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kill without mercy…

One after another cold and frosting killing sound echoed from all directions between Heaven and Earth.

what’s the situation?

Du Yuesheng was also surprised by the sudden appearance. Could there be someone guarding here?



Suddenly, a sound of explosion sounded from under the earth, and a silhouette of 2 crystals appeared from the explosion.

These are the guards of 2 soldiers, but their bodies are all made of crystals that can be seen everywhere on this island.

this is?


Du Yuesheng got up slightly frowned and looked at the silhouette suddenly emerging from the ground.

No, you shouldn’t be able to describe them as “people”.

Because they are just Human Races condensed from crystals on the island.

If the crystals can condense into soldiers, how many soldiers can condense so many crystals?


Du Yuesheng did not have any considerations, and pulled out the Tulong Bao directly next second, moved towards the 2 crystal soldiers and rushed past.


Du Yuesheng’s explanation of fart was to break in. What else did he explain?


Du Yuesheng suddenly slashed at the crystal soldier.

But this result…

Du Yuesheng looked at the crystal soldier who was shot out and got up again for a while, with a strange expression on his face.

Lying in the trough!

What kind of monster, defensive power is too powerful, right?

Du Yuesheng watched the crystal soldier who was blasted by the Dragon Swordsman and stood up intact.

You know, just now he was holding the full strength attack of Dragon Slaying, which had no effect on him at all.

Except for the crystal on his waist, there is a faint white seal that proves Du Yuesheng’s knife.

It proved that he was indeed cut outside the crystal soldier, and it was useless.

‘Appraisal Technique! ‘Du Yuesheng moved both hands towards the 2 crystal soldiers on the opposite side and an Appraisal Technique was shot.

‘ding! ‘

‘The player level is too low to view! ‘

‘what! ‘

‘Level is too low? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the answer given by Appraisal Technique, and unexpectedly said that his level was too low.


You know that he is now 19Level 0. Could it be that these two crystal soldiers surpassed 2?


It’s totally impossible?

Because Du Yuesheng did not see BOOS’s iconic red circle under them.

“Boldly, dare to attack the guard, kill without mercy…” The guard who was suddenly attacked by Du Yuesheng stood up and shouted loudly.

Although later, he didn’t see any movements, just a casual wave, a crystal lance appeared in his hand.

Then, the soldier moved towards Du Yuesheng and rushed over!

You know, these crystals cannot find any attributes at all.

Naturally, this crystal soldier, Du Yuesheng can’t see any cultivation base at all.

If you only use divine sense to check, it will be because it is a sculpture that’s all.

If it weren’t for this crystal soldier who was launching an attack, guess who would not discover the anomaly.

After all, this guy can only use naked eye to check!

Moreover, due to environmental reasons, even if you use naked eye to check, it is easy to see dazzling eyes.

Because these crystals are originally transparent, it is awkward to say, this crystal soldier, moved towards the surrounding crystals.

I am afraid that no one can tell where is the soldier and where is the crystal.

‘fuck, I still don’t believe that a daddy can’t kill a janitor! ‘

‘Surgery! ‘


‘kill! ‘

Du Yuesheng once again picked up the Dragon Sword, and moved towards the crystal soldier directly.


The knife and spear collided fiercely!

Du Yuesheng and the Crystal Soldier each stepped back!

What a great power!

Du Yuesheng thought of being unable to bear in his heart.

This guy is not simple in strength!

Not to mention, there is also the strength of the Tribulation King environment.

This is just 2 soldiers guarding the gate!

The treasure of Martial Emperor is really not so easy to obtain!

Of course, the most important thing is the defensive power of this soldier!

With such a powerful defensive power, Du Yuesheng has no way to crack it!

How to do?

Du Yuesheng thought quickly in his mind.

Hard fight?

Du Yuesheng has no chance of winning. To put it bluntly, Du Yuesheng has no ability to break through the defense of this crystal soldier!

What about cracking?

How to do?

While fighting with the crystal soldiers, Du Yuesheng thought of a solution.

and many more!

Why do I have to fight this crystal soldier?

Martial Emperor treasure, since it is left, is it not for the purpose of future generations?

Crystal soldier, defensive power can be called invincible, but attack power is no more than Tribulation King.

Even compared to the ordinary Tribulation King powerhouse, it is much weaker.

Apart from charging on the ground, they have no other means at all.

Even Du Yuesheng found that the speed of these two crystal soldiers was extremely slow, that means…

They are just powerful defensive power, the rest is completely useless.

Give it a try!

Just rush over directly, isn’t it enough?

With this thought, Du Yuesheng felt more and more reasonable in his heart.

Therefore, he no longer hesitated, and moved towards the front quickly and rushed over.

Ignoring the block of the crystal soldiers, the Wind God Leg skills exploded to the limit and rushed directly into the cave.

Sure enough, Du Yuesheng’s idea is correct!

The Martial Emperor treasure is left to future generations. These crystal soldiers, although they have a blocking effect.

However, it does not really cut off any path for those who enter.

It seems that 5 Difficult Peak is the minimum requirement to enter this Martial Emperor treasure.

‘haha, 2 stupid big fellow Bye bye! ‘Du Yuesheng stood at the entrance of the Martial Emperor’s treasure, waving goodbye to the two crystals.

Then he clenched the Tulong Bao knife moved towards the hole and drilled into it.

The moment Du Yuesheng entered the treasure of Martial Emperor, the two crystal soldiers that had just appeared collapsed instantly.

Transformed into one after another The crystal block fell all around the earth.


what’s the situation…

Du Yuesheng walked into this cave.

He felt a sudden and powerful pressure directly moved towards him and all pressure fell.

This coercive force is definitely more than comparable to the Tribulation Sovereign environment.

“hmph! ”

“Want to suppress me in an imposing manner? Don’t look at who this Emperor is?”

“It’s like playing Great Blade in front of Guan Gong!”

Du Yuesheng’s body suddenly started, and Emperor imposing manner burst quickly and suddenly appeared all around.

“hong long long !”


In an instant, two horror imposing manners collided against each other on the cave Space-Time road surface.

Du Yuesheng, under the collision of these two imposing manners, had no effect at all.

step by step ,moved towards.

At the front of the cave is a Bronze gate.

Since the only possibility on this small island is to bury it underground, naturally, it is not surprising that this door is built on the ground.

The Bronze gate gives a very simple vicissitudes of life, on the surface, it seems to have gone through endless years.

Haha !

Martial Emperor treasure is here.

Du Yuesheng looked at the Bronze gate in front of him, and he put the Tulong Bao knife in his hand on the ground.

Then, both hands violently moved towards Bronze and the door was pushed.

After one minute, even if Du Yuesheng tried his best, the Bronze gate was completely motionless.

Oh shit!

Is this the door?

It’s so difficult to open?

Du Yuesheng looked at the entrance of the Martial Emperor treasure in front of him, but he felt very helpless.

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