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‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

Suddenly, Li Xinnan and Chen Yu continued to fight each other and collided.

‘break for me! ‘

‘bang! ‘

Li Xinnan’s simple and rude punch hit Chen Yu directly.


Chen Yu was repelled several steps by Li Xinnan this fist fiercely.

“How could it be that you could hit me!”

An incredible expression appeared on Chen Yu’s face as a high-level worship away from home.

For so many years, he has always bullied people, and when has he been beaten?

“Hmph, kid, let you hit the old man carelessly for a while, then the old man will let you know what true strength is!”


“Blood Soul, incarnation!”

For an instant, Chen Yu didn’t reserve any power, and directly chose to activate Blood Soul incarnation.

Transform into state!

Chen Yu suddenly became a Demonic beast that looked like a giant bear!

Although Nanmingzong’s cultivation technique is special, so what they have is the soul, but the mainstream of the blood continent is still the blood soul.

The Blood Soul that can be transformed into Demon Beast!


Chen Yu seemed to be trying to say something, but unfortunately, the sound he made now was just a roar, and no one could understand it.

Blood Soul’s transformation, the first form, is the complete Beast Transformation, which can instantly increase your strength several times.

But the shortcoming of this complete Beast Transformation is also very obvious, that is, his IQ will also be lowered a lot.

In the basic level transformation form, as long as it is looking for an enemy, it will directly ignore all targets and take killing the enemy as instinct.

Basic Level form is the lowest usage of Blood Soul.

Chen Yu is also a 5 hard powerhouse, but he can only use the Basic Level form of Blood Soul.

It’s no wonder that he can only make a small offering away from home, or the one ranked lower among the offerings.

It can only be said that he was blinded by his cultivation base.

Li Xinnan basically remained unmoved and transformed himself. Don’t you think he can’t?

“hmph! ”

“I will show you what is changing voice!”

“Armor summon, Integration!”

Li Xinnan suddenly roared loudly. After a while, after a while, Li Xinnan was already incarnation as a true armor warrior.

“Flame knife, cut!”

Li Xinnan held a flame knife and suddenly moved towards Chen Yu and cut it down.


“Yes, that’s it, call me!” Du Yuesheng didn’t know where to take out a small stool and sit on the ground.

At this moment, I was watching a good show with my legs crossed, with melon seeds still in his mouth.

He watched Li Xinnan of the incarnation armor warrior and Chen Yu of the incarnation Blood Soul beast fighting.

“Damn it, this is a blockbuster!”

“The armor warrior war rare beast is still a live-action version, you can have it, this must be.

“Li Xinnan, come on, cut down the little Demonic beast! Ultraman will admire you!”

Xiang Yu and Shi Hao were standing beside Du Yuesheng, while Mei Jian was pinching his shoulders.

That calm and calm appearance, where is it like going through a battle, where is it like being pressured by soldiers!

After the summon armor integration, Li Xinnan’s strength skyrocketed in an instant, surpassing 5 difficulties and reaching the early stage of a catastrophe. The key is that he can use his exclusive skills as an armor warrior.

In this way, Chen Yu was even beaten up.

Li Qiu frowned, he didn’t expect that any of Du Yuesheng’s subordinates would have such powerful strength.

Who is this guy?

Li Qiu had to have such a question in his heart at this moment.

After all, it is possible to have a subordinate who can survive the catastrophe, and Du Yuesheng’s own strength is still so low.

Even if he is arrogant about his vengeance, he must consider it carefully.

But when he thought of Li Hero’s death, in an instant, Li Qiu’s expression became severe again.

No matter who he is, if he dares to kill his own son, then he will definitely die.

“Who is going to help Chen Gongfeng and kill that person.”

“Subordinates are willing to go.”

Another consecration stepped forward, but his strength was only 4 difficulties, but his Blood Soul incarnation was actually a bird, no wonder he had this courage.

Attacking Li Xinnan from the air undoubtedly took advantage of him.

“Fuck, cheating, hit one out of two, is that fun? Shoot me down that bird.”

Du Yuesheng shook the melon seed shell in his hand and shouted loudly.

Following his words and all the way, from behind him, an arrow shining with golden rays of light suddenly moved towards the mid-air big bird and shot it past.

“Broken Magic Arrow!”

This is undoubtedly shot by the wizard Archer.

The speed of Demon Arrow is extremely fast.

simply didn’t give that person the slightest reaction, so he shot an arrow.

The man was beaten back to his original shape in an instant and fell to the ground.

How is it possible, where is the bow and arrow!

Li Qiu and the others showed different expressions on their faces, and Archer’s sudden burst of fire was something they simply couldn’t imagine before.

What kind of cultivation technique is he actually able to shoot a powerhouse with 4 difficult cultivation bases with one arrow!

Everyone who left home looked dumbfounded at the results. You must know that although the weapons that everyone uses now are myriad and everything, but the bows and arrows are indeed not used a lot, because in the whole blood moon continent , And there is no bow and arrow above the Domain Treasure level.

Only in the armies of various empires can some silhouettes of Archer be found.

But at this time, they saw an unusual scene with their own eyes, and Archer was able to kill a 4-hard powerhouse with one arrow.

In the hearts of these people, it will inevitably feel incredible!

Just when the person leaving home was surprised by the formidable power of Elf Archer, Li Xinnan shot suddenly.

Suddenly a sword hit Chen Yu incarnation’s Demonic beast, and instantly, Chen Yu was beaten back to its original form.

At the same time, Chen Yu was at Du Yuesheng’s feet.

Du Yuesheng raised his sword and killed Chen Yu.


“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, for killing 5 difficult Chen Yu and getting Spirit Points 500 100,000,000.”


“Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for getting a random transmission reel.”

Item: random transmission

From: The Legend of Mir

Description: After use, players will be randomly teleported to any place of the blood moon continent.

Such a thing actually burst?

Du Yuesheng frowned. It seemed that this thing was useless, and it was of no help to his current battle strength.

As soon as he opened, he lost 2 experts in a row, which made it hard to accept the enemy.

This Du Yuesheng actually has such a powerful strength. In the previous information, it can be mentioned at not all!

Of course, in fact, he simply did not collect any information from Du Yuesheng.

However, Li Qiu felt that Du Yuesheng’s trump card was just this.

“Come on, rush to me together, I want to see, kill Du Yuesheng!”

Suddenly, Li Qiu waved his hand, and he was no longer ready to send people to fight Du Yuesheng’s men.

In his eyes, he has so many powerhouses, and he has been dragged out of the whole house.

Well, there is no need to continue to spend time with Du Yuesheng.

Preparation for revenge, in a spurt of energy, directly killed Du Yuesheng.

“Chong, kill!”

“Kill, let’s go together and kill them!”

The people who left the house got Patriarch’s order and rushed out instantly.

Counting 100 3 is difficult for the powerhouse to charge, at least, on the surface, it looks really strong.

However, Du Yuesheng still remains unmoved.

“Elves Archer team, prepare, destroy for me, kill these guys!”

Huh, 3 hard powerhouse? Is it really strong?

The Elf Master in the hands of Elf Archer will tell you that you are just scum.

As Du Yuesheng’s words fell, the elf Archers quickly gathered their broken magic arrows.

In fact, after they use the Demon Arrow, they will fall into weakness, and for a long time, they will not be able to fight at all.

However, for Du Yuesheng, it has no effect at all.

Who will let his system break?

PS: 3rd more, ask for subscription, ask for collection, ask for reward,

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