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The role of at this time is definitely invincible!

Because, Du Yuesheng does nothing now, just speed!

As long as the speed is enough!

The speed soared!

Even if the four walls are closing fast, but this time, Du Yuesheng did not have the worry just now.

Because, at this moment, the speed of Du Yuesheng has definitely exceeded the speed of closing the wall.

Produced by system, must be a boutique.

A medicine pill directly allows many people to estimate the difficulty that they dare not think about. In front of Du Yuesheng, it is as easy as playing!

How long is this long jump, I’m afraid it’s because I don’t have the mood to know it for others.


Hurry up…

Du Yuesheng’s feet were like a gust of wind, quickly crossed over the avenue, and healed the walls around him.

ten minutes later.

Du Yuesheng finally reached the end of the long road, and his face was also sweaty.

But Du Yuesheng made a clear estimate.

“Well, the whole journey is 6,000,000 6 16 6 kilometers, not bad, it seems that Martial Emperor likes 6 too.”

Du Yuesheng took a break, then turned his head towards towards the end.

At the end, there is a gate!

A door that makes Du Yuesheng grudge deeply!

Moreover, it looks almost exactly the same as the door that I just saw!

“Damn, play this with me. When I’m stupid, the mechanism must be the same as it was just now.”

Du Yuesheng picked up a pebble on the ground, and then moved towards the gate with force.

However, Du Yuesheng found nothing!

“No, what happened?”

Du Yuesheng looked at the stone gate at this time, but it was not opened by the stone like before.


Du Yuesheng walked to the gate and sat down, ready to take a break to continue searching.

Naturally, his body moved towards the door and leaned over.

“Click, click…”

The door opened…

Du Yuesheng looked at the result in a dumbfounded way.

This time he was not stupid enough to slap himself to see if it was true.

But he slapped himself on the thigh.

“Crap, this door can be opened as soon as it’s pushed! Martial Emperor! It’s your mother’s ruthlessness, why would he play a routine!”

Du Yuesheng thinks fiercely in the heart, go in this time, must steal all the good things in the Martial Emperor treasure house, and be fooled by this Martial Emperor who doesn’t know how many years!

Du Yuesheng’s mood is not beautiful at all!

Continue moving towards.

within the stone gate.

so quiet!

Really quiet!

This is the first feeling of Du Yuesheng stepping into the huge stone gate. After stepping into the stone gate, he came to a world of extremely dark.

Even if it is his 5 difficulty Rank 9 power still can not be observed.

As if he was like a mortal at this moment, the power of his body was completely gone, making him very uneasy.

But at this time, I only walked less than 1000 meters and saw a light source.

Du Yuesheng didn’t care about anything, he stepped directly into the light source.

But next.

Then let Du Yuesheng see a different general scene!

Here is a sunny world. There are green hills and clear water and crystal buildings. The sun is bright and the air is fresh!

Lying in the trough!

Isn’t this Martial Emperor treasure built underground?

It is built directly in another World!

This method is really heaven defying!

I didn’t even realize that there was anything abnormal. I didn’t even know it. When did I step on the Transmission Gate?

This World is big. It is indeed quite big, but the big one is the sea. The real land is not very big. Moreover, this piece of land is round.

Among them, there are countless crystal rare beast Protector, every move towards a distance inside, will face the new crystal rare beast.

This Martial Emperor was quite chic. After his death, the cemetery was actually a separate continent.

It’s so awesome!

Du Yuesheng moved towards the front, in his eyes, naturally he is going to the Core Zone to grab the treasure, there is no fart on the side, it is boring to carry!

However, just after Du Yuesheng took a few steps, a sword light suddenly moved towards him!


Du Yuesheng is evasive.

In the heart, Du Yuesheng unable to bear cursed, these damn rare beasts will actually be sneak attacks!

But when Du Yuesheng turned around, he was stunned to see that behind him, it was not a rare beast, but three men!

3 men in green robes!

“Huh, trifling a 5 difficult, can actually evade my trick, not bad!”

One of them said indifferently, as if he took a sneak attack Du Yuesheng, as it should be by rights!

This person has the power of Tribulation King.

In his eyes, it was just an easy thing to deal with Du Yuesheng. He didn’t expect, he actually missed!

Du Yuesheng actually evaded his attack!

“Haha, Ke Luo, it seems that your strength has regressed. You can’t deal with it even if you can’t handle it with a small amount of difficulty?”

Du Yuesheng had already smoked cigarettes and stopped playing the Divine Comedy.

Therefore, the strength is naturally restored to 5 difficult realm.

Of course, it is estimated that even if his state is fully open and possesses the strength of 2 tribulations, in the eyes of these guys, it is nothing but that’s all.

However, in their eyes, Du Yuesheng is shrimp, in Du Yuesheng’s eyes, they are not shrimp!

“Lying trough, where is the silly pen, dare to sneak attack this Heavenly Emperor me!”

Du Yuesheng glared and looked at the three people.

In fact, from entering this Martial Emperor treasure, found that he is a separate continent.

Du Yuesheng had already thought that there might be other continent people entering here.

So, when I saw these three people, Du Yuesheng not at all thought how strange!

The blood moon continent has sealed the Martial Emperor treasure so well, but it is not equal.

Other Worlds that have access to Martial Emperor treasures will do the same!

When Ke Luo heard Du Yuesheng’s words, he was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed instantly!

“Haha, haha, have you heard that this kid actually threatened me? I’m so scared!”

That Yin-Yang’s weird tone was full of sarcasm and disdain!

His companion also looked at Du Yuesheng with disdain.

You know, they are 3 Tribulation Kings!

One of them has already reached 21 robbery, as long as the breakthrough, he can become a powerful Tribulation Sovereign!

Three powerful Tribulation Kings are standing here, but a small 3 difficult shrimp is shouting there.

No wonder Ke Luo and the others have this expression!

“Hey boy, you’re Interesting, let’s go and follow us in the future.”

“Your task in the future is to amuse us. Now that we are, we can protect you a little bit.”


When you are a clown?

Special code, this meow, dare to despise himself, looking for something!

Du Yuesheng took out his cigarettes gracefully and lit them one by one. The melody of the little apple sounded along with him. At the same time, he had already mentioned Dragon Slaying Blade.


Cut out.

There are 3 people in Ke Luo who never thought about it, Du Yuesheng will draw a knife for them!

You know, they are three Tribulation Kings. Anyone who stands up can crush the kid in front of him.

But what did they see now!

The first shot, it was not them!

It’s Du Yuesheng!

It’s the dried shrimps of the 5 difficulties!

“pèng! ”

One of them deflated Du Yuesheng’s attack with a single blow. However, his mood was very upset. It was just a trifling 5 distressed shrimp, who actually dared to arrogantly stand in front of them. Do you want to mix it up!

This shame is simply too big.

If you don’t kill this kid, then, what face do they have!

Unfortunately, when they looked towards Du Yuesheng, they saw Du Yuesheng with a smiling face!

“Haha, system, did you see it, did you see it, it’s so strange here! Meow, then I can use the VIP experience roll! Haha!”

“System, help me to start the VIP experience, and let us be arrogant!”


“The player has successfully used the VIP experience card. In the next 7 days, the player will have the Basic Level VIP privilege!”


“The player becomes a Basic Level VIP, the level is automatically increased by a realm, the attack power is automatically increased by 2 times, the defensive power is automatically increased by 2 times, the monster explosion rate is automatically increased by 2 times, the luck value is automatically increased by 2 times…monster favorability is automatically increased by unknown values !”

A series of reminders made Du Yuesheng really happy.

This VIP is really different. Now, he is almost like having invincible vigorous pills!

That’s a comfortable one!

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