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‘Undefeated! ‘

‘Isn’t this Emperor not giving you a chance? ‘

‘Since you are not convinced! ‘

‘Then I will satisfy you…’

Du Yuesheng took a trace of Healing Pill from the system space and handed it to the undefeated male.

‘Eat him, we fight! ‘

‘you! ‘

The undefeated male looked at the medicine pill that Du Yuesheng handed to his mouth, and he swallowed it no matter what.

‘bang! ‘

The undefeated hero swallowed medicine pill. The moment he was hit by white strikes, he completely recovered.

Even the strength of the whole person is restored to the Peak period.

‘it is good! ‘

‘Don’t worry, this General will not kill you either! ‘Undefeated male stretched out his hands and fell to the ground. Divine Sword appeared in his hands.

He step by step moved towards the clearing.

‘Heavenly Emperor, you…’ Bai Qi heard the conversation between the two, and a trace of worry appeared on his face.

After all, the undefeated male is far more than Du Yuesheng, and the 2 is not a level at all.

Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Qi with a trace of worry on his face. He knew what Bai Qi was worried about.

‘White, don’t worry! ‘Du Yuesheng gave Bai a look, then walked into the clearing.

Bai Qi also followed closely behind him, holding the long halberd dripping with blood tightly from start to finish.

‘big brother, he is crazy again! ‘

‘What a lunatic! ‘

Leng Yan watched Du Yuesheng moved towards the undefeated male, but they heard the conversation between Du Yuesheng and the undefeated male.

‘madman! ‘Leng Yan can’t believe that Spirit Transformation can win the powerhouse.

‘Du big brother! ‘100 Flower Princess couldn’t help feeling a little nervous in the heart, and kept pinching the corners of her clothes with two hands.

‘haha! ‘

‘Boy, although I don’t know what force you are, I admire your courage! ‘

‘You show up! ‘

The undefeated male looked at Du Yuesheng walking out, he also admired Du Yuesheng’s magnanimity.

‘nonsense! ‘

‘berserk! ‘


‘open! ‘

Du Yuesheng stepped across the earth in one step, unlocking the strongest 2 skills, and his power exploded to the Peak limit.

‘what? ‘

‘Spirit Transformation Rank 9 …’

The undefeated male was shocked when he watched Du Yuesheng’s realm soar to Spirit Transformation Rank 9 in an instant.

‘Tiger Soul, now! ‘

‘Tu Long, now! ‘

‘roar! ‘

‘Yin! ‘

Du Yuesheng reached into the void with 2 hands, loudly shouted in his mouth, and then roared through the void.


For an instant, Du Yuesheng held the Dragon Slaying Sword in his right hand and Tiger Soul Blade in his left hand, his whole body strength skyrocketed again.

‘what? ‘


At this time, the undefeated male’s small heart was shocked by the bursting power of Du Yuesheng.

‘kill! ‘

Du Yuesheng didn’t care about the undefeated male being shocked or shocked, and the Emperor took 3 steps to the ground in a leisurely manner.

‘Tiger Soul! ‘

‘Dragon Dragon! ‘

‘Dang Nine Heavens…’

Du Yuesheng danced Tiger Soul and Dragon Slayer 2 Supreme Treasure with both hands, and two powerful to the extreme power emerged Heaven and Earth.

‘roar! ‘


In an instant, two Divine Beasts appeared from Tiger Soul and 2 Supreme Treasure God Soldier.

White Tiger opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowed it down, and Divine Dragon stretched out the dragon claw to tear the teaching void and grab it.

‘kill! ‘

‘Sword Movement Nine Heavens…’

The undefeated male is not keeping any strength, Du Yuesheng’s strength greatly exceeds his estimation.

He quickly danced the long sword in his hand, one sword after another assassinated the sky, one sword was faster and fierce than the other.

‘sword glow Heaven and Earth! ‘

‘seal! ‘

In less than an instant, white sword flowers appeared in the surrounding 100 meters Space-Time, covering the entire Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven.

‘broken! ‘

The Dragon-Tiger, who moved towards the invincible strikes, was instantly enveloped in the sword flower, and was frozen in the void.

‘Scatter! ‘

The undefeated male clenched his long sword with both hands and pierced the frozen Dragon-Tiger with a sword, and the Dragon-Tiger was shattered under the sword.

‘well! ‘

‘Your success made me really move! ‘

Du Yuesheng watched him make a 2-style attack and was so easily resolved by the undefeated male.

‘This Emperor said, today you must fight until you take it! ‘

‘You must be convinced! ‘

The Tiger Soul and Dragon Slayer 2 Supreme Treasure in the hands of Du Yuesheng standing in the void were directly dropped onto the ground.


‘Boy you are still too young, the strength is still not enough! ‘The invincible male held a long sword in his hand and looked towards the void, disdainfully said in his mouth.

‘haha! ‘

‘Today this Emperor let you see what heaven defying! ‘

‘roar! ‘

Du Yuesheng roared up to the sky, an imperial prestige over Heaven and Earth enveloped the entire 100 meters Space-Time.

‘Come out! ‘

‘Gold-banded Ruyi Stick …’

‘bang! ‘

In an instant, a golden light shone in the sky, and the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick appeared above the sky.

Du Yuesheng looked at the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick that appeared in the sky, and he firmly held the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick with two hands.

‘Good weight! ‘

Du Yuesheng held the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick with both hands. Although he had dripped blood to recognize the Master, the golden cudgel was still extremely heavy.

‘ding! ‘

‘The player’s wrist strength is still a bit short, and the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick cannot be fully utilized. ‘

‘roll! ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the system prompt, and he roared in his mouth, holding the golden hoop with both hands on his shoulders.

Du Yuesheng carried the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick moved towards the invincible step by step, and the imposing manner all over his body also soared to Peak.

‘kill! ‘

‘A great burial of Heaven and Earth! ‘

A few meters away from the undefeated hero.

Du Yuesheng clenched his teeth tightly and squeezed the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick against the undefeated hero.

‘Sword Flower! ‘

The undefeated male looked at the attacking Du Yuesheng, his long sword in his hand kept playing swords and flowers to block Heaven and Earth.

‘broken! ‘

Du Yuesheng shouted loudly, waving the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick with both hands and struck down several consecutive strikes.

‘what! ‘

‘how do I….’

A scream was heard through Heaven and Earth, only to be seen under Gold-banded Ruyi Stick strikes.

The undefeated male played the sword flower without a trace, and the golden cudgel was like a ruin.

Sweeping Heaven and Earth, one shot directly destroyed the endless sword flower, and the strikes hit the undefeated male.

In an instant, the entire body of the Invincible was blasted into the sky by the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick.

‘Not satisfied! ‘

‘daddy fight until you are convinced! ‘

‘bang! ‘

Du Yuesheng stepped on his feet, appeared next to the undefeated male carrying the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, and knocked it on fiercely.

‘what! ‘

A stick hit the undefeated male’s legs directly, and suddenly a sound of broken bones resounded through the void.

‘Not convinced? ‘

‘Will you come heads-up? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the undefeated hero with a painful face, but he didn’t have the slightest thoughts.

‘Go down to me! ‘

Du Yuesheng squeezed the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick with both hands, bursting endless energy into the golden cudgel stick.

‘Fighting sticks! ‘

‘Broken sky! ‘


Du Yuesheng clenched the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and swept Heaven and Earth, continuously dancing the heavy Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, barely playing the 1st Style of fighting sticks.

However, it was the moment when Gold-banded Ruyi Stick also touched the undefeated male.

‘courting death! ‘

‘Stop it! ‘

‘invincible stick method…’

A monstrous roar resounded through Heaven and Earth, and then saw the same stick technique appear in the sky.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

2 The big sticks Dharma Idol fight each other together, and the sky is shattered.

Together with the earth, energy strikes are exploded by 2 big sticks.

‘who? ‘

‘get out…’

Du Yuesheng looked at the power to stop his attack. He moved towards Space-Time and shouted, and the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick was also on his shoulders.

‘haha! ‘

‘As expected of Great Sage Equal of Heaven’s Gold-banded Ruyi Stick, but your level is still too low! ‘

‘It is impossible to master such a Supreme Treasure! ‘

A thick and mature male voice echoed in the sky, and the voice echoed to everyone’s ears like a thunder.

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