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“Garbage” Du Yuesheng stood aside and looked at a few people very boringly.

However, he did not intend to make a move.

The good show takes time.

Other members also seem to be troubled by these. With their power, Wu Hang rushed to several shadow tigers at a very fast speed. Those shadow tigers were very cunning and did not meet with his meet force with force, dispersing in 4 places and disturbing his judgment. .

Suddenly, Wu Hang calmed down, closed his eyes, and slowly felt the movement of all around. Demonic beast is Demonic beast after all. Even if he is skilled, he would not be as smart as a human being. Even an Avatar would move when he moved.

Feeling a strong wind passing by, the cold aura came, Wu Hang’s hands of rays of light were released, punched out, screamed, the shadow tiger fell directly to the ground, whimpered, and died, eyes slowly opened, that The head shadow tiger disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by a red ball.

Every Demonic beast will explode Monster Core after its death, and some High Rank Demonic beasts will explode rare weapons, cultivation techniques, although no one dares to provoke Paragon and later Demonic beasts, but for profit, There are waves after wave of people who are not afraid of death.

The people behind saw the actions of Wu Hang, followed suit, and hunted the Shadow Tiger easily.

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, and gained a new understanding of these people. He originally thought that these people were brave and intrepid, but now it seems that they are not as stupid as he thought.

Wu Hang took the Monster Core up, put it in the void pocket, and took a deep look at Du Yuesheng. He clearly saw the action of Du Yuesheng just hiding aside, and he was even more sure that Du Yuesheng was just the strength of the Emperor. The corner of his mouth was raised without a trace.

After casually hunting down some Demonic beasts in the Heaven and Earth realm, a few people went back and passed by the cave where the Shadow Tiger was killed earlier. A strange feeling rose in Du Yuesheng’s heart, and he grabbed Xiao Mo, and Wu Hang turned his head, puzzled. Watch him.

“Wu Hang big brother, let’s go back first. What Xiao Mo and I said are also here to participate in the competition. It is not good to go back empty-handed. Although the strength is not enough, it is still possible to hunt some low-level Demonic beasts.”

Du Yuesheng winked at Xiao Mo who was on the side, Xiao Mo immediately understood and said in agreement.

Wu Hang didn’t doubt that he had him, nodded, said carefully, and left.

After several people disappeared from sight, Xiao Mo cautiously asked Du Yuesheng what was going on.

“I don’t know, just passing by here, this cave always gives me a strange feeling, I want to go in and take a look.”

Du Yuesheng lowered his head and tried to get closer to the cave. The closer he got, the more obvious the strange feeling.

The wind whistled past, watching Du Yuesheng feel determined to go in, Xiao Mo gritted his teeth and had to die with the gentleman, feeling that his life was suffering in his heart. Since following Du Yuesheng, he has not encountered any good things.

2 People walked in quietly, the inside was dark, only the occasional sound of wind blowing, echoing in this cave, like someone snoring again, Xiao Mo snapped his fingers, and there was a little extra on his hand. The beating flame illuminates the entire cave.

The two people kept walking inside. Du Yuesheng was surprised to find that the cave was not as simple as seen from the outside, nor did he see his head for how long he walked.

Xiao Mo slowly closed his eyes, and followed the darkness, divine Power extended.

Shuttle in the endless darkness, and I don’t know how long it has passed. He has not sensed anything, and is about to take back the Divine Power. In the darkness, a pair of incomparable gigantic eyes like blood-red lanterns suddenly appear in the darkness. With a tiger roar, the powerful pressure made Xiao Mo’s face incredibly pale, and he quickly recovered his Divine Power.

Hu Xiao’s sound was louder than before, and the sound wave directly caught up with Xiao Mo’s Divine Power and hit him hard.

“Pu…” Xiao Mo suddenly eyes opened, a mouthful of blood spurted, his face pale.

Grab Du Yuesheng and stop him from moving on: “Don’t go, it’s dangerous.”

Du Yuesheng held Xiao Mo who was about to faint, a little worried: “Are you okay?”

Xiao Mo shook the head, shaking his hands and grasping Du Yuesheng tightly: “Don’t go, the things in there are not something you and I can deal with. I just thought the most holy realm Shadow Tiger, now it seems that things are probably afraid It is already the Holy Realm Peak, half of my foot has stepped into the Heaven and Earth realm.”

Heaven and Earth?

Du Yuesheng was stunned. Obviously he didn’t expect that there would be a Demonic beast lurking in the Heaven and Earth environment. He didn’t come out with such a big movement just now. There must be some reason.

Du Yuesheng lowered his head and pondered. Xiao Mo thought he was reluctant to leave, and was a little anxious: “Hey, I said Yue Sheng, if you don’t leave, it will be too late in a while. Throw your life here. It’s not worth it.”

“Isn’t our purpose this time the demonic beast in the upper realm?”

Du Yuesheng curl one’s lip, indifferent expression.

That’s because I think your strength is at least above Heaven and Earth.

Xiao Mo rolled the eyes, in the heart unable to bear spit.

“The shadow tiger didn’t come out with such a big movement before. He was impossible to see his children and grandchildren die. There must be some reason. You just said that it may have half-footed into the Heaven and Earth realm, I think…”

Du Yuesheng didn’t continue speaking, looking at Xiao Mo, let him decide whether to go or not.

“That guy may be promoted!” Hear Du Yuesheng say so.

Xiao Mo stared wide-eyed and seemed to understand, because he was so excited, his head hurt, and a mouthful of blood came out again.

Shook the head with a wry smile, and said helplessly: “Seeing this, your guy is not going to leave. Then go ahead. I’m impossible to leave you alone.”

Du Yuesheng looked at him appreciatively, and he would not hurt him again.

Not only did he recognize the brother who had been killed halfway, let alone, it was quite righteous.

Du Yuesheng supported Xiao Mo, and the two moved forward slowly.

Along the way, Du Yuesheng watched all around vigilantly, if the beast was really being promoted, then this time, they could miss it.

The closer you get to the inside, the stronger the strange feeling in your heart. The Executing Immortal Sword in your hand is holding Xiao Mo with one hand and leaning aside: “You may still be in danger when you go in. You will wait for me here for a while. “

Xiao Mo was stunned. It seemed that he didn’t expect Du Yuesheng to say that, frowned and his face became paler.

Although he is just going in now, he still doesn’t worry about him alone.

Du Yuesheng signaled him to rest assured, hesitated for a long time, but still nodded.

He really can’t do anything now, and he might even hurt him: “Then be careful, I may not be able to go as I am now. If there is anything, don’t resist, we will find a way in a few days.”

Du Yuesheng found a safe place for Xiao Mo, then left and walked deep into the cave alone.

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