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‘roar! ‘

The roar of the beast shook the vastness, and the dust on the earth disappeared.

Beamon giant beast, who appeared on the ground, knelt on the ground with his front feet, and a man wearing armor and holding a Divine Sword stepped off from the giant beast.

‘bang! ‘

As soon as the man appeared on the earth, a horrible imposing manner of suppressing 8 deserts erupted leisurely.

All the Martial Artists around the giant beast in Bimen are all kneeling on the ground, and each and everyone’s body is shiver coldly.

‘roll! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor power! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the man who walked down from the giant beast of Bimont, and the aura oppression that broke out from him swept over.

He was loudly shouted, and his whole body exploded, rolling Diwei to cover everyone and resist the attack of imposing manner.

‘interesting! ‘

‘A Spirit Transformation Martial Artist can actually block the power of this General. ‘

The man was also oppressed by Du Yuesheng’s ability to resist his imposing manner, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

‘open! ‘

The imposing manner on the man exerted its strength again, step by step moved towards Du Yuesheng where he was.

Step by step Heaven and Earth!

In a few steps, the monstrous power swept Heaven and Earth and pressed the earth, and a crack appeared in the earth.

‘fuck! ‘

‘Heavenly Emperor power, open! ‘

‘open! ‘

Du Yuesheng felt the imposing manner under pressure became stronger and stronger, and he couldn’t help being loudly roared.

His whole body erupted like an ocean of stars, forming a piece of ocean covering the surrounding area.

‘it is good! ‘


The walking man also suddenly withdrew the imposing manner, but he gave Du Yuesheng a little more approval.

After all, Martial Artist can not be blocked by Spirit Transformation!

‘boom! ‘

A few steps away, the man almost walked to the 100-flower Princess next to Du Yuesheng, kneeling down on his back.

The man lifts the head looked at the 100-flower Princess and said with a smile: “Undefeated male pay respects to Princess.”

‘It is really Princess of the undefeated empire. ‘

Du Yuesheng heard what the undefeated male said.

The guess in his mind is correct.

100 Flower Princess looked at the undefeated bear who was kneeling on the ground, she couldn’t help holding Du Yuesheng’s arm with her hands, and asked unhappyly, “Invincible, why are you here?”

Invincible looked at the 100-flower Princess holding Du Yuesheng’s arm, a trace of anger appeared on his face, but he resisted it.

‘Princess, you have been out for almost a month, the Emperor is still worried about your safety! ‘

‘Specially ordered me to wait out to find Princess and take Princess back! ‘

‘I will not go back! ‘

‘I don’t want to go back, you go back by yourself…’

‘Princess …’

The undefeated male who bowed on his knees heard the words of Princess 100, he stood up and said: “Princess, don’t you embarrass me, OK?”

‘I will not go back! ‘

‘I won’t go back if I’m killed, I don’t want to marry…

100 Flower Princess answered invincible with an angry face, and her hands clasped Du Yuesheng’s arms tightly.

‘Married? ‘

‘Damn, this girl escaped from marriage? ‘

Du Yuesheng heard the roar of 100 Flower Princess. This was the beginning of the plot of dog blood.

According to the plot, is there a person who will save 100 Princess?

Du Yuesheng is still wondering if there should be someone to stop it?

The system prompt sounded in his mind.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations player’ Du Yuesheng’ for triggering the mission! ‘

‘Mandatory task! ‘

‘The player helped 100 spend Princess to get through the difficulties. ‘

‘Success rewards cross-border communicator! ‘

‘Failure without punishment! ‘

‘by! ‘

‘My crow’s mouth…’

After Du Yuesheng listened to the task given by the system, he couldn’t wait to make a big mouth.

The undefeated male looked at 100 Flower Princess with an angry face. He also knew what he was talking about. It was useless.

‘Princess, if you don’t go back today, you have to go back with this General! ‘

‘Otherwise, I can’t explain to the Emperor! ‘

The undefeated male’s eyes glowed with rays of light looked towards 100 Flower Princess, but he knew if Princess was not afraid to take it back.

Then, his fate is death!

‘Why, you still want to take me back forcibly? ‘100 Flower Princess heard the words of the undefeated male, a trace of coldness appeared on her face.

‘correct! ‘

‘Princess is offended, return to the Empire and let Princess punish you! ‘


‘you! ‘

100 Flower Princess stretched out her little finger to the undefeated male, her cheeks flushed with anger.

‘stop! ‘

‘When I said you two, did you treat me as air? ‘Du Yuesheng looked at the appearance of the two people, and he couldn’t help interrupting the conversation between them.

‘who are you? ‘

‘Why are you so close to Princess? ‘The undefeated male looked at Du Yuesheng who spoke, he actually had a murderous intention long ago.

After all, the 100 Flower Princess represents the undefeated Imperial Family, and at this time it actually embraces a Spirit Transformation Martial Artist.

If this is known by other empires, it wouldn’t be a joke!

‘hmph! ‘

‘What’s your name is the undefeated bear? ‘

‘What do you think of me? You Princess hugged me, so what else do you need to say? ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the invincible with a wicked smile, and made a provocative statement.

‘Du big brother! ‘100 Flower Princess holding Du Yuesheng’s arm, her face flushed even more when she heard Du Yuesheng’s words.


‘you! ‘

‘courting death …’

Invincible heard Du Yuesheng’s provocative words, and his face was also full of monstrous anger.

He is a Rank 3 Martial Artist, and he is so provoked by a Spirit Transformation ant at this moment.

‘Come here! ‘

‘Bring me aside Princess…’

Invincible holding the long sword at his waist with both hands, he ordered the Martial Artist who bowed down behind him.

‘Yes, General! ‘

In an instant, all the 100 Martial Artists who were kneeling on the ground got up, and a few Martial Artists walked up quickly from them.

‘fuck! ‘

“Undefeated bear, do you think you are alone?” Do I have no one? ‘

‘Wait, this Emperor will let you see what is crowded and powerful! ‘

Du Yuesheng let go of the hands of the 100-flower Princess, stepped across the earth, roared up to the sky.

‘Come out! ‘

‘The terracotta warriors and horses army from those sleeping years, come out and let the army of other worlds see you. ‘

‘Look at the invincible army that belonged to the suppression of the Warring States Period! ‘

‘bring it on! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘bang! ‘

Along with the roar of Du Yuesheng, waves of terrifying energy appeared in Heaven and Earth, and pieces of thunder appeared in the sky astonished by Heavenly God.

‘this is? ‘The undefeated male was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the moment.

He looked at Du Yuesheng with a puzzled look, and the Divine Sword in his hand did not clenched a bit.

‘coming! ‘

‘That’s how it feels…’

Leng Yan felt the strange aura appearing from Heaven and Earth, and his heart was also excited.

He remembers that when Du Yuesheng summon Great Empress Ferocity appeared on the spot, such a scene also appeared.

‘haha! ‘

‘It turns out that big brother still has such a back hand…’

Leng Yan was completely relaxed now, and he was excited when he thought of the scene where Great Empress Ferocity appeared.

I don’t know, big brother can call who this time?

I really want to know what kind of family the big brother is, who can mobilize so many experts.

‘boom! ‘

‘Boom, boom…’

One after another Shocked Heavenly God. Thunder blasted from the sky into the ground, wherever Divine Thunder strikes.

A huge deep pit appeared, and a terrifying aura was transmitted in the deep pit.

PS: 2nd more, and 3 more nights together!

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