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‘hmph! ‘

‘Come on here…’

‘this Emperor is waiting for you! ‘

Du Yuesheng is still disdainful, and 5 difficult to do with Peak. In Du Yuesheng’s eyes, simply is a scum.

Although because it is now possessed, so his desert eagle.

It can’t be used in possession, but Du Yuesheng’s trump card is gone. To pack trifling away from the hero, Du Yuesheng has a way.

“Boy, you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, then this Venerable will play with you.”

“The power of Heavenly Phenomenon!”


Throws a punch is simply a change of heaven and earth.

“Bump, hong long long!”

The huge smoke and dust fell with countless rubble. The position where Du Yuesheng stood originally directly turned into a deep pit with several dozen meters deep and several hundred meters deep.

He stood there just like Li Jie, and he believed that under this fist, Du Yuesheng had already been seriously injured by him, and even killed.

But just when he was proud, a voice came from behind him.

“Isn’t that a lot of strength, then, try my punch!”

“Basic Fist Art!”

Touch, throws a punch, and the hero is turned into a broken kite directly!


With a loud noise, Li Haojie was punched into a mountain by Du Yuesheng.

“You dare to hurt this Venerable, courting death!”

Li Jie is covered in dirt at the moment, the expression on his face is very angry.

“9 Xuan Tian Yin, 10000 like thunder moving! 10000 Xiang Tian Yin, break for me!”


In an instant, beside Li Jie, it seems that the illusory shadow of countless elephants is formed, and all moved towards Du Yuesheng bombed in the past.

Looking at his proud pride, Li Jie scornfully said, “Boy, there is always someone stronger, do you really think that 5 difficult situations is very difficult to deal with?”


“I tell you that 5 Difficult Peak is just a new starting point. Only you have reached 5 Difficult Peak.”

“You feel that aura, you can know, what is the real power, what is the real invincible in the world!”

Li Jie is very confident of his own attack. This is already his most powerful attack and his trick.

In fact, with his ability, it is not even enough to make this move. If it were not for the blessing of the Reincarnation Disk given to him by his Master, he would not be able to perform it at all!

“Quickly open!”

Xiang Yu and the others quickly flee, because of this attack, simply is an indiscriminate large-area attack.

An illusory elephant directly and continuously strikes the ground, as if to crush the entire earth.

Li Haojie was very proud of this move, but what his Master taught him privately is one of the nine forbidden techniques of the Southern Ming School. It is not the strongest person in Sect, and he is not qualified for cultivation.

In his eyes, Du Yuesheng’s ability to die under this sect’s strongest forbidden technique is simply Du Yuesheng’s fortune!

“Boom, bang, bang!”

The strikes are still going on. This time, Li Haojie is very clear, that nasty kid didn’t escape at all.

However, he soon revealed an expression of horror and despair.

When Du Yuesheng left the hero and used this move, system gave a prompt.

“Ding, the player pays attention, the player pays attention, a fatal threat is found, the player quickly flees, the player quickly flees.”

No, I don’t want to run away, huh, what a fatal threat, isn’t it just an attack that is stronger!

“System, use battle strength to bless the dice!”

Battle strength blessing dice, randomly increase players from one to 6 Times battle strength, which is a one-time consumable, duration, two minutes!

No radiation, no pollution, no side effects.

Can be called 3 no boutique!

“Ding, players use battle strength dice.”

“Ding, congratulations to the players, battle strength blessed 6 Times!”

It’s 6 Times, and it has brought this dice to the extreme.

Luck is good.

Of course, this battle strength blessing is not a realm improvement, but a pure increase of Du Yuesheng’s battle strength!

Attack and defensive power!

With the battle strength dice blessing, the so-called 10000 Tianyin is just tickling Du Yuesheng.

The dust settled when a pair of Calm Du Yuesheng walked out.

The Li hero was stunned, and after being stunned, there was panic.

How could it be, how could he be so powerful? Could it be that his secret technique could not break out twice? Why, this kid now makes himself feel Death Aura!

Oh my God, it’s too strong, it’s really too strong, even if it’s your own Master, the grand Elder of Nan Mingzong, there is no such a powerful imposing manner at all.

Who is he!

Who is he!

Li Hero’s eyes were terrified. At this moment, Du Yuesheng just had the imposing manner on his body, which made him obey the impossible to bear, and kneel down on the ground and kowtow deeply!

Too strong, too strong, this imposing manner is almost in essence, all kinds of pressure on Li hero’s body, it makes him feel difficult to breathe!

“Yo, there is always someone who is better than us, the tone is not small, but why didn’t I figure it out, who are you talking about?”

Every word, even Du Yuesheng just spoke in a plain tone, but every word fell into the ears of Li Hero, like a thunder.

Every time Du Yuesheng said a word, Lihaojie felt that he had been punched violently by strikes.

It was too strong, it was too strong, so powerful that Li Hero didn’t dare to make any moves at all.

“Fly so high, who do you think you are, get me down!”

Get out!

With these three words suddenly exploding, Lihaojie only felt that he was hit by a heavy hammer. In an instant, he lost any resistance, and he pu tong hit the ground.

Li Hero, lying on the ground, raised his head blankly.

unable to bear asked:

“You, who are you. Who are you!”

Losing his voice and splitting his lungs, this is the explosion before the hero knows he will die, this is the last bloom of the hero!

‘Oh shit! ‘

‘pa! ‘


Du Yuesheng silhouette moved, and next appeared in front of Lihaojie, slapped his hands continuously on his face.

‘Damn, didn’t you just say there is Person beyond the Person? ‘

‘come! ‘

‘Now let this Emperor see what is called there is Person beyond the Person? ‘

Du Yuesheng kept kicking his feet on the lower part of the hero, his cheeks were all dyed red with anger.

Now, he is full of the power to destroy Heaven and Earth, even if it is the arrival of characters beyond 5 difficulties.

He also has the confidence to kill with a punch!

This is the result of the double blessing of Tiga Ultraman and battle strength dice.

“Go to hell, where’s that many nonsense.”

Du Yuesheng exploded with monstrous power in both hands, looking at him who was beaten by him so that he was no longer a human being.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘what! ‘


Li Hero looked at the terrifying force coming from the attack, and he believed in the power that Du Yuesheng burst out at this time.

Even if he is the Master, and even the whole Nanmingzong up and down, no one can resist it!

‘what! ‘

It’s a pity, but how to leave the hero, his end is already doomed, and the whole person is instantly bombarded by rays of light.


“System prompts, it’s time for players to add battle strength to their dice.”

Is it over!

The powerful battle strength just now can make 5 difficult powerhouse lose its powerful battle strength.

It is simply to make Du Yuesheng as if drunk and stupefied, but unfortunately, it can only be maintained for two minutes.

Du Yuesheng stands in the Vault of Heaven, and releases battling battle strength to suppress everything.

A ray of sunlight shone on his back, reflecting a Battle God who was invincible to the World.

‘ding! ‘

The sound of a long-lost big explosion system came as expected.

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