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“Who the hell are you?” Wu Hang almost screamed in horror. After all, everything in Du Yuesheng made him feel unreasonable.

Without answering, Du Yuesheng shook 2 people away, whistled, and Shadow Tiger roared, blocking the exit directly.

Wu Hang and the others looked pale and distorted: “Scumbag, even if I can’t go out today. Don’t you want to go out alive.”

When the words fell, Wu Hang adjusted the person like crazy, his body rose into the air, and he punched quickly with one punch.

The fist wind is like a handful of invisible sharp blades, hitting a huge hole on the cliff wall.

No matter how crazy Wu Hang is, he can’t even touch the corner of Du Yuesheng’s clothes. His strongest physique is not nothing serious.

He wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth without a trace. He just resisted the attack of two people and caused damage.

He wants them to feel that his strength is at least Saint Realm’s 5th Layer or higher, so they dare not act blindly without thinking.

His physique can resist at most below the Heaven and Earth environment.

It seems that the strongest body still needs to be upgraded.

It’s just that he didn’t show it.

Lu Lin gave Du Yuesheng a fiercely look.

He had already said that this beast couldn’t stay, loudly shouted, his hands violently violently, his arms turned black like black iron all day long.

The body is flashed, and it is about to rush up.

“Tsk tsk, your opponent is me.” Xiao Mo appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, looking a little flat.

Lu Lin looked back in surprise, but found that some people behind him fell to the ground, act recklessly: “No…impossible, a 3rd-layer in the emperor realm, how can the strength be so strong.”

You know, only a few of his brother holy realms and emperor realms are emperor realms.

Xiao Mo smiled without saying a word, and took the initiative to attack Lu Lin.

If it is said that it was impossible before, but now, his Spirit Attack can make people within the Peak of the same Heaven and Earth feel dizzy.

Those below the Heaven and Earth level will be directly mentally impaired, syncope, and on the battlefield, it may be fatal for a second or two.

Because of Du Yuesheng’s lesson, Lu Lin faced Xiao Mo cautiously, these two people, who are you.

Du Yuesheng’s Void Treading was empty, and his body instantly shuttled in the lake. Wu Hang’s attacks fell on the water one after another, and the water column rose up into the sky, making a huge noise.

“Scumbag, just running away is nothing.” Wu Hang flustered and exasperated looking at his own attack even with Du Yuesheng’s clothes corner.

Seeing the killing intent in his eyes, he swears that he must smash Du Yuesheng’s corpse into 10000 sections, thwarting bones and ashes.

“Let’s talk until you hit me.” Du Yuesheng raised an eyebrow and looked at him defiantly.

Wu Hang shivered, his fists swelled several times, and the ground was blasted, the falling rocks rolled, and the lake water seemed to be boiling, with huge blisters, and a huge bottomless vortex came out.

Under Du Yuesheng’s feet, vortex produces huge suction, like an eye, slowly opening.

Wu Hang looked at him with a sneer, could die under my stunt, and it was lucky that you were blaming, blame it, you should not be arrogant. In his eyes, Du Yuesheng is now dying.

Feeling the huge suction power under her body, Du Yuesheng secretly thought it was not good, so she wanted to leave.

But the vortex under his feet is like consciousness. The harder he is, the stronger the suction will be, making him helpless.

Damn, how could the thing in the lake not wake up so much?

Du Yuesheng cursed secretly, too lazy to struggle, letting the lake take him off, then he took a look at it, how could it not wake up yet.

“Du Yuesheng!” Xiao Du cried as he watched Du Yuesheng sink.

How could he not think that Du Yuesheng was unexpectedly caught by Wu Hang…withdrawing from him trying to save him, but was entangled by Lu Lin, looking at him with some pride and not letting him leave.

“Fuck off.” Xiao Mo was full of anger, the attack was disorderly, without any hesitation, he directly launched the Spirit Attack Tigers, Lu Lin didn’t expect that he still had this move, he was not prepared for a while, just felt a buzz in his head , It will be blank.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Mo Ruthless made a fatal blow, and the wind blade swung out. Lu Lin opened countless small wounds on his body, and his body flew upside down. Looking at Xiao Mo, he thought of getting up, but was helpless.

Xiao Mo rushed towards the lake, just to see that the lake was calm, Wu Hang looked at him coldly, with a grimace, gnashing teeth said: “This is the price that angers me.”

Xiao Mo suddenly turned his head, looking at him angrily: “I’m fighting with you.”

Just about to take action, huge turbulence in the center of the lake, a column of water rose to the sky, and the water column dispersed.

A silhouette flew at extreme speed, and several people opened their eyes wide, looking at all this incredible, perhaps they will not see this spectacle in their lifetime.

Du Yuesheng only wore a pair of pants, running on the water, and behind him was a huge azure python with a pair of wings. The scales were like armor covering it, reflecting the rays of light of azure, and his eyes were as big as buckets, chilling. Ling Ran.

His body is several dozen meters long, about the thickness of a few 100-year-old trees, spitting out snake letters, traveling through the water, looking at Du Yuesheng coldly.

“Fuck, Xiao Mo, you’ll show it to Laozi, please help.” Looking at Xiao Mo’s dull looking at himself, Du Yuesheng yelled.

“How… how to do, how to help…”

Xiao Mo was already incoherent in astonishment. Oh my god, who can tell him what this is.

Du Yuesheng looked like a hate iron for not becoming steel, speeding up his feet, before Wu Hang could react.

He appeared behind him and kicked him out directly. At this time, Wu Hang had no power to fight back due to previous consumption.

Both shocked and angry looked at him: “Beast, you dare.”

“Before I ate that many bitterness, you also enjoy it.” Du Yuesheng replied.

Looking at the snake head several times bigger than himself, Wu Hang’s eyes flashed with fear.

Du Yuesheng slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

At this time, Xiao Mo discovered that Du Yuesheng face deathly pale had holes in his teeth that were densely packed, and the meat was white. I was afraid that he had been in the water for too long, and the blood was washed.

“Hu, I thought you were dead, are you all right.” Looking at him with some worry.

Du Yuesheng lightly coughed looked at him angrily: “You go to a Paragon realm Demonic beast, and you say there will be nothing wrong.”

“Oh, that’s true.” Xiao Mo calmly nodded, and then reacted and exclaimed.

“What did you say, you said!”

He said, with one hand pointing at the Demonic beast on the lake, his lips trembling and screaming.

Du Yuesheng frowned and rubbed his ears, looking at him disgustedly: “make a fuss about nothing.”

Hearing Du Yuesheng casually, Xiao Mo almost jumped up, like a cat with fried hair.

“Big brother, that’s Heaven and Earth level, the kind that can kill us with a slap.”

“hmph! ”

“This Emperor is waiting for this thing!”

Du Yuesheng looked at the Demonic beast, his eyes flashed. This was the strongest boss he encountered when he came to the ancient continent.

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