the sky cloud changed color, murky heavens dark earth, and dozens of Opening Cave experts joined forces. Then formidable power, even the experts of Opening Cave 5th layer might be hard to stop!

Even Du Yuesheng, who was standing in the center, frowned when faced with the siege.

But on this matter, the sound of the system sounded: “Ding, the system prompts, Thunder Tribulation is coming, please defend the player. This time Thunder Tribulation lasts ten minutes in total, and asks the player to clean up the side Characters, otherwise Thunder Tribulation will attack them based on the level of the cultivation base of the characters next to them!”


Hearing this, Du Yuesheng laughed up to the sky, Thunder Tribulation is here, and exactly what he thought, Thunder Tribulation this time, will pull everyone around him into Thunder Tribulation.

And the range is still one mile. He is now a human-shaped bomb with a diameter of one mile. It will explode wherever he goes. Are you amazing? Powerful and useless, Thunder Tribulation will increase the formidable power according to your strength, no matter how powerful it is, only the dead end!

Du Yuesheng regrets why he is not near the Conferring Heaven Sect, so that he can be killed together with Teng Old Ancestor!

However, regret is useless, and the enemy in front of you is not weak, then kill the group of enemies in front of you first!

When I said it was too late, the sky was instantly covered with overcast clouds, thunderous thunder resounded in my ears, one after another Lightning was tumbling in the clouds, making the sky bright and dark!

“How is this going?”

Many Old Ancestors who are about to attack Du Yuesheng suddenly face changed, and when they look at each other, they read 2 words from the other’s eyes:

Thunder Tribulation!

“This kid is going to be promoted to Opening Cave at this time?”

“Impossible, every cultivator who is promoted to Opening Cave must retreat and cultivation, otherwise it will be difficult to sway the sky thunder. This kid must have come up with a way to get out!”

“Yes, this Thunder Tribulation must be fake!”

Several Old Ancestors glanced at each other, and immediately some people did not believe that this was a real Thunder Tribulation, and they still pressed forward to kill Du Yuesheng.

Ka-cha !

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared, piercing the sky, directly aimed at the head of an Old Ancestor rushing forward, and banged down.

“Not good!” The Old Ancestor howled and quickly raised his hand upwards, a Life Source Magic Treasure-a big umbrella was thrown out.


But as the Thunder Tribulation fell, the big umbrella turned into a piece of fly ash!

Then there was another ka-cha, and a sky thunder fell from the sky again!

“Death!” The Old Ancestor quickly tried to escape.

Du Yuesheng was sneaked and said, “I want to escape at this time, is it too late!”

While speaking, he stepped on the Executing Immortal Sword and chased him up, and suddenly one after another, the sky thunder continued to fall, directly smashing the Old Ancestor into ashes!

“Not good, run, this kid is really in Crossing Tribulation!”

“We will be affected by Thunder Tribulation in the area of ​​his Crossing Tribulation!”

“What kind of monster is this kid? Even Thunder Tribulation can be recruited without retreat!”

“And he is not afraid that he is not prepared enough to be killed by Thunder Tribulation!”

Seeing this scene, the other Old Ancestor finally reacted, face changed again, there was no fighting intent at all, and I immediately wanted to escape!

Du Yuesheng grinned, looked around all around and said: “Sorry, if you want to escape now, it’s a bit late. It was just a prelude. Now is the official start!”

Just now these Old Ancestor besieged Du Yuesheng and stopped only two hundred meters away from him. How could they still escape?

Crack crack !

Dozens of formidable power lightning bolts fell from the sky almost at the same time, and they were also very accurate, moving towards those Old Ancestors and blasting them.

Each and everyone Old Ancestor didn’t have time to escape. They took out their most powerful means and wanted to escape.

But as the spell they cast becomes more powerful, the formidable power of Tianlei becomes more powerful.

Suddenly, the Old Ancestor of each and everyone aloof and remote was battered by the thunder.

Look, this Old Ancestor dishevelled hair, a big piece of baldness on his head, I can see at a glance that a sky thunder hit his head, or if he had Magic Treasure on his head to protect it, I might be dead.

Look at this Old Ancestor, ragged, not even beggar, that’s his vestment. Just now he resisted the sky with his vest, and it became like this!

Looking at this Old Ancestor, one was careless and was directly hit by the thunder on the top of the head, and died instantly.



Old Ancestors yelled and scolded, they hadn’t been so embarrassed in the last 1000 years.

“That bastard demon is not dead. When the demon is dead, Thunder Tribulation will stop. If he doesn’t die, I won’t be able to hold it!” Qingfeng Old Ancestor yelled.

Many Old Ancestors took the time to take a look at Du Yuesheng, but it was okay to look at it. Looking at the past, Old Ancestor, who could have resisted Sky Lei for a moment, almost died.

I saw Du Yuesheng at this moment, being added to him by several flashes of lightning, and his body was completely pale and dazzling.

But you can still see Du Yuesheng in the lightning, just like a walk in the court, you walked wandering.

There was a flash of lightning, and he reached out and grabbed it. The lightning was gone. When there were 2 lightnings, he opened his mouth and slammed, and the lightning was gone.

“How could this happen!” The cultivator present was shocked, not sure why.

How did they know that Du Yuesheng’s strength at the moment can be compared with an Open Cave one-two-fold expert. According to his Nascent Soul period cultivation base, how could it hurt him?

“The sky is going to kill me!” An Old Ancestor looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh, and finally couldn’t resist the formidable power of the sky thunder and was blasted into flying ashes.

This is just the beginning. When many Old Ancestors discovered that Du Yuesheng was able to face Thunder Tribulation so easily, they were all heartbroken.

Because they know, this time, they hard to avoid calamity!

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