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Blood Slaughter Gang.

It is located 1000 meters away from Black Ox Village, not too far away.

3 The master soon felt outside the blood slaughter gang and saw the blood slaughter gang running fast at the door.

‘That’s the head of Black Ox Village 3. How did he panic? ‘The blood butcher gang guarding the door was talking about it.

3 The master didn’t say anything to them at all, and quickly rushed into the gate moved towards the Blood Slaughter Gang and ran.

Blood Slaughter Gang.

Inside the Sect Leader hall.

A middle age person was discussing matters with a group of Martial Artists, and suddenly the door was kicked open from the outside.

‘who? ‘Blood slaughter lifts the head bursting killing intent, looked towards the silhouette that kicked open the door.

‘Sect Leader of the blood slaughter, someone attacked the Black Ox Village, the Black Ox Big Boss has been killed…’

3 The master kicked the door open and looked at the middle age person in the center. He knelt on the ground and cried.

‘what? ‘

‘Who dare to attack the Black Ox village, and also kill my brother Black Ox, brothers, join me in the Black Ox village, and take revenge for my Junior Brother! “

“Yes, Boss!”

In an instant, all the soldiers and horses of the Blood Slaughter gang quickly dispatched, and pairs of people and horses walked on the ground.

moved towards Black Ox moved towards Black Ox.

Regardless of the blood butcher gang.

Du Yuesheng took Shi Hao but was killing monsters to upgrade in Black Ox Village.

This time, Du Yuesheng is mainly for leveling, so except for him and Shi Hao.

No one else is allowed to do anything, just guard the outside.

In order to improve Shi Hao’s fighting instinct, Du Yuesheng handed over most of the bandits in Black Ox Village to Shi Hao.

As a result, efficiency is naturally not very high.

The blood slaughter gang quickly, when they arrived, Du Yuesheng had just solved the remaining bandits in Black Ox Village.

“Boy, did you kill my Junior Brother?” Xue Tu, reining in his horse, pointed straight at Du Yuesheng.

“Bold, dare to be unreasonable to the Heavenly Emperor, courting death!”

Li Yuanba, who was guarding Du Yuesheng’s side, loudly shouted, and slammed a sledgehammer in his hand.

Xuetu was shocked, damn it! That guy didn’t tell him that among these people, there are two powerhouses!

With Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba showing up, the fight hasn’t started yet, but Xue Tu has been stunned!

There are even 4 powerhouses in difficult situations. What revenge does he come to avenge!

Isn’t it just a Junior Brother? It’s important to have your own life?

In Li Yuanba’s berserk’s aura, the blood butcher seems to have seen the shadow of death.

Suddenly, a voice rang, this voice can be called Xianle in Xuetu’s ears!


Du Yuesheng stopped Li Yuanba.

This old Li, why is he still so bad, this is the boss.

Black Ox gave Du Yuesheng the ability to kill 5 hard powerhouse in a second. No way, this guy can also explode something good.

Who can tell this clearly, I haven’t seen Black Ox and it’s just 2 difficult cultivation base. It’s not that good things have been released.

Li Yuanba suddenly stopped after hearing Du Yuesheng’s voice.

The sledgehammer in his hand was only one punch away from Xuetu’s head, and Xuetu’s scalp was numb when the wind was blowing.

Just so close to a punch, his head is in close contact with Li Yuanba’s sledgehammer.

Moreover, at that time, he didn’t even have any defense.

The gap, the gap of the incomparable gigantic, Li Yuanba, has the ability to kill this blood slaughter in seconds.

The blood slaughter was dumbfounded, and he dared not come out.

He came to death by himself!

Du Yuesheng smiled hehe and looked at the crowd.

“Yes, you can, Shi Hao, have you rested well? Let’s go, continue to fight monsters and level up!”

Shi Hao is nodded, this time is definitely a bloody battle for him.

But the gain is also incomparable gigantic, not just the gain on EXP, the most important thing is the increase in combat EXP.

Shi Hao is growing rapidly.

Because of this, Shi Hao also became very interested in fighting.

Hearing Du Yuesheng’s words, Shi Hao said with excitement: “Master, the discipline can fight anytime!”

“Okay, go, let’s continue.”

The blood slaughter and the others are inwardly grumbled, what are these people, and what do they regard as grinding blade stone?

No, it’s not grinding blade stone. In Du Yuesheng’s eyes, these people are the circled EXP babies.

“Shi Hao, leave it to me to take the lead, and you can kill those little ones.”

“Yes, Master.”

The two rushed over quickly and directly killed.

“Senior, Senior has something to say. I don’t know how my Junior Brother offended Senior. The young man would like to make up for all your losses for my Junior Brother. Please also Senior let him go.”

This is blood slaughter? That blood massacre that killed 50,000 people?

“You care about who I am, come, you can resist, of course, in the end, I can only kill.”

“Senior, don’t push people too much.”

“What’s the matter with you, you are not convinced, you bite me!”

The Dragon Slaying Blade in Du Yuesheng’s hand, could not help but directly moved towards Blood Slaughter.

“Hmph, trifling 2 is just a disaster, boy, even if I die, I will drag you to bury.”

Sure enough, this is the blood slaughter.

Seeing that Du Yuesheng had made up his mind to kill him, Xue Tu couldn’t control that many. In his heart, surrounded by three powerhouses, he didn’t even have a chance to escape. Since he knew he couldn’t escape, then he had to pull Du Yuesheng buried him!

“Boy, die, slaughter ten 3 knives!”

As soon as Xue Tu made a move, he used his trick.

Kuangtu ten 3 knives, one formidable power is greater than one, and the knives are continuous.

1st Blade, directly collided with Du Yuesheng’s Dragon Slaying Blade. Dragon Slaying Blade is a world treasure. But the knife in Xuetu’s hand was also a great achievement he made, and Nan Mingzong specially rewarded him. Although it is not a world treasure, it is also very hard.

With a knife collision, the 2nd Blade of the blood slaughter has been used.


“pèng! ”

Collided together at this time.

But on the 2nd Blade, Du Yuesheng was knocked back 3 steps.

“Interesting, come again!”

Du Yuesheng rushed up again, and the Great Blade in the hands of the two hit together in midair 2rd times.


At this time, Du Yuesheng took a step back more than a dozen steps before stopping, 2 Blood Tu, also took a step back.

“Kid, die!”

Blood Tu’s eyes are flushed, which is the normal reaction of him using the Blade 3 of Mad Tu, because it is by stimulating the blood in the body that the formidable power of a sword surpasses one.


4th Blade, Du Yuesheng was forced to retreat a few meters.

The blood slaughter, the whole body seems to bring a light red, this is his blood began to boil.

“Not bad, a little strength.”

Du Yuesheng didn’t care at all, although indeed, he was very different from the realm of the blood slaughter.

If it weren’t for the formidable power of Dragon Slaying Blade, he would simply be able to resist the 4th Blade.

But, what’s the matter, anyway, Dragon Slaying Blade is his, blood slaughter weapon can’t, it is also his deserving bad luck.

“5th Blade!”

Blood Tu suddenly shook hands with Great Blade, and his body suddenly rushed out.

“Xiang Yu, do it!” Du Yuesheng only shouted suddenly.

Subsequently, Xiang Yu appeared directly in front of Xue Tu, and then held Xue Tu’s arm like that.

“Sister, the strength is so great, come, you go to compare with Xiang Yu who is more powerful.”


Xiang Yu exerted a little force, and the blood slaughter’s arm was abandoned by Xiang Yu.

“You, you shameless, we have the ability to single out.”

Blood Tu looked at Du Yuesheng and shouted loudly.

It is a pity that Du Yuesheng didn’t pay attention to him at all, and waited for Xiang Yu to remove all four limbs of Blood Slaughter before Du Yuesheng came to Tulong.

“No, no, don’t kill me, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance to you, I am willing to be your faithful slave!”


“Card wipe!”

The hand fell off the knife.

“It’s so ugly, and I want to be my slave? You look too much at yourself.”

Du Yuesheng ignored the words of the blood slaughter and cut off the blood slaughter’s head.

“Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who beheaded the blood slaughter of the ringleader and gained spirit strength 5 1,000,000,000 points.”


Du Yuesheng was slightly surprised when he heard the prompt.

You know, Black Ox only kills 1,000,000,000 EXP, how to kill Blood Slaughter, there are 5 1,000,000,000.

Could it be said that this is the elite boss?


“Congratulations to the player, slashing the blood slaughter, completing hidden missions, accusing 50,000 unjust souls, and rewarding one Magistrate order.”

“Ding, congratulations to players, get random lottery once.”

“Ding, congratulations players, get one EXP Pill.”


Blood Tu is really an elite boss, or a boss with hidden missions.

It is still the elite BOSS that comes to your door. This kind of good thing can be there.


“The system prompts that the player obtains the Magistrate order to activate the prefecture series card-collecting mission. Please pay attention to check.”

Prefectural collection card task?

Du Yuesheng no matter if it is a battlefield, you can check it directly.

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