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Not long after, Tian Lei dispersed, where the welding emperor had just stood, there was no one’s silhouette, leaving only a charred corpse, and a blade that had melted most of it.


Du Yuesheng grunted, not paying attention to the horrified and shocked expressions of the audience around him, and walked directly to the referee, saying, “How many are I, and who is the next strongest opponent I can challenge?”

Referee is all shocked. In the qualifying battle, there has never been a super genius who has directly crossed 10,000 and can win so simple.

Even worse, Du Yuesheng should continue to challenge the strongest opponents.

After fiercely swallowing a spit, referee slowly said, “You originally ranked 70,000 3,200 names. The more you ranked, the more 10,000 you challenged the success of the welding emperor. Now the ranked is 60,000 3,200. If you want to continue to challenge the strongest, then That’s 50,000 3,200 ghost shadow kings, Dong Chenfeng!”

“It doesn’t matter what the hell movie king is, let me arrange it as soon as possible. The next challenge is him!” Du Yuesheng said.

Referee has been numb to Du Yuesheng’s tyranny, he can only hand the reward to Du Yuesheng according to the rules: “This is your reward for this time!”

After opening the box, Du Yuesheng took a look, and a Great Revitalizing Pill.

“System appraisal, what is Great Revitalizing Pill.”

“Ding, the system reminds that the appraisal is successful, Great Revitalizing Pill, players can take it directly and get 1,000,000 cents Spirit Points after taking it.”

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was completely disappointed with the rewards for the qualifying battle. Now that he has reached the Peak of Martial Breaking Void at Level 3 continent, he wants these EXP Pills to be useful.

Forget it and give it to others. Anyway, he has a small sect in Spirit Martial continent. This medicine pill is still useful for people in Spirit Martial continent Heavenly Hall.

Here first, he was too lazy to referee again, and turned to prepare to go back to Spirit Martial continent to see.

But the audience found out that referee had listed Du Yuesheng’s next opponent so quickly, and could not help but exclaim!

“What, this newcomer has challenged the Welding Emperor, even if he hasn’t taken a good rest for a few months, will he challenge the ghost shadow king?”

“Ghost shadow king is close to the top 50,000 geniuses. Before 50,000 geniuses, they were all peak genius. There is a huge gap from the 50,000 after. This newcomer is really not afraid of anything?”

“This time is his luck, but he is so arrogant that he dares to challenge the welding emperor. He must be courting death. I bet he will die next time!”

Du Yuesheng did not have time to argue with these people, and soon passed the hut to the players through the floating island to the Spirit Martial continent, not far from Lingxiao Pavilion.

It was just stunned as soon as he sent it.

Is this the place where he left Lingxiao Pavilion?

At a glance, there were 1000 miles of red ground, the mountains were broken, the blood river was flooding, and there was a raging fire in the distance, and the corpses were everywhere at the foot.

It seems that there has been a terrifying battle here, and the dead people may have counted 1,000,000.

“Fuck, these forces of Spirit Martial continent will not be taking advantage of me when I’m away, I’ll fight Ling Xiao again!”

Du Yuesheng looked up and saw the distance. The Lingxiao Pavilion was still standing tall, just around the Lingxiao Pavilion, but it was densely packed with at least 1,000,000 people, 3 in the outer layer and 3 in the outer layer, surrounded by a full dangdang.

Now even if a mosquito wants to fly to Lingxiao Pavilion, it can hit 1000 people along the way.

“Hey, it really is so, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Du Yuesheng sipped his mouth and held Executing Immortal Sword tightly, killing intent skyrocketing.


Among the people who besieged Lingxiao Pavilion, there are many experts. They almost immediately felt the killing intent.

Then their complexion changed slightly.

“Who actually has such a killing intent!”

“Feng Senior, Ray Senior, you are careful, it seems that Du Yuesheng is back!”

“Hmph, it really is him. This child is very weird. Let’s go together, must kill this child!”

At this time, the people who came to siege Lingxiao Pavilion were almost the last on the Spirit Martial continent, the deepest hidden and the strongest group of people.

The leader is the hidden expert of the 36-hole seventy two mansion. Under normal circumstances, they will not be dispatched at all. This time, if the Lingxiao Pavilion hadn’t appeared, they would still not be dispatched.

It’s a pity that they appeared for Lingxiao Pavilion, and they were still enemies with Du Yuesheng. That would be exactly what they said, human beings will die for riches!

36 hole seventy two mansion expert After Du Yuesheng appeared, he just glanced at each other and there were hundreds of experts flying up together and heading straight to Du Yuesheng. It seemed that they actually wanted to kill Du Yuesheng. Here!

“Hehe, dare to take the initiative to find it. It’s really act recklessly. System scans for me to see what strength these people are. They are so bold!”

Du Yuesheng gave an order, and the system immediately heard a voice: “Ding, the system prompts, the scan was successful, there are 763 enemies ahead, and the strength ranges from Martial Breaking Void Level 6 to Martial Breaking Void Level 9. It is recommended that the player crush it.”

“Hahaha!” Hearing this Du Yuesheng was just a burst of laughter. Even the system suggested that it should be crushed, so what else?

“Zhuzi put down the sword and surrendered on his knees, maybe we can still keep you a whole body!” The expert of the 36-hole Seventy Two Mansion shouted from a distance.

At this time their experts came out together and concentrated almost the entire Spirit Martial continent’s expert. They were full of confidence and vowed to kill Du Yuesheng.

“Hurricane ignorance!”

Du Yuesheng shouted, body moved, and the speed was so fast that it turned into an afterimage in everyone’s eyes.

Last second, he was still far away from everyone, but in this second, in the middle of the expert of the 36-hole Seventy Two Mansion, suddenly a bright red burst into the sky and dyed the sky red!

“Be careful, everyone, that guy rushed into our crowd, everyone will soon disperse!”

The experts were frightened and dispersed, but Du Yuesheng who entered the crowd was like a tiger entering a group of rabbits. With a random wave of Executing Immortal Sword in his hand, 3 or 4 people were cut off and killed.

“How can it be so strong, my Senior Brother is Martial Breaking Void Level 9, can’t I even block a sword?” Someone cried heartbreakingly.

Someone has been scared a little crazy: “What are we afraid of, we are crowded, and we can definitely kill this kid.”

Some people still maintain a certain sense, shouting: “Quick formation, formation of inescapable net to kill Great Array!”

The experts who had been killed by the flying chickens and dogs finally reacted and gathered together to form a battle, but at the moment, their number has been reduced by 1/3.

In just that moment, more than 2 people died.

But after all, everyone is an expert. When it comes to ending the battle, they quickly gathered together and worked out a long line, mutter incantations in their mouths, and they are above the sky, forming a densely packed big net. .

This big net exudes dazzling golden light, and there are terrifying auras flowing out and falling constantly on it. There is a 36-hole expert who didn’t have time to finish, accidentally hit the big net, and didn’t even have time to make a scream. When he came out, the whole person was cut into pieces.

This shows how powerful this inescapable net kills Great Array.

PS: Seeking subscription, seeking recommendation

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