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No one arrives, come first in an imposing manner!

With this imposing manner that arrived first, everyone was shocked.

Even some low-level Martial Artists have already kneeled on the ground.

‘hiss! ‘

‘really strong ! ‘

‘Absolutely Martial Artist beyond the ruins…’

Du Yuesheng stood on the ground, lifts the head looked towards the two beams of red rays that appeared in front.

He felt the energy contained in one of the red rays of light, which shocked him.

‘bang! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

In less than 3 seconds, two beams of red rays of light struck from that distance appeared in the Space-Time in the center of the crowd.

When the two beams of red spread out in the air, a skinny old man walked out of the rays of light.

There was a fat middle-aged man standing beside the skinny old man.

‘It’s the village chief! ‘

‘The village head is out…’

After walking out of the skinny old man from the red rays of light, kneel down on the ground to sleep in the village of Martial Artist.

Each and everyone’s eyes burst into rays of light, all kneeling on the ground shaking their arms and shouting.

‘The sleepwalking village chief? ‘Du Yuesheng heard the words of Martial Artist who was kneeling down on the ground and dreaming about it.

‘fuck, got fucked by Shi Wu’s old man! ‘

‘It’s huge! ‘

Du Yuesheng groaned in his heart.

Oh shit!

This is what Shi Wu’s old man said is just’return to the ruins’.

‘fuck! ‘

This is more than a’Return to Market Realm’!

Du Yuesheng is now in the heart. That is a helpless man, but he remembers Shi Wu saying that Mengyou Village is not strong.

‘hmph! ‘

‘Little Divine Martial Realm Martial Artist, dare to be the emperor! ‘

The skinny old man who walked out of the red rays of light looked at Du Yuesheng standing on the ground with his eyes, and said coldly in his mouth.

‘bang! ‘

Along with the old man saying this, a strong pressure like Mount Tai pressed Du Yuesheng away.


Du Yuesheng was oppressed by this terrifying imposing manner, and his whole body dropped a little instantly.

The ground under his feet collapsed slightly.

‘Ok! ‘

‘has several points of strength, but Guan wanted to break into my sleepwalking village with these strengths. ‘

‘So, let me go to hell! ‘

The old man standing in the sky, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Yuesheng, who was oppressed by his imposing manner without kneeling, and he nodded to recognize this person’s strength.

However, it is only recognition.

In his eyes, the’Return to the Realm’ is like the existence of the trivial ant, he has 8 feet into the’Pure Yang Realm’.

Once you enter’Pure Yang’, you are no longer a mortal body!

As long as it enters the’Pure Yang Realm’, it means crossing the higher stage of life and getting rid of the mortal realm.

‘haha! ‘

‘haha …’

Du Yuesheng smiled in the sky, his eyes were glowing one after another red rays of light, looking towards the sky, looked towards that skinny old man.

‘If I killing intent, the sky will not dare to mess with it! ‘

‘this Emperor will kill you today! ‘

‘Use your blood sacrifice to lay the path of this Emperor…’

Du Yuesheng’s eyes are as wild as the jackals, tigers and leopards, and his eyes are indifferent to the extreme.

The whole body of aura is also the strongest Peak thing, stronger than his fight with Qin Shihuang.


‘The knife comes…’

Du Yuesheng loudly shouted, right hand moved towards Void stretched out, and the Dragon Sword that was inserted on the ground echoed, and the entire blade was shaking.

‘kill! ‘

‘Tulong Blade Art …’

‘Tu Long, destroy! ‘

‘roar! ‘

Du Yuesheng clenched the Tu Longbao sword with both hands, and lightly jumped up under his feet, facing the in old man with a knife.

‘Dragon Dragon! ‘

‘Yin! ‘

With a cut, dragon roar echoed Heaven and Earth from the blade glow, and then a majestic Divine Dragon roared Heaven and Earth.

‘Yin! ‘

Divine Dragon tumbling Heaven and Earth appeared, turned into a giant dragon tearing Space-Time, sharp dragon claw moved towards the old claws.

‘hmph! ‘

‘The knife is a good knife, but it depends on who uses it! ‘The old man looked at Du Yuesheng from the rush.

He looked at the Tu Longbao sword held in Du Yuesheng’s hands, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

Now he is missing a God Soldier weapon.

The Dragon Slayer Sword that appeared at this time completely met his appetite.

‘broken! ‘


The old man dodges the Divine Dragon and dodges the claws directly. Instead, he slams Divine Dragon’s head with a punch.

‘Boom, boom…’

After Divine Dragon’s head was smashed with a punch, the old man’s hands turned into a shocking blade glow.

‘hiss! ‘

A knife directly split the entire body of Divine Dragon into two halves, and the blade glow slashed towards Du Yuesheng.

‘what! ‘


Du Yuesheng saw that he was turned into a two-and-a-half Divine Dragon, and couldn’t believe his attack was so unbearable.

However, the blade glow that attacked when he was still thinking about it was cut directly on his shoulder.

‘puff! ‘

Du Yuesheng a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and a huge wound appeared over his shoulder.

The bones in the wound are clearly visible, and drops of light purple blood are constantly scattered on the ground.

‘what! ‘

‘Du big brother …’

The 100-flower Princess standing on the ground saw the wound on Du Yuesheng’s shoulder, and she yelled.

The whole person was ready to rush forward with one step, but was held back by the woman behind her.

‘Princess no, you will only disturb Du Young Master if you rush up! ‘The face of sister Rong who held her also showed a trace of anger.

However, she was not impulsive.

After all, the old man in the sky is not something they can contend with.

‘bastard, I want father to send troops to quell this place. ‘100 Flower Princess became angry and extremely powerful.

No matter what they are.

In the sky Du Yuesheng was slashed, but there was no pain on his face.

Instead, there was a slight smile on his face, but the smile made people feel flustered.

‘haha! ‘


Du Yuesheng felt a fierce pain from his shoulder, which made him very concentrated.

‘Coming! ‘

‘Tiger Soul, now! ‘

‘Tu Long, now! ‘

‘roar! ‘

‘Yin! ‘

Du Yuesheng 2 hands stretched out into the void, loudly shouted in his mouth, and then roared through the void.


For an instant, Du Yuesheng held a sword engraved with a Divine Dragon in his left hand, and a sword engraved with a Divine Dragon in his right hand.

Left hand Tiger Soul Blade, right hand Tiger Soul Blade!

‘Old Guy, I’m taking a blow! ‘

‘berserk! ‘

‘Extremely open…’

‘Ten times the power, violence…’

Du Yuesheng held two Supreme Treasure God Soldier in his hand, loudly shouted in his mouth, and directly activated the strongest energy.

In an instant, his aura tú tú soared all over his body, rushing up from Divine Spring Rank 9.

In less than a breath, the strength of Du Yuesheng’s body soared to the Rank 5 stage of returning to the market.

‘what? ‘

At this moment, the old man who had been in the sky was also shocked by Du Yuesheng’s sudden situation.

It was the first time he saw such a horrible thing after a few hundred years of life.

It’s not just the old man.

Even the 100-flower Princess, Leng Yan, and sister Rong who were concerned about the situation on the ground were shocked by the current situation of Du Yuesheng.

‘Tiger Soul! ‘

‘Dragon Dragon! ‘

‘Dang Nine Heavens…’

Du Yuesheng danced Tiger Soul and Dragon Slayer 2 Supreme Treasure with both hands, and two powerful to the extreme power emerged Heaven and Earth.

‘roar! ‘


In an instant, two Divine Beasts appeared from Tiger Soul and 2 Supreme Treasure God Soldier.

White Tiger opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowed it down, and Divine Dragon stretched out the dragon claw to tear the teaching void and grab it.

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘


‘Sacrifice, kill! ‘

The old man was also shocked by the one dragon one tiger flanking from left to right. Peak energy burst out all over his body and Space-Time appeared, and his fists covered endless energy.


The old man immediately struck the White Tiger and Divine Dragon with 2 punches before and after.

But when his fist just touched Divine Dragon and White Tiger, the two Divine Beast disappeared directly into the sky.

‘not good! ‘

The old man looked at the two Divine Beasts that had suddenly disappeared, and he knew immediately that he had been tricked.

‘Old 9, be careful! ‘

The old man quickly turned around and shouted at the fat-eared Martial Artist standing on the void.

‘boom! ‘

Afterwards, he hurried to there.

‘haha! ‘

‘Old Guy, you are too late! Du Yuesheng looked at the old man who had reacted with a smile on his mouth.

His original goal was the fat-eared Martial Artist standing beside the old man.

As long as this person is killed, the system should be able to be upgraded!

Well, then!

Daddy won’t punch all your shit…

‘die for me! ‘

Du Yuesheng looked at the Martial Artist who had been blocked by the endless emperor, he held the two God Soldiers tightly and the Two Blade Slash dropped down.

‘what! ‘

A scream resounded through the void, and the fat-eared Martial Artist was directly cut into 2 segments by 4 knives.

‘ding! ‘

Along with his death, the system sound like fairy music sounded as promised.

PS: Berserk guard group [118300585] QQ group welcomes genuine readers

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