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‘carry on! ‘

‘Brother is a local tyrant…’

Du Yuesheng didn’t care about the extracted stuff, and stabilized his excited heart.

Du Yuesheng confronted the system instructed again: “system, extract the cultivation technique for me.”


“The player draws the cultivation technique, are you sure.”


“Ding, drawing… Congratulations to the players for randomly drawing the cultivation technique, and you got it, Divine Sword!”

Cultivation Technique: Divine Sword

From: Zhu Xian

Description: Motivates the enemies of Tianlei, extremely powerful.


Divine Sword Yu Lei Jue! !

Du Yuesheng dumbfounded, special code, really fake?

Divine Sword Yu Lei is definitely not an ordinary cultivation technique, it is a fairy technique, from Zhu Xian!

Can provoke the sky thunder strikes the enemy, that formidable power, 5 difficult powerhouse? It’s just a scum, you can kill it in seconds!

Cool, cool, cool!

10,000 cool!

“System, learn now, I want to learn Divine Sword Yu Lei Jue immediately.”


“The system indicates that the player does not have the aptitude to learn Divine Sword, and the learning fails.”

No aptitude!

This feeling of ups and downs will only know how uncomfortable it is if you have really experienced it.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng’s heart is hard to get the extreme, seeing a fairy law in front of himself, but unable to learn!

The point is, this is something I got!

Du Yuesheng was stunned, he couldn’t react, what on earth was this!

“System, why can’t I learn Divine Sword?”

Finally, Du Yuesheng asked.

“Ding, the system reminds that the player does not have Immortal Root, so any Immortal Technique cultivation technique cannot be learned.”

Immortal Root?

Sin! root!

“System, what do you mean by special code! Why don’t you go to the ****, what does it mean without Immortal Root?”

“You just said that, it prevents me from cultivation such a super cultivation technique, are you making me play?”

“Ding, the player is emotional and insults the system, so he is punished!”

“Ding, cancel the player’s 2 random character drawing opportunities.”

“Ding, the system kindly reminds that although the player does not possess Immortal Root, they can use any skill through this system.”

3 consecutive prompts, let Du Yuesheng react directly.

‘by! ‘

‘system count you ruthlessly! ‘

Du Yuesheng remembers that he is still a Great Waste that dantian has not repaired, if not.

He is terrified that he can’t even do the most basic cultivation.

“Then, system, since I can’t use it, I got this cultivation technique, why should I use it as firewood?”

“Divine Sword Yu Lei Jue should be used as firewood, um, it sounds like a good one!”


“The system prompts that players can pass the cultivation technique to their discipline through the sub-system. As long as the aptitude matches, then cultivation can be done.”

‘I go! ‘

Du Yuesheng really wanted to scold someone. He didn’t know the thing that broke out, but it was actually prepared for others.

However, fortunately, it is my own discipline, which is not a loss!

“System, I want to extract Magic Treasure and weapons and characters. I’m going to draw a 3 in a row.”


“The player draws Magic Treasure and weapons, characters, are they confirmed.”


Tian Lingling, Earth Lingling, Supreme Taoist is coming soon and bursting! Explode, must explode!

And to explode for our own use!

Du Yuesheng kept praying in his heart, deducting the chance of 2 character extraction for the system.

Du Yuesheng didn’t even mention it at all, because he knew the urine of the system and would never give it back to him.

This time, he is betting a lot, Magic Treasure, weapons, characters.

Which one is not to be cherished is usually used in this time, this time, Du Yuesheng directly came a 3 consecutive draw!

Must burst, must burst!

Du Yuesheng heart Middle-Stage hopes that if his mother didn’t explode, he wouldn’t have to play!

Du Yuesheng Now, it can be said that all the last trump cards have been used up, and he is expecting something good from this lottery.

Soon, the results came out.

“Ding, congratulations to the player, drawing the character Li Xinnan.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player, I got the armored summon device.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player, I got the Belt of Universe.”

Li Xinnan: Among the armor warriors, Flame Dragon, individual strength 5 difficult Peak, transform into armor warrior, depending on armor level bonus.

Armor summon equipment: summon armor equipment, the main equipment essential for armor warriors.

Qiankun Belt: The main equipment of the armor warrior.


“The player summon is found to have a complete suit of Armored Warrior’s Flame Dragon, which is automatically bound successfully.”


“Players gather the Flame Dragon knight suit and get special rewards, light and shadow horses.”


“Guangyingju automatically binds with Li Xinnan successfully.”


A series of system tips, in exchange for Du Yuesheng’s bitter smile.

What is this special code?

It was indeed a big explosion, however, it was not for yourself.

Actually got a complete armor warrior out!

Looking at Li Xinnan, who is fully equipped and riding the light and shadow horse, Du Yuesheng is not a taste.

This special code is also available, system, you are sure that you are not deliberately retaliating!

But after thinking about it, Du Yuesheng is definitely making a lot of money. There are more such big hands in Li Xinnan, and it is definitely a big profit.

You know, some of the people you meet now are no longer able to resist Li Yuanba and Xiang Yu.

It can be said that the arrival of Li Xinnan was simply too timely.

Under normal circumstances, even if Li Xinan is drawn, it is estimated that there is not much help.

But when the armor set is completely taken out, Li Xinan’s battle strength is a pervert!

Oh, yes, Du Yuesheng can only recognize this time, he can’t figure out whether he is making or losing!

Out of the room, Du Yuesheng said directly to Mei Jian at the door:

“Go, call Shi Hao.”

“Yes, master!”

Mei Jian left quickly, and not long after, Shi Hao hurriedly came to Du Yuesheng.

“Master, you call me, what’s the matter?”

“What is a good thing! You performed well during this time, and gave you a cultivation technique for the teacher.”

With that said, Du Yuesheng’s hand reached Shi Hao’s head.

There is no way this is required by the system. To transfer Divine Sword Yu Lei Jue to Shi Hao’s sub-system, this can only be done.

At this time, there are still many local government disciplines. Seeing the actions of Du Yuesheng and Shi Hao, they naturally surrounded them.

“Sect Master what are you doing?”

“It should be to teach the cultivation technique to First Senior Brother, Sect Master is very hurting First Senior Brother.”

“Well, definitely, I just don’t know what kind of cultivation technique will be taught to First Senior Brother.”


Disciples discuss spiritedly, but Du Yuesheng has completed the transfer in a moment.

At this time, Shi Hao was very excited. Of course he knew what he got, and immediately fell to his knees.

“Many thanks Master gives the method, and the recipe thanks Master.”

“Okay, get up and try formidable power.”

“Yes, Master.”

Shi Hao was excited. There is a sub-system. Of course, he can instantly master Divine Sword.

Although it is just an introduction now, the formidable power imagination makes Shi Hao excited.

It can be said that now even a powerhouse with 5 hard peaks stands in front of Shi Hao.

Shi Hao is also sure to kill the opponent in seconds. This cultivation technique is simply awesome. Don’t want it.

However, the consumption is too strong!

With the power of Shi Hao today, it can be used at most once.

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