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Du Yuesheng never thought about it, the system also gave him such a generous reward.

“Ding, the player chooses random lottery, are you sure!”


“Ding, the player has excellent performance, the system is in a happy mood, and random lottery is promoted to a fine turntable lottery!”

“Ding, the turntable has been generated, please choose.”

With this sentence, in front of Du Yuesheng, a turntable appeared above the turntable.

There are a total of 6 avatars, including Brother Hou!

However, the size of the avatar of this turntable is different, and three of the avatars directly occupy 3% of the area.

These three people are the dancing shadows among Naruto, the peach ground will never be cut again! Among Azeroth’s continent, The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections, Tianshan Bamboo Sword, and none.

And the remaining 20% ​​5 area, 20% 4 area is divided into 2 pieces, the people above are, Thunderclap Seed in Investiture of the Gods, God General Zhang Fei in the board game card!

As for the avatar that only takes up 1%!

But Du Yuesheng has thought about it countless times, and the most anticipated in my heart, Brother Hou!

Lying! Of the five people, none of them are weak. This Tema, too.

Du Yuesheng blinked his eyes, the uncle of the system should not be hiding, why did he feel so good, he came up with such a good lottery.

Just come one, no matter what, Du Yuesheng can be happy!

Turntable spinning!

The pointer crossed on the head of each and everyone, Du Yuesheng’s casual appearance.

However, his eyes were always fixed on Brother Hou’s portrait.

The turntable is getting slower and slower!

It finally stopped completely.

“Ding, congratulations to the players for drawing’Thanks for your patronage'”

‘Lying trough! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the drawn thing, and it happened that there was no place for that one.

‘Hey! ‘

Du Yuesheng sighed, and then prepared to use another lottery, that is, the exclusive lottery for the local government.

Unfortunately, it seems that some people are not willing to let him lottery.

Taishang Elder saw that Du Yuesheng killed the Vengeance with his own eyes. His first reaction was to run away, so he ran away.

Because Du Yuesheng showed too strong strength, so strong that he simply don’t dare provoke.

However, when he fled, he turned his head inadvertently and saw Du Yuesheng actually staying there.

As a result, his feet naturally slowed down.

Standing in the distance, watching Du Yuesheng from a distance, Tai Shang Elder’s expression kept changing.

He thought of a possibility!

Generally speaking, the increasing cultivation base of secret technique will have certain side effects.

Could it be said that Du Yuesheng was in a daze at the moment, it was the side effect that happened!

Thinking of this possibility, thinking of his own humiliation, he dignified the Great Elder of Nanming Sect. In this battle, there was almost no performance!

When thinking of his disciplines, the Outer Disciple, Li Haojie, died.

The five disciplines he personally passed on were all destroyed at this station. It can be said that his Legacy can only be inherited from a new one.

This makes Tai Shang Elder’s hatred of Du Yuesheng no less than Li Qiu’s hatred of Du Yuesheng!

Now that Du Yuesheng is caught in the side effects and seems to have lost consciousness, then, don’t kill him now, but when will he be!

So, too much Elder shot!

Just when Li Qiu was about to start lottery again.

The voice of system rang first.

“Ding, it is detected that the player is about to be attacked, please fight the player quickly!”

Fuck, you actually made trouble at this time, courting death!

Du Yuesheng came back to his senses, and what he saw was the sound of Tai Shang Elder rushing over.

And that’s not even counted, and then system gave another prompt, directly making Du Yuesheng hate Tai Shang Elder.

“Ding, it is detected that the player uses the system emotions to obtain a lottery mode higher than the current level, and the system is automatically repaired.”

“Ding, the repair is complete, and players will not be able to obtain special lottery beyond this stage through the system mood in the future!”

Lying in the trough!

Damn it too Elder!

Laozi will never end with you!

system, Du Yuesheng naturally dare not offend.

However, he obviously had the opportunity to use the exclusive lottery of the underworld just now, and he could obviously get a huge explosion, but because of this guy’s trouble, he actually lost such a good opportunity.

Now it’s good, the system is automatically repaired, that is to say, he has almost no chance to get this kind of boutique lottery in the future!

How does this make Du Yuesheng not angry!

“Damned old man, Laozi never finished with you!”

Du Yuesheng cursed, holding the Dragon Slaying Blade and moving towards Tai Shang Elder rushed over.

Too Elder heart startled, his strength is stronger than that of Li Qiu, but with the double blessing of the Blood Soul of Li Qiu, in fact, the strength of Li Qiu is not much worse than that of Too Elder.

But Li Qiu was in front of Du Yuesheng, like being beaten up, too much Elder, and of course he was not sure that he could defeat Du Yuesheng.

Seeing Du Yuesheng, who was still in a daze, suddenly moved towards himself with a deep resentment. Elder’s first reaction was, hurriedly escape!

However, now it is not that he said to escape, he can escape.

Just now, he had lost the only chance to escape. As for now, it is impossible to escape in front of Du Yuesheng.

“The thief old man, take Laozi a knife!”

Du Yuesheng rushed to the front of Tai Shang Elder and slashed directly.

Elder too dare not resist, so he can only dodge.

But he dodges Du Yuesheng’s kick, but he can’t dodge Du Yuesheng’s kick!


Tai Shang Elder was kicked directly to the ground, splashing dust.

“It’s over, this time, the old man is dead!”

“Du Yuesheng, Du Little Brother, have something to say, the old man is the elder of the Nanming Sect. The old man is willing to come forward to mediate and resolve the grievances of the prefecture and the Nanming Sect…”

Taishang Elder is still struggling with his final struggle and wants Du Yuesheng to let him go.

However, Du Yuesheng is now in a rage, just because of this Old Guy, Du Yuesheng lost a chance to get a lottery, how could he not be angry.

“I tune your uncle, you must die today, rest assured, the other people of Nan Mingzong will also come to accompany you immediately!”


Another blade, this blade, too elder too late to avoid!

One arm was cut off directly with a knife!

“Ah, old man’s hand! My hand.”

Shua, it’s another knife!

Du Yuesheng showed no mercy.

The Dragon Slaying Blade exudes a cold aura, which is cut out with a knife.

“Old man’s legs, ah! old man’s legs!”

This blade, Du Yuesheng directly cut off the legs of Taishang Elder, but still did not take his life!

“Du Yuesheng, damn guy, you dare to be so old man, you must not die, old man will not let you go even if he is a ghost!”

“The old man wants you to die together, the old man wants you to be buried, even if the old man dies, it won’t make you happy!”

Losing his legs and an arm, Taishang Elder has been completely abolished, and at this moment he is yelling at Du Yuesheng!

But Du Yuesheng, holding the Dragon Slaying Blade, stood in front of him and looked at him lightly.

PS: No. 4

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