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I want you to die!

Li Qiu watched as Dark Guard was killed, and his body paralyzed by pollen returned to normal.

He looked at the Dark Guard who had been beheaded by Du Yuesheng, then roared.

The whole person rushed towards Du Yuesheng crazy moved towards Du Yuesheng.

‘Blood, burn! ‘

‘Blood Soul, burn! ‘

Li Qiu still decided to explode the strongest strength, and the whole body strength continued to explode.

The realm of the whole person continues to soar, from one calamity to 2 calamity, 3 calamity, 5 calamity…


Good guy…

There is actually such a powerful battle strength!

Seeing Li Qiu burst out suddenly, Du Yuesheng unable to bear spit out.

When people reach a dead end, they can often stimulate higher potential.

And now there is no doubt that Li Qi has been driven to a dead end, and he is fighting Du Yuesheng with a mortal heart!

“Nine Provinces Soul Breaker! Soul Destruction!”

Li Qiu loudly shouted, and when he shot, it was his trick!

Nine Provinces Soul Breaker, according to legend, is a masterpiece learned from an old man when he was young.

He is relying on this Nine Provinces Soulbreaker to grow and grow step by step away from home!

But this Blade Art, no one has seen Li Qiu used it for several years.

Because this is the biggest reliance on the vengeance, the strongest battle strength, generally speaking, with the current status of vengeance, in fact, there are few opportunities for him to take action in person.

However, the battle with Du Yuesheng this time not only caused him to take action in person, but also had to fight desperately!


Even if Du Yuesheng has already blocked in time, but with this blade, let Du Yuesheng take a few steps after training to stop it!

Destroy the soul!

It’s an arrogant name, but to be honest, Du Yuesheng really has a soul-stirring feeling when this blade is down.

It can be seen that the reputation of Li Qiu is not for nothing!

“Qingxuan Array, 9 swords!”

Suddenly, another voice rang.

At the same time, there is a system prompt sound!

“Ding, the player pays attention, an irresistible and powerful attack is detected, the player quickly dodges!”

It turns out that Taishang Elder actually launched a sneak attack while Du Yuesheng was repelled!

Qingxuan Array, an Array that can bless one’s own Sword Technique formidable power, and at the same time, can turn Qi into a sword and attack the enemy.

And these 9 swords, it is not that Elder attacked 9 swords too much, but he launched 9 Qi swords, wanting to kill Du Yuesheng.

“Boom, bang! bang!”

Du Yuesheng had to back down again and again, and was suddenly attacked by Elder.

Du Yuesheng was able to dodge, and it was already not easy.

“You damned old man, you actually play a sneak attack!”

After evading the attack of Taishang Elder, Du Yuesheng angrily cursed at Taishang Elder.

At that moment, to be honest, it was indeed very dangerous. If the system hadn’t warned in advance for a sudden attack, I was afraid that Du Yuesheng would suffer!

After all, these two guys are both powerhouses that have surpassed 2 difficulties and reached a disaster.

Du Yuesheng is only 5 Difficult Peak now.

Therefore, if there is no system prompt, Du Yuesheng chooses to fight hard, for fear that it will suffer a big loss!

Sister, is our cultivation base low?

“System, I want to use Indian oil, hurry up!”

“Ding, the player succeeded in using the Indian god oil, the realm was improved, and reached the first calamity level!”

“Players please pay attention to the consequences of Indian oil!”

The action of the system is always so swift and will not be sloppy.

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng felt a new force surge.

5 Difficult Peak, and this catastrophe, there is such a powerful difference.

Simply put, even if it is 5 difficult Peak, it is always just Martial Artist.

But once it is polished by the sky thunder, then the cultivation person’s within the body will return to possess special energy.

Of course, the most intuitive performance is the improvement of the 5 official Divine Consciousness.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng’s sense of hearing, smell, responsiveness and judgment have been greatly improved. This is a completely different feeling.

Heavenly Tribulation!

It turns out that this is the Heavenly Tribulation environment!

Du Yuesheng took a fiercely cigarette, and then slowly spit it out.

Want to bully Du Yuesheng with a high cultivation base?

Then, Du Yuesheng will use practical actions to tell Li Qiu and Tai Shang Elder.

Realm, in front of Du Yuesheng, is of no use at all!

“Pass Like Thunder Move Like Wind!”

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng moved, but this time, the movement was obviously several times faster!


The Dragon Slaying Blade in Du Yuesheng’s hand directly collided with the long knife in Li Qiu’s hand.

The mighty power burst out instantly, accompanied by fire star jets.

That’s because the power is too strong, so the 2 knives directly collide with sparks!

“Do you want realm suppressed, this Uncle tells you, realm is nothing in front of this Uncle!”

Du Yuesheng loudly shouted at Li Qiu, the Dragon Slaying Blade suddenly flipped, and actually moved towards Li Qiu again.

How can it be!

How can it be!

Li Qiu was shocked in his heart. He didn’t understand why Du Yuesheng’s attack power suddenly increased so much, as well as the reaction speed, which was simply unimaginable!

Could it be that he has kept his hands all the time, why, why can he suddenly burst out such a powerful attack power, such a quick speed!

After a moment of shock, a crazy expression appeared in Li Qiu’s eyes.

“It’s been a long time since I had such a fun fight, kid, you really think that with your jack of all trades, you also want to beat the old man!”

“Hmph, let the old man teach you what is true power!”

“Nine Provinces Soul Breaker, 2nd Style, Star Slash!”


Li Qiu jumped high, and suddenly moved towards Du Yuesheng from in midair.

The long knife in his hand, because of this crazy power, faintly heard the dragon, the sound of the dragon!

Du Yuesheng battered and exhausted, the formidable power of this blade, opened up a huge valley directly where Du Yuesheng just stood.

It can be seen that if Du Yuesheng did not dodge in time, he would definitely suffer a big loss if it was under this blade.

really strong attack power!

Du Yuesheng had to admit that the offensive power of Li Qiu was really nothing.

Seeing Du Yuesheng dodge once again, Li Qiu didn’t hesitate at all.

“3rd style, chase the stars and catch the moon!”

The long knife in Li Qiu’s hand emitted a dazzling white light, and suddenly a Blade Qi burst out.

Yes, after all, Li Qiu has also reached the cultivation base of catastrophe, so how can he not use Blade Qi’s skills?

At this time, Du Yuesheng didn’t even react.


Suddenly, a vigorous sound came, and Du Yuesheng was hit by this blade and fell instantly!

Li Qiu looked at Du Yuesheng who disappeared into the dust in the distance, with a faint smile on his face.

“Boy, I want to fight the old man, you’re still a little tender!”

“hmph! ”

“If you sent your powerhouse to fight with the old man, maybe the old man would still be a little bit scared. As for yourself…courting death!”

Li Qiu this time, but I really feel that he has killed Du Yuesheng, the formidable power of that knife, how powerful is the removal of Li Qiu.

That knife, 5 difficult Peak cultivation base, can also be killed with a single knife!

He believed that this blade had absolutely completely killed Du Yuesheng.

Although in the dust, let him see Du Yuesheng’s situation clearly.

However, the vengeance is already in the heart 100% sure, Du Yuesheng will die!

At the moment, Tai Shang Elder also showed a faint smile.

Finally killed this monster boy, this boy is really weird.

His strength is fundamentally uncertain, and he can increase his cultivation base time and time again!

Fortunately, no matter how he was tossing, he just didn’t get through the Heavenly Tribulation, as long as he didn’t enter the Heavenly Tribulation.

Then, it is always impossible to understand the power of catastrophe!

That kind of magical power, even if it is just a trace of aura, is enough to kill an ordinary 5 hard powerhouse.

This is Heavenly Tribulation, an invincible general existence, the Martial Artist realm of the blood moon continent pinnacle!

PS: No. 2

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