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‘reward! ‘

‘Brother is here…’

Du Yuesheng stood legs crossed and lay leisurely on the chair with a smile in his mouth.

‘system! ‘

‘Come and receive all the rewards before! ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘system boot successfully, all functions are restored! ‘

‘The player still has 3 rewards left not issued…’

‘ding! ‘

‘Do players collect? ‘

‘receive! ‘

Du Yuesheng answered the system silently without hesitation, but he remembered that he still had 3 rewards waiting.

‘ding! ‘

‘Distribute players to kill super BOSS rewards! ‘

“Ding, congratulations to the player “Du Yuesheng” for slashing “Super BOSS” and getting Spirit Points 100 100,000,000 and Unparalleled Value 10,000 points.”

“Ding, congratulations player “Du Yuesheng” beheaded “Super BOSS” and obtained 3 purple cards.”

“Ding, congratulations player “Du Yuesheng” beheaded “Super BOSS” and won the “random bloodline” lottery once?”

“Ding, congratulations player “Du Yuesheng” beheaded “Super BOSS” and obtained a weapon “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick”

“Ding, congratulations to player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading the “Super BOSS” for 3 lottery opportunities.”

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player with EXP full value, level upgrade!’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 5’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 6’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 7’


‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 8’

‘Congratulations to the player level upgrade, the current level: Pure Yang Rank 9’

‘Congratulations to the player’s level upgrade, current level: Spirit Transformation Rank 1’

… ..

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the players for drawing a copy of the low-level witch bloodline. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Does the player use 3 lottery opportunities? ‘

‘haha! ‘


Du Yuesheng heard the deafening system sound in his ears.

He didn’t hear anything at all, and directly agreed with System’s question in his heart.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the players for drawing a box of’Wang Lo Kat’ and a box of’Sprite’ and a box of’Coke’. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the players for obtaining the drink combination, and the reward level is increased to Level 1. ‘

‘The player’s current Level: Spirit Transformation Rank 2’

‘puff! ‘

‘Beverage combination…’

Du Yuesheng heard the sound of system, and the tea in his mouth spouted directly.

Oh shit!

Do you think I sell the predictions, all the predictions are drawn…’

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players for getting the’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick”

‘Automatically learn Divine Level Skill: Fighting Stick Technique! ‘

Equipment: Gold-banded Ruyi Stick

Rank: Rank 9 Zoubao (upgradeable)

Weight: 10,000 3000 500 jin

Description: Modeled on the Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong Supreme Treasure’Gold-banded Ruyi Stick’, it can be upgraded up to the Innate level.

Note: The arm strength is less than 100 and cannot be used.

‘I go! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the “Gold-banded Ruyi Stick” that appeared in his eyes to explain.

He can’t wait to take out the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick for fun now.

‘system! ‘

‘Continue to receive rewards…’

Du Yuesheng takes the three purple cards back into the system space, and the thing will be opened slowly in the future.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to players for receiving the siege war reward. ‘

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and get Spirit Points 100,000,000 and Unparalleled Value 3000.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and getting a copy of the Witch bloodline. Will it be fused?

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and getting “Sprite a hit”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and obtaining Bronze Saint Clothes *1.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and get a lottery chance.”

“Ding, congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’ for beheading “Qin Shihuang” and getting a Summon Card of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.”

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player for having 2 witch bloodlines. Do you want to merge 2 bloodlines? ‘

‘system, what happens if the integration fails? ‘

‘bloodline disappeared! ‘

‘Damn it…’ Du Yuesheng gritted his teeth and chose how to take 2 bloodline.

50/1 chance of success, success is definitely a strong bloodline.

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the players for merging 2 copies of the Witch bloodline! ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘The integration is successful! ‘

‘Congratulations to players for obtaining the authentic bloodline of the Witch Clan. ‘

Witch bloodline: As one of the two main protagonists between Heaven and Earth in the Great Desolate period, the naturally powerful fleshy body allows them to shake Heaven and Earth.

The strongest ancestral witches are some 100,000,000 10,000 feet real ancestor witches, simple ordinary punch can crush 10000 ancient stars.

Witch bloodline promotion: Desolate Witch-Hong Witch-Zhou Witch-Yu Witch-Great Witch-God Witch-Ancestral Witch-Pangu.

‘The fusion begins…’

‘bang! ‘

‘hong long long …’

For an instant, Du Yuesheng, who was sitting in his chair leisurely and contentedly, stood up suddenly.

An aura that seemed to come from the ancient Great Desolate burst into Heaven and Earth from his body.

This imposing manner is so strong that Space-Time around is united, and endless Spirit Qi is even more riot.


Princess and Sister Rong, the 100 flowers closest to Du Yuesheng, were directly lifted by the imposing manner of this ancient Great Desolate.

The distance of fiercely flying ten meters far, only to drop the ground steadily.

However, they felt a terrifying energy momentarily pressing on them.

‘roar! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s bloodline broke out, and a terrifying energy constantly emerged from him.

The same moment.

The starry sky of the continent of the whole blood moon appeared shining Star Sea, and usually the stars that happened once appeared in the starry sky.

Even at this brief moment the endless creatures of the blood moon continent all looked towards the sky.

Because a very large silhouette appeared on the sky, he stepped on the sky and sun, moon and stars above his head.

Endless stars surround him, as if the stars are arching over the moon, worshipping the Emperor.

This bizarre scene is comparable to the blood moon continent in the same year. It is the same scene as the blood moon.

Blood Moon continent in a towering mountain.

There is a huge building complex, and in the center of the building an old man tremblingly looks at the void.

The old man looked at the horror silhouette of Sun, Moon and Stars that appeared in the sky and stepped on the sky.

‘check! ‘

‘Be sure to find out who caused the Heaven and Earth vision! ‘

A trace of rays of light flashed in the old man’s eyes, which could provoke such a vision, what a treasure was definitely born.

… ..

Blood Moon continent A magnificent Imperial Palace, a woman as beautiful as a fairy, she holds a book in her hand.

lifts the head looked towards the sky appeared, and there was a trace of worry expression in the eyes.

‘Come here! ‘

‘Go to the east of continent to view…’


For a moment, the entire blood moon continent countless hidden 10000 years of super Pang Great Influence.

They also sent a large number of men and women into the blood moon continent to detect this in the sky scene.

A bloody and rainy wind was also caused by this strange sight.


He caused all these masters, but he did not know.

PS: Second more.

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