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Only for a moment.

In this dense forest, the scent of roasted bear paws came out.

“It’s a pity, there is no seasoning. Alas, if system had just released a seasoning package by explode for me, how good would it be!”

Being able to say such things can be in this dangerously dense forest.

Leaning on the bear paw in such a leisurely manner, besides Du Yuesheng, who else could be.

The poor little Xiong Xiong was absolutely impossible to be Du Yuesheng’s opponent. Within a few rounds, he was beheaded by Du Yuesheng.

Don’t say it, this furbolg is really a BOSS, and the thing that bursts out is an omnipotent lighter!

omnipotent lighter: windproof, waterproof, unlimited energy, home travel, a good level.

This is the description of that omnipotent lighter.

Anyway, Du Yuesheng looked at it for a long time, and can only sum up one result, that is:

Alas, it seems that system sent such a lighter for fear of being hungry!

The scent of bear’s paw floats far, and the rich aroma of barbecue is completely different from bloody fresh meat!

Of course, this scent has naturally attracted countless Demonic beasts!

Du Yuesheng could clearly feel the cruel gaze from Zhou Wei, and he naturally knew that at this moment, he was surrounded by Demonic beasts, but Du Yuesheng didn’t care at all.

These Demonic beast have been around him for a while, but there is no one dare to step into the thunder pool.

Because, most of these Demonic beasts are actually only scholar-level.

Ten wild mountain range is so big, even in the Core Zone, how can it be so easy to meet the powerful Demonic beast!

Each Demonic beast has its own territory, and Du Yuesheng is located in the territory of the bear monster.

Generally speaking, Zhou Wei’s other Demonic beasts rarely step into other people’s territory to find food, because once stepped in, it means fighting!

On the roasted bear’s paw, a drop of fragrant grease dripped, Du Yuesheng rubbed his hands, took off one of the bear’s paws, and then tore off a piece.

The breathtaking fragrance made Du Yuesheng feel that his saliva was almost flowing out.

Put it in your mouth, sure enough, it’s a delicious one!

“Can I eat together?”

Suddenly, a voice came out behind Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng was stunned, turned his head in an instant, but saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him.

Of course, the white tail behind this beauty betrayed his identity!

Fox Demon!

King Fox Demon!

Actually let Du Yuesheng be here and meet a king-level fox demon!

The king of Demonic beast is already in the Heavenly Tribulation realm. It can be said that this fox demon even possesses the ability to destroy a small sect!

Why is there a king-level Demonic beast here!

Du Yuesheng don’t understand!

“Yes, let’s eat together.”

Du Yuesheng handed the other bear paw to the fox demon.

The fox demon was also welcome, and after taking the bear paw, he ate it!

However, Du Yuesheng lost his appetite.

He really couldn’t understand why this fox demon appeared here, and he didn’t even understand that this fox demon didn’t show any hostility towards him, he just wanted to eat his barbecue!

It can be said that such a strange scene made Du Yuesheng feel embarrassed for a long time.

What the hell is this!

“Anything else, I still want to eat!”

The fox demon once again requested that the five bear paws, except for the one in Du Yuesheng’s hand, the remaining four have already fallen into the fox demon’s stomach.

However, he seemed simply not satisfied, even wanting to eat.

Du Yuesheng thought about it and finally passed the bear paw in his hand.

“Who are you? Why are you here?”

Finally disabled to bear, Du Yuesheng raised his own question.

The fox demon looked up at Du Yuesheng, and the beautiful eyes smiled slightly, and then said, “That’s why I should ask you, Human Race, who are you, and why are you in my Fox Race forbidden ground?”

Was he actually asked?

Well, it seems that this is indeed someone’s place.

As the saying goes, a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him, Du Yuesheng is still not good to provoke this fox demon, king-level, but it is not a joke.

“I am Du Yuesheng. As for why I am here? I said I came here to play, do you believe it?”

“I believe!”

The answer of the fox demon made Du Yuesheng stunned, he wouldn’t be so cheating!

You also believe this!

Then, I heard the fox demon said again.

“Among my ten wild mountain range, there are 5 big Monster Race, Fox Race, Wolf Race, Snake Race, Tiger Race, and Mermaid Race!!”

“The 5 races jointly guard the Celestial Demon Sovereign and govern 10,000,000 Monster Race!”

“For our Fox Race, this is a forbidden area, but for your human race, the entire ten barren mountain range is your forbidden area!”

“I don’t know how many years it is. In my ten barren mountain range, no one has ever entered.”

“And you are the first, so no matter what reason you say, I will believe it.”

“Because, I don’t care why you entered here.”

Du Yuesheng listened to this fox demon’s words, but he spit in his heart: “unable to bear”:

“Sister, isn’t it just a vixen? What kind of deep pretense!”

“If you have something, you can fight if you want to fight. We will go our own way if we don’t fight!”

Of course, this can only be said in the heart, Du Yuesheng will not be stupid enough to provoke this fox demon.

After all, this is someone’s place, I haven’t heard of it, 10,000,000 Demonic beast, if it provokes an explosion, then there will be some play.

Du Yuesheng looked at the fox demon, and then asked: “Since you know that I am Human Race, why are you approaching me instead of killing me as soon as you come up?”

Demonic beast and Human Race have never heard of peaceful coexistence, even if they do, that is when Demonic beast becomes a pet of Human Race!

“Why should I kill you? My Fox Race is not a tiger race, let alone a wolf race. I won’t see a Human Race. The first thing is to kill him.

Of course, I am also curious now, Human Race, how did you get into the ten wild mountain range?

With your current strength, you have no ability to enter the center of the ten barren mountain range, even more how, or reach the forbidden area of ​​my Fox Race!

Can you tell me, Human Race, how you did it. “

Du Yuesheng looked at the fox demon.

tell her? How to say?

Could it be that the system used the random transmission volume, and then I closed my eyes and ended up here?

“If you walk in, how can you come in, is it possible that, I can still make a hole.”

Du Yuesheng said casually.

But the fox demon laughed when he heard this, “haha, Human Race, you are really interesting, forget it, don’t tell me, I don’t ask, since you have come directly to the forbidden area of ​​my Fox Race, you must be Is it for the treasure of Martial Emperor?”

Martial Emperor treasure?

Du Yuesheng was slightly stunned when he heard this. Of course he knew the treasure of the Martial Emperor.

In fact, he already has 3 Treasure Concealing Maps of Martial Emperor treasures.

But what does this fox demon mean?

“Could it be that the treasure of Martial Emperor is here?”

Du Yuesheng asked suspiciously.

The fox demon looked at Du Yuesheng, but suddenly showed a disdainful expression: “Human Race, are you to ask a question, when already knows the answer? My Monster Race guards the Martial Emperor treasure of your human race.”

“And your human race, the Celestial Demon Emperor’s Secret Guardian who guards my Monster Race, the times are like this. Since you can get here directly, don’t you still admit that it came for the Martial Emperor treasure.”

The 5 bottles in Du Yuesheng’s heart were overturned.

This misunderstanding is simply too big. When did I say that I came for this Martial Emperor treasure!

There is also the Demonic beast of the Ten Desolate mountain range, the core of which actually guards the treasure of the Martial Emperor of the human race?

It doesn’t feel so harmonious! The style of painting is obviously wrong!

Du Yuesheng wanted to ask, this fox demon, why is he so sure that he came for the Martial Emperor treasure!

That is the treasure of Martial Emperor. Of course, Du Yuesheng will be a little tempted.

However, it is obvious that the Martial Emperor treasure map he got, he said that it was 5 sheets, and only after he got 5 sheets can he find the location of the Martial Emperor treasure.

But now, the fox demon told him that there was no need to look for it, treasure was just under the ground.

No wonder Du Yuesheng was puzzled.

PS: The seventh more, ask for subscription, ask for reward, ask for recommendation ticket.

Finally, I would like to ask whether the side effects of the Indian god oil should push the fox girl.

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