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In Cultivation World, a high-level cultivator kills a low-level cultivator, no action is required, just release the cultivation base with a loud roar!

If there is no need for life-saving means, even a high-level cultivator only needs to take a look, and a low-level cultivator will be killed. There is a word specifically describing inferior means-see kill!

Du Yuesheng’s strength is already higher than the average cultivator. When his level is low, he is not afraid of the high-level cultivator. This time his level has risen. Naturally, he only needs a shout mixed with the cultivation base to kill all the cultivators present!

“Ding, congratulations to the player who killed 6 Nascent Soul 207th-layer cultivator and received 195648657 points for Spirit Points!”

“Ding, congratulations to the player who killed Nascent Soul 7 heavy cultivator 5, and received 15689463 points for Spirit Points!”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player EXP has reached the upper limit of Nascent Soul, EXP is automatically stored, and the level will not be upgraded temporarily.”

“Ding, the system prompts, because the player EXP has reached the Nascent Soul limit, Thunder Tribulation is coming soon, please be prepared!”

“Ding, the system prompts that after the player experiences Thunder Tribulation, all EXP including Level 3 regional EXP will be issued together, and the protagonist level will be directly upgraded to Opening Cave 2 realm!”

“Ding, system prompts, missions, and the enemy of the world have entered the later stage, please players will participate in the sect pull up by the roots!”

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng was taken aback for a moment. In Cultivation World, he still has to go through Thunder Tribulation to upgrade his level?

This is quite new. Presumably Thunder Tribulation is nothing, and Du Yuesheng is not worried.

The most interesting thing is that the task of enemies with the world has entered the final stage, that is, I don鈥檛 know what the reward of this task is, and it will not be too bad to think about it.

After all, the task at this time is not simple. The cultivator that just participated in the siege has more than 1000. Then, if the cultivator’s sect is to be killed one after another, I am afraid that the enemy will have more than 10000 cultivator.

And once he kills many sects, he will definitely move the whole body in one stroke, attracting almost all sect cultivators in Tiannan who come to name, all come to kill him.

Not to mention there is also an Old Ancestor that is about to impact the success of the Integration environment.

As a result, his situation becomes even more dangerous.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, with a nonchalant look, and said: “The Level 4 area is really thrilling, but this Heavenly Emperor likes it. I really want to one day stand on the pinnacle in the Level 4 area, what will it look like!”

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng vision freezes looked down and saw that there was a silhouette that was still creeping in the middle of the collapsed Tianzifeng gravel.

It seems that the cultivator who didn’t die just now wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

“Hehe, Zhengchou can’t find where your sect is, just send it to the door!”

Du Yuesheng praised his good luck, then swooped down and grabbed the undead cultivator into the air.

The cultivator was directly frightened by the soul flew away and scattered, and yelled: “don’t, don’t, don’t, Senior, don’t kill me, what Senior wants, as long as the younger one has it, give it all to Senior!” “

“Do you still want to cultivation with this courage? What’s your name!” Du Yuesheng was full of disdain. Cultivation is heaven defying. You have to ignore life and death. If you are frightened by something, the road to cultivation will definitely not be long.

“The kid’s name is Hu Sheng, what does Senior have to say, as long as Senior doesn’t kill the kid, the kid is willing to do anything, even if Senior wants to kill the kid’s parents, the kid will certainly offer both hands!” Hu Sheng quickly asked the chief to ask for forgiveness.

Du Yuesheng curled his mouth. This kind of villain who even his parents dared to abandon, he really didn’t bother to talk to him. When the Executing Immortal Sword moved, a blood mark appeared on Hu Sheng’s neck. Aura was also cut off at this moment. .

“System, give this kid’s soul to the underworld for torture, and find out where his sect is.” Du Yuesheng then ordered.

Soon, the system prompt with a ding sound was issued, and Magistrate of Jifu appeared in front of Du Yuesheng, and respectfully said: “Report to the Heavenly Emperor that Hu Sheng鈥檚 sect is located in the south-east direction 300, named dragon mountain sect. sect is expert as clouds, Nascent Soul 7 8 9 Layer has dozens of them, and there is an Open Cave 2 Dragon Mountain Old Ancestor!”

“Is there an Opening Cave 2 heavy Longshan Old Ancestor?” Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, he was about to experience Thunder Tribulation, and after the Thunder Tribulation, his cultivation base also reached Opening Cave 2 heavy, to kill this Opening Cave 2 heavy Old Ancestor is as simple as have the words at hand.

“Ding, system prompts, how about the task being an enemy of the world? It needs to be accelerated. Players are asked to kill a sect who participated in the siege within one day, otherwise the task will fail and the failure penalty is unknown!”


Hearing this system prompt, Du Yuesheng almost broke his tongue without a bite.

I just wanted to slow down and continue the task, didn’t expect system chased after the butt, and wanted him to kill a small sect within a day.

But now I know the location of the dragon mountain sect, and there are many experts in the dragon mountain sect, which is really troublesome.

No way, Du Yuesheng can only clenched the teeth, saying: “Well, you are a system, you are awesome, shit, go, I don’t believe me, I can’t beat that Longshan Old Ancestor!”

After that, he turned his eyes to the south-east direction, raised his sword, and moved towards the dragon mountain sect.

At this moment, the dragon mountain sect was bleak. They sent more than 80 cultivators to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the demon, led by a Nascent Soul 7 Elder.

But not long ago, they suddenly discovered that Soul Jade Jane, the spirit of the cultivator who encircled and suppressed the devil, had all exploded at almost the same moment.

If Soul Jade is broken, it means that the person is dead.

If it were two, it would be okay, but so many people died almost simultaneously, which is really unexpected.

Although this force is not the strongest in the dragon mountain sect, it can be regarded as the backbone.

So, after the death of these cultivators, the whole dragon mountain sect was shrouded in a sad aura!

“Revenge, we want to avenge the senior and junior brothers and Elders!”

“Yes, we must punish that demon!”

“I heard that the demon is very protective of mortals, huh, everyone, who wants to go with me to slaughter the mortal villages at the foot of the mountain?”

Just when a group of dragons in the mountain sect Golden Core period were clamoring to go down the mountain and slaughter a few mortal villages, they only saw a sword descending from the sky, like a meteorite, crashing down, inserted among a few people, and aroused one. Strong storm in the circle.

A 100-meter-long discipline near the sword, including several disciplines who just clamored to kill mortal villages, was directly crushed by the storm at this moment. At this time, people discovered that the strong storm turned out to be Sword. Qi!

Someone actually killed the dragon mountain sect. For a moment, the dragon mountain sect vibrated up and down, and almost everyone looked towards the direction of the sword.

I saw Du Yuesheng walking leisurely from the sky to the ground step by step, pulling up the Executing Immortal Sword, scanning the corpse of the Golden Core period discipline over and over, grinning, and saying:

“Sorry, I did it on purpose!”

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