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‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the player’Du Yuesheng’, beheaded’Divine Spring Rank 2’monster, and received Spirit Points 10,000,000. ‘

‘ding! ‘

‘Congratulations to the players for absorbing the Soul of Level 6’Soul Beast’ and providing system upgrades! ‘

‘system upgrade time is shortened by 8 days! ‘

It sounds like the system prompt of Xianle bursts!

Du Yuesheng was also immersed in the joy of the monster storm, when he heard the system shortened the upgrade time again.

His whole mind trembled at himself.

I accidentally killed and killed a Martial Artist with a’Level 6’soul beast.

Make big!

Du Yuesheng also knows a little bit about spirit beasts, which are divided into levels like Demon Beast.

The same is from Level 1 to 8 spirit beasts, above level 8 is Divine Level, super Divine Level spirit beasts.

General Martial Artists can have 3 Level 4 spirit beasts.

As for Martial Artists with Level 4 spirit beasts and above, they can basically dominate one party.

This is why Du Yuesheng was shocked that Martial Artist who was killed by him possessed the’Level 6 Soul Beast’.

‘what! ‘

‘Old 8! ‘

A roar sounded from the ground, and the big Elder hovering on the ground to recover his strength, he saw 8 Elder being beheaded by Du Yuesheng.

His whole body was trembling violently, and a tear appeared in his eyes, looking at the dead body.

‘Old 8! ‘Big Elder shouted. He grew up with the old 8 and went all the way to the continent.

It can be said that the love is boundless, the spring is very good…

‘kill! ‘

‘long sword sunset! ‘


The big Elder burst into endless anger, his 3-foot long sword danced prosperously, and the sword flowers fell on the ground.

‘courting death! ‘

‘Want to die, then daddy will send you down to reunite! ‘

Du Yuesheng lifts the head looked towards moved towards the big Elder rushed by himself.

He didn’t put the defeated like Elder in the heart at all.

‘Surgery! ‘

‘cut! ‘

Du Yuesheng coldly shouted, his feet straddling the ground several steps in succession, and the tip of the Dragon Slaying Sword was dragged to the ground.

Draw out one after another dazzling fire, shining a rays of light on the earth.

‘So handsome! ‘

‘Du big brother very handsome! ‘

From a distance, I have been paying attention to the 100-flower Princess on the battlefield. At this time, I looked at Du Yuesheng with his hand dragging the dragon sword.

In the eyes of 100 Flower Princess, Du Yuesheng now looks like an invincible Battle God.

Full of endless imperial prestige, suppressing the vast land in general.


‘Crushing knife…’

Du Yuesheng jumped into the ground in one step, bursting with Peak power all over his body and pouring into the Dragon Slaying Sword.

As the endless energy was poured into the Dragon Slayer Sword, a blade glow of 100 feet long appeared Heaven and Earth.

‘broken! ‘

‘hong long long ! ‘

Du Yuesheng did not hesitate at all, grasping fiercely, the treasured dragon-slaying sword fiercely, and slashed through shatter void, slashing through the endless horizon.

‘hateful! ‘

‘Blood Soul …’

‘Change! ‘

‘roar! ‘

Big Elder looked at the 100 feet blade glow that was chopped head-on, and he knew that he would definitely not be able to stop it.

Directly and quickly danced his hands, one after another energy enveloped his whole body, and an elephant Demon Beast instantly appeared on the ground.


‘roar! ‘

Demon Beast roared through Heaven and Earth Vault of Heaven, and an elephant wrapped in endless power trampled on the ground.

‘what? ‘

‘Level 7 Mammoth? She saw the Blood Soul beast appearing on the ground at the woman on the back of the 100 Flower Princess.

Her eyes were also shocked by the Big Elder’s release of’Blood Soul’.

She never thought that there would be a Martial Artist with a’Level 7 Blood Soul Beast’ in such a village.

The Martial Artist who owns the’Level 7 Blood Soul Beast’, such a person is a recruit even if it is an undefeated empire.

‘roar! ‘

‘Long nose sweeps the sky…’

The mammoth giant that appeared on the ground uttered a sky-shaking roar, and its proboscis quickly swept up the sky.

‘hong long long ! ‘


In the land swept by the proboscis, a piece of void was ruthlessly swept away, and the power of a nose pierced Heaven and Earth.

‘really strong ! ‘

‘This Blood Soul is not simple. ‘

Du Yuesheng who was beheaded in the sky, he looked at the Blood Soul Demon Beast that appeared on the ground, and felt the power erupting from the body of Demon Beast.

‘haha! ‘

‘This is exactly what the little BOSS looks like. ‘

Although Du Yuesheng was shocked by the power of the Blood Soul beast, his eyes were full of joy. He seemed to see the system upgrade time shortening again.

‘Slaying Dragon Heaven and Earth! ‘

‘Tu! ‘


Du Yuesheng held the Dragon Slaying Knife tightly with both hands, his eyes glowing with rays of light, looking towards the earth, looking towards a weakness of the mammoth.

‘kill! ‘

‘Tu Long…’

‘hong long long ! ‘

‘boom! ‘

A blade glow of blood red pierced Heaven and Earth, and the blade glow formed a half-moon shape and pierced the earth, piercing the Vault of Heaven void.

Under the blade glow, 10000 objects seem to be fragile and shattered at the touch of lightly.

‘what! ‘


A scream resounded through the earth, and the long nose of the mammoth was cut off by the blade glow forcibly and dropped to the earth.

‘Mammoth collision! ‘

The mammoth with its nose cut off screamed, and then the entire huge body moved towards the sky and slammed up.

‘Get off! ‘

‘Emperor 3 steps! ‘

‘tread! ‘


Du Yuesheng looked at the mammoth that was rushing forward, and the’Emperor 3 steps’ under his feet opened up.

One step is Heaven and Earth, one foot is one world, one step is power!

1st Step directly stepped the entire mammoth colossus into the sky, 2nd Step stepped on the head of the entire mammoth colossus.

‘boom! ‘

The earth shook, and the huge body of the mammoth fell to the earth, stopping the entire fighting.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the huge mammoth that fell down and the silhouette that appeared on the mammoth.

‘Tap! ‘

‘bang! ‘

In the last step, Du Yuesheng exploded endless energy, stepping directly on the mammoth giant statue with one foot, and crushing the whole soul beast with one foot.

‘Aren’t you going to kill me? ‘Du Yuesheng stepped on the head of the big Elder who transformed into a human body with one foot.

‘Get up! ‘

‘Don’t lie on the ground like a dead dog…’


‘haha! ‘

Du Yuesheng stepped one foot fiercely on the big Elder’s head, but the big Elder under his feet kept shaking, making a whine sound in his mouth.

‘Die! ‘Du Yuesheng wasn’t waiting for anything. The Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand struck the big Elder’s head.

‘stop! ‘

‘you dare…’

‘bang! ‘

Suddenly, a horror sound appeared from the distant Space-Time and Heaven and Earth appeared, and the sound was like Spirit God coming to the world.

Accompanying this voice came a horrible imposing manner that suppressed All Heavens.

In an instant, the countless Martial Artists standing on the ground were all pressed down by this terrifying imposing manner.

However, there were still one or two that resisted the terrifying power carried by the sound.

‘hmph! ‘

‘I am Heavenly Emperor, when it suppresses everything in the world! ‘

Du Yuesheng’s nose was coldly snorted, and his body burst out with a strong imperial might that surpassed All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

As for the moving towards the imposing manner he struck, it was ruthlessly destroyed, without a trace.

‘dead! ‘

Du Yuesheng did not lift the head to see the direction of the sound. Instead, he clenched the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, raised the knife and struck it down.

‘puci! ‘Sound, the big Elder’s head stepped on by Du Yuesheng’s foot rolled to the side.

A drop of blood continued to emerge from the severed neck, staining a large area of ​​red.

PS: 3rd more and 2 more, about at night.

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