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Top ten heroes, why each and everyone actually has good strength.

At least, as normal, it is enough for them to make an ordinary Inner Disciple.

However, these people are directly excluded, even if their cultivation reaches 3 difficult 4 difficult realm.

Even if their successful cultivation reaches 5 difficult realm, they will not be recognized by Nanmingzong.

Why is that? In fact, the most fundamental reason is aptitude.

These people’s cultivation aptitude is indeed good, but there is no soul!

Yes, the most special thing about the Southern Ming School, and the biggest difference from the other cultivation sects of the Blood Moon continent, is the soul!

The role of Blood Soul is to allow cultivation people to incarnation Demon Beast and even God Soldier.

The soul of the soul, but the Nanming Sect opened a new horizon, created in the body seal Array’s special ability.

Or use internal organs as a guide, or use bloodline as an array.

Nan Mingzong’s Core Disciple has the powerful strength to make himself incarnation Array.

The top ten heroes were excluded because they did not have that soul.

Even if they obviously made a lot of contributions to the Nanming Sect, they never qualified for the true inheritance of the Nanming Sect in their entire lives.

Of course, if there is a great opportunity to give them the possibility of having a soul, then Nan Mingzong will still accept them.

But that kind of great opportunity is something you can have if you want.

At least, among the countless Outer Disciples, the ten most powerful heroes, there is only one person who encountered such a chance.

At that moment, the man was hiding in the Nanming Sect and accepting inheritance!

Such speaking of which, the top ten heroes, in addition to having a strong name, in addition to getting some help from the Nanmingzong, in fact, they are not very different from other Loose Cultivator.

Du Yuesheng is of course impossible to waste bullets and use the Desert Eagle to kill these people. These people are not yet qualified to let him waste such precious bullets!

The Dragon Slaying Blade was pulled out, and while those people were shocked, Du Yuesheng had already rushed.


With a scream, another top ten hero was killed by Du Yuesheng with a single knife. Before he even had time to react, he had already done Du Yuesheng’s death.

“Senior and junior brothers, let’s go together. Even if you die, you can’t make this kid feel good!”


The remaining people moved towards Du Yuesheng rushed over.

Of course, it’s just a collective gift.

“Shua, shua! “

One knife at a time, Du Yuesheng killing them is as simple as killing a chicken.

“How can it be so strong, how can it be so strong.”

The people of Nanmingzong were simply horrified and inexplicable, why, why is there such a powerful person.

His realm is obviously much lower than theirs, but it’s easy to kill them.

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, beheading Nanmingzong Outer Disciple, and get Spirit Points 5 100,000,000…”

“Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, behead Nanmingzong Outer Disciple, and get Spirit Points 300,000,000…”

The continuous beep made Du Yuesheng slightly frowned, and there was no explosion in any good things!

Although, in the eyes of Du Yuesheng, these ten heroes are indeed just some little bosses.

But what happened to the little BOSS, that was also the BOSS. They actually killed 9 of them, and they didn’t explode any good things. Are you kidding him?

At this time, six of the top ten heroes broke a lottery to Du Yuesheng…

According to Du Yuesheng’s words, it is simply the name of the top ten heroes.


With the Escort, Du Yuesheng continued to behead the top ten heroes.

In Nanmingzong, far away from the dart board, there were several pieces of Life Source wooden token fragmented continuously.

“Someone died again!”

“Hero, you are the only one of your top ten heroes.”

An Elder said to a youngster at the moment.

This youngster’s name is called Lihaojie. Originally, his strength was only in the middle among the top ten heroes, so he can’t be considered.

But by chance, he entered a ruin and harvested an unnamed fresh fruit.

Let him increase his realm by 3 realms in a row, not to mention, he also gained a soul!

From the first conflict between Du Yuesheng and Nanmingzong, he returned to Nanmingzong.

After verifying that he possessed the formation soul, his Master, the Supreme Elder of the Nanming Sect, directly opened the formation soul for him at any cost.

At this moment Li Jie, exudes a terrifying imposing manner, a 5 difficult Peak cultivation base, plus that special array of souls, so that he is regarded as a powerhouse throughout the Nanming Sect.

“I understood.”

Li Haojie looked at the broken wooden token, but he was already angry, because among the top ten heroes, there is his own younger brother!

Li Jie, and his younger brother, are the children of the first Great Family who left home in Nanmingzong!

Leaving home, an ancient family, with its own strength, is already extremely powerful.

But did not expect that today, his younger brother is also dead!

“Hero, I know the anger in your heart. Elder, too, is now in retreat. He asked me to give this thing to you. Go, kill the kid at Du Yuesheng to avenge your younger brother.”

This Elder took out a round utensil with a bloody aura on it.

“Here, this is the Master’s cycle!”

Li Jie looked excitedly at the things in front of him. He didn’t expect that his Master actually gave Jiebao Peak’s reincarnation circle to him.

Is it called Du Yuesheng, wait, I must personally smash you to 10000 paragraphs to avenge my younger brother!

Li Jie walked out directly, but instead of looking for Du Yuesheng directly, he came to the area where Cang Yan Gang used to be.

There are the terracotta warriors left by Du Yuesheng, and the disciples that are slowly developing!

“The land is heavy, and idlers are not allowed to enter!”

Two terracotta warriors stopped in front of Li Jie, preventing him from entering.

“Trifling ants, dare to stop me!”

“hmph! ”

“Today, I am going to slaughter your land and let you know that my Nanming Sect is not something that you ants can offend.”



Reincarnation Disk flew out and instantly killed 2 Warriors.

Afterwards, Li Jie moved directly towards the inside of the prefecture, and there were continuous obstacles from the Terra Warrior Battle Warrior, but he was easily killed by him.

The local government originally had few disciplines, except for a small number of which were quickly transferred, and others were also successfully killed by him.

“Ding, the system prompts that the player’s terracotta warriors are killed, and the number of players’ terracotta Legion permanently decreases by one.”


With the first Terra Warrior Battle Warrior being bombed, Du Yuesheng’s ear constantly sounded the system prompt. In just a short time, his Terra Warrior Legion had been laid off more than 1000 people!


“Whoever dare to move Laozi’s den!”

Du Yuesheng stood up, scolded, and looked at the few heroic figures who had died.

He clenched the Tulong Bao knife directly towards Cang Yan and ran to the old land.

The rest waited naturally behind him.

Du Yuesheng was full of anger, making everyone understand that something must have happened.

At this moment, no one dared to ask more, they all knew something was wrong.

When they came to the old land of Cangyan Gang, covering the bodies of the mountains and the plains, this place was born shortly before, and it was almost destroyed.

Because many people are worried that the prefecture is simply impossible against Nanmingzong.

Therefore, there are not many disciples who joined the prefecture, and Du Yuesheng ran out to level himself, so the prefecture was depressed.

In such a long time, only more than 100 disciplines have joined, but now, half of them are lying in the pool of blood.

“Who is it, who is it!”

“Laozi doesn’t cut you into puree, the name Laozi Du Yuesheng just read it backwards!”

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