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‘Have you started? ‘

‘bring it on! ‘

Du Yuesheng, who is constantly fighting the little monster and the little BOSS on the battlefield, looks at Cang Yan who entered the battlefield.

‘Pu chi!’

After Du Yuesheng slaughtered a Martial Artist with a dragon sword in his hand, he crossed the ground next.

However, just when Cang Yan and Du Yuesheng 2 with swords drawn and bows bent, a silhouette of a team appeared on the battlefield.

‘Master, Master…’ Shi Hao looked at the Du Yuesheng silhouette standing on the ground, he kept struggling and shouting.

‘haha! ‘

‘I don’t know if I have the right to speak now? ‘Cang Yan looked at the silhouette of Shi Hao who appeared beside him, he shouted loudly.

‘stop! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched Shi Hao appearing on the opposite side, his eyes full of anger, then Du Yuesheng moved towards the fighting army and waved his hand.

‘bang! ‘

The terracotta warriors who were fighting were suddenly stopped.

Such a uniform movement shocked Cang Yan! Also shocked all the Cangyan Gang people!

Who are these people, these guys?

Where did it come from, how could it be so powerful.

‘well! ‘

‘People take this Emperor…’

Du Yuesheng watched Shi Hao covered with scars at the moment, apparently being severely tortured by these people.

anger. anger…

Shi Hao is his disciple, and dare to bully him, then he is bullying this Emperor.

The people who bully this Emperor have only one way to go…

That is to go to hell!

“Li Yuanba, go, bring me Shi Hao.”

Du Yuesheng turned to Li Yuanba instructed around him, and his eyes gave him a hint.

“Yes, Heavenly Emperor.” Li Yuanba looked at Du Yuesheng’s eyes, and he understood.

Then Li Yuanba directly moved towards the place where Shi Hao was.

Following Li Yuanba’s footsteps, the disciplines of the Cangyan Gang gave way.

After all, the ferocity of Li Yuanba is well known, and the two big hammers in his hand are even more daunting.

So Li Yuanba went very smoothly, beside the injured Shi Hao who came within a few steps.

Then he helped the injured Shi Hao and walked back to Du Yuesheng.

‘Master, I am embarrassed…’ Shi Hao looked at Du Yuesheng who was right in front of him, and he said with a look of fear.

‘It’s okay! ‘

‘You go to sleep first! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at Shi Hao’s body with torn skin and gaping flesh, and he forcibly endured his inner anger.

‘boom! ‘

Then Du Yuesheng stretched out a hand and lightly tapped behind Shi Hao’s head, causing Shi Hao to fall asleep.

Du Yuesheng didn’t want Shi Hao to see the bloody scene that followed, after all, he was still a minor child.

“People have already given it to you, can you leave?” Cang Yan said again.

He looked at Du Yuesheng and said, he hoped that this killing god could leave sooner.

He can’t decide what kind of power this person is!

Cang Yan still didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking, after all, such a person would bring endless future troubles as soon as he acted.

However, will Du Yuesheng really leave like this?

Obviously impossible.

What if Du Yuesheng really took Shi Hao away so easily?

Then he is not Du Yuesheng.

‘haha! ‘

‘Leave, rest assured that this Emperor will definitely leave, but send you all to hell and leave. ‘

‘what? ‘

‘Don’t be bully intolerably…’ When Cang Yan heard Du Yuesheng’s mouth, he also became unable to bear his temper.

If he has to endure, is he still worthy to be the leader of the gang?

After all, he is also a 5 Hard Peak powerhouse, the existence of a terrorist giant on the Megatron side.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Just because you hurt my discipline, you all have to die. “

Du Yuesheng is an incomparable protector of the calf, not to mention Shi Hao is his first discipline.

That is even more terrible to protect the calf!

Of course, there is another sentence: “crap, so many BOSS, will you let me go?”

“Am I stupid? If you don’t violent you, how can I be worthy of myself!”

“How can I be worthy of this trip!”


With Du Yuesheng’s order, the killing began again.

‘hong long long!

The army of terracotta warriors and horses turned into a killing army, bursting into the sky, fighting intent, rushing into the Cangyan Gang and strangling everything.

“I gave you a chance just now, I said, I counted 3 and you didn’t pay anyone.”

“Then, Cangyan help up and down, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, you are now handing over it after I finish counting.”

“and so…”

Du Yuesheng actually smiled!

This killer was actually smiling while killing people!


“Cangyan helps the crowd, kill for me…’


Cang Yan looked up to the sky and roared, bursting with endless terrifying energy all over his body.

‘haha! ‘

‘come on…’

‘You guys give me all together…’

‘Daddy wants to let you one by one understand what invincible is today..’

‘Let you understand how rampant is described! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the impact of Cangyan and countless Cangyan gangs, he didn’t have a trace of fear.

‘One, two, three, four…’ Du Yuesheng instead stretched out a hand to point to the monster that appeared.

‘Yes, there can be a wave of destruction! ‘Du Yuesheng stuck the Dragon Slaying Knife on the ground and took out a card in his hand.

A green giant was sealed on this card, and the giant was all meridian.

Awesome is the’Hulk’ possession card that burst out in front.

Special Card: Hulk Transfiguration Card

From: Super Hero

Grade: Jiebao Rank 1

Description: Use this card to be incarnation as the Hulk for ten minutes and be in the invincible realm.

Note: It is not beyond 5 difficult realm powerhouse is unbreakable, and it is not an indelible existence of Spirit God’s soldiers.

‘Is the player possessed? ‘

‘Yes! ‘

‘haha! ‘

‘Laozi is going to zoom in…’

‘roar! ‘

After Du Yuesheng answered’yes’, he roared Heaven and Earth.

‘bang! ‘

A bunch of green rays of light enveloped Du Yuesheng all over his body for an instant, his height soared, soaring by several feet.

‘what’s the situation? ‘

“It’s cheating, this fuck has used the possession card, but the rhythm of gaining weight? ‘

‘This Heavenly Emperor’s image is completely ruined. “

‘Ding, system friendly reminder, the player is only getting stronger now, not fat, please distinguish accurately. “

The sound of system came out.

Du Yuesheng is speechless, is there a difference between fat and strong?

Just when Du Yuesheng was talking to himself, Cang Yan held a double axe in his hand and attacked.

‘Go away for me…’ Du Yuesheng looked at the attacking Cang Yan and let out a roar in his mouth.

Later, Du Yuesheng just waved it casually.

‘pa! ‘


Cang Yan, who was killed with a double axe in his hand, moved towards Du Yuesheng was directly knocked into the air by a slap.

The whole person was directly flown by this slap several meters away, and then fiercely fell to the ground.


How can it be!

That’s the Sect Leader Sir of 5 Difficult Peak realm. It was so slapped and flew away!

How can it be an illusion!

Must be looking at the eyes…

The people of Cangyan Gang couldn’t believe it, each and everyone stared wide-eyed.

Don’t they dare to believe this scene is true, after all, a five-hard powerhouse is slapped and slapped, is it too incredible?

However, no matter how they rub their eyes, they all see the same result.

It was the result of their heroic and invincible Cangyan Sect Leader who was slapped directly away.

PS: 4th, today is still 5th. Seeking recommendation tickets, asking for subscriptions, asking for rewards, asking for monthly tickets, the subscription is so low recently, please pray if you can support the genuine.

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